Excel XML 2003-2004格式到底是什么?

时间:2023-02-10 22:50:24

The open-source xls.js library is built for the BIFF-based XLS format, and the XML-based Excel 2003-2004 format. Note that this is not the Open XML formats seen in Excel 2007-2013. So what exactly are these? Does it mean that all/some .xls Excel 2003 files are XML-based? Or does this apply to some other type of Excel document? (templates, macros, scripts)

开源xls。js库是为基于biff的XLS格式构建的,以及基于xml的Excel 2003-2004格式。注意,这不是Excel 2007-2013中的开放XML格式。那么这些到底是什么呢?这是否意味着所有/一些.xls Excel 2003文件都是基于xml的?或者这是否适用于其他类型的Excel文档?(模板、宏脚本)

The wikipedia entry further states that there is loss of fidelity when using such XML formats for spreadsheet storage, which was corrected in the 2007 formats, so is there a prompt asking the user to confirm if he would like to use XML or binary? Or are all documents created in Excel 2003 automatically XML? And for such XML documents is the extension .xml?

*的条目进一步指出,在使用这种XML格式存储电子表格时,会失去保真度,而这种格式在2007年的格式中得到了修正,所以是否会有提示要求用户确认他想使用XML还是二进制?还是所有在excel2003中创建的文档都是自动XML?对于这种XML文档,是扩展。XML ?

1 个解决方案



Office 2003 was the first version supporting some kind of rudimentary XML format, now superseded with the new Office 2007+ format.

Office 2003是第一个支持某种基本XML格式的版本,现在已经取代了新的Office 2007+格式。

Excel 2003 would open/save spreadsheets in XML format. Those files are still using the XLS extension.

Excel 2003将以XML格式打开/保存电子表格。这些文件仍然使用XLS扩展名。

Refer to this blog for some more details




Office 2003 was the first version supporting some kind of rudimentary XML format, now superseded with the new Office 2007+ format.

Office 2003是第一个支持某种基本XML格式的版本,现在已经取代了新的Office 2007+格式。

Excel 2003 would open/save spreadsheets in XML format. Those files are still using the XLS extension.

Excel 2003将以XML格式打开/保存电子表格。这些文件仍然使用XLS扩展名。

Refer to this blog for some more details
