将数组数据从excel VBA发送到WCF

时间:2023-01-15 13:27:35

My problem is, I want to send an array of strings from VBA to WCF.


c# code is :


void SetSomeObjects(string[] data);

Here is the VBA Part


Dim data(2) As String
data(0) = "abc"
data(1) = "def"

Dim service2 As Object
Set service2 = GetObject(ServiceBindingInformation)
service2.SetSomeObjects data

The last line throws VBA


"Type Mismatch Error"

I have no idea why is this happening. Please suggest a way to send array data from VBA to WCF Service If I used object as the argument type, it gives error as shown in the attached screenshot


1 个解决方案



I think the problem is within C# code.


Once I wanted to sort the array (VBA) based on Linq (C#). Array was passed to UDF in the way one pass an argument to the function/method:


Dim UDF_Array As UDFArrayLinqTest.ArrayLinq
Set UDF_Array = New UDFArrayLinqTest.ArrayLinq

TBL = Array(...)
Range(...) = UDF_Array.ArraySorted(TBL)

The simple UDF in C# was as follow:


public double[] ArraySorted(object tbl)
        object[] obj = (object[])tbl;
        var filtr = from i in obj
                    orderby Convert.ToDouble(i)
                    select Convert.ToDouble(i);

        double[] result = (double[])filtr.ToArray();
        return result;

I don't think it is the best idea but I stopped searching better one after I did that above which was good enough for me.




I think the problem is within C# code.


Once I wanted to sort the array (VBA) based on Linq (C#). Array was passed to UDF in the way one pass an argument to the function/method:


Dim UDF_Array As UDFArrayLinqTest.ArrayLinq
Set UDF_Array = New UDFArrayLinqTest.ArrayLinq

TBL = Array(...)
Range(...) = UDF_Array.ArraySorted(TBL)

The simple UDF in C# was as follow:


public double[] ArraySorted(object tbl)
        object[] obj = (object[])tbl;
        var filtr = from i in obj
                    orderby Convert.ToDouble(i)
                    select Convert.ToDouble(i);

        double[] result = (double[])filtr.ToArray();
        return result;

I don't think it is the best idea but I stopped searching better one after I did that above which was good enough for me.
