I have a program that spits out an Excel workbook in Excel 2003 XML format. It works fine with one problem, I cannot get the column widths to set automatically.
我有一个用Excel 2003 XML格式编制Excel工作簿的程序。它对一个问题很好,我不能让列宽度自动设置。
A snippet of what I produce:
<Table >
<Column ss:AutoFitWidth="1" ss:Width="2"/>
<Row ss:AutoFitHeight="0" ss:Height="14.55">
<Cell ss:StyleID="s62"><Data ss:Type="String">Database</Data></Cell>
This does not set the column to autofit. I have tried not setting width, I have tried many things and I am stuck.
4 个解决方案
Only date and number values are autofitted :-( quote: "... We do not autofit textual values"
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa140066.aspx odc_xmlss_ss:列
Take your string length before passing to XML and construct the ss:Width="length".
Autofit does not work on cells with strings. Try to replace the Column-line in your example by the following code:
<xsl:for-each select="/*/*[1]/*">
<xsl:variable name="columnNum" select="position()"/>
<xsl:for-each select="/*/*/*[position()=$columnNum]">
<xsl:sort select="concat(string-length(string-length(.)),string-length(.))" order="descending"/>
<xsl:if test="position()=1">
<xsl:if test="string-length(.) < 201">
<xsl:attribute name="ss:Width">
<xsl:value-of select="5.25 * (string-length(.)+2)"/>
<xsl:if test="string-length(.) > 200">
<xsl:attribute name="ss:Width">
<xsl:value-of select="1000"/>
<xsl:if test = "local-name() = 'Sorteer'">
<xsl:attribute name="ss:Width">
<xsl:value-of select="0"/>
Explanation: It sorts on string-length (longest string first), take first line of sorted strings, take length of that string * 5.25 and you will have a reasonable autofit.
说明:它对字符串长度(最长的字符串)进行排序,取第一行已排序的字符串,取该字符串的长度* 5.25,您将得到一个合理的自动拟合。
Sorting line:
<xsl:sort select="concat(string-length(string-length(.)),string-length(.))" order="descending"/>
explanation: if you just sort on length, like
<xsl:sort select="string-length(.)" order="descending"/>
because the lengths are handled as strings, 2 comes after 10, which you don't want. So you should left-pad the lengths in order to get it sorted right (because 002 comes before 010). However, as I couldn't find that padding function, I solved it by concattenating the length of the length with the length. A string with length of 100 will be translated to 3100 (first digit is length of length), you will see that the solution will always get string-sorted right. for example: 2 will be "12" and 10 will be "210", so this wil be string-sorted correctly. Only when the length of the length > 9 will cause problems, but strings of length 100000000 cannot be handled by Excel.
因为长度被当做字符串处理,2在10之后,这是你不想要的。所以你应该用鼠标左键填上长度,这样才能把它们排对(因为002在010之前)。然而,由于我找不到那个填充函数,我通过使长度与长度的关系来解决它。长度为100的字符串将被转换为3100(第一个数字是长度的长度),您将看到解决方案总是得到正确的字符串排序。例如:2将是“12”,而10是“210”,所以这条线是正确的。只有长度为> 9时才会出现问题,但长度为100000000的字符串不能用Excel来处理。
Explantion of
<xsl:if test="string-length(.) < 201">
<xsl:attribute name="ss:Width">
<xsl:value-of select="5.25 * (string-length(.)+2)"/>
<xsl:if test="string-length(.) > 200">
<xsl:attribute name="ss:Width">
<xsl:value-of select="1000"/>
I wanted to maximize length of string to about 200, but I could not get the Min function to work, like
<xsl:value-of select="5.25 * Min((string-length(.)+2),200)"/>
So I had to do it the dirty way.
I hope you can autofit now!
I know this post is old, but I'm updating it with a solution I coded if anyone still use openXml. It works fine with big files and small files.
The algorithm is in vb, it takes an arraylist of arraylist of string (can be changed according to needs) to materialise a excel array.
I used a Windows form to find width of rendered text, and links to select only the biggest cells (for big files efficiency)
Dim colsTmp as ArrayList '(of Arraylist(of String))
Dim cols as Arraylist '(of Integer) Max size of cols
'Whe populate the Arraylist
Dim width As Integer
'For each column
For i As Integer = 0 To colsTmp.Count - 1
'Whe sort cells by the length of their String
colsTmp(i) = (From f In CType(colsTmp(i), String()) Order By f.Length).ToArray
Dim deb As Integer = 0
'If they are more than a 100 cells whe only take the biggest 10%
If colsTmp(i).length > 100 Then
deb = colsTmp(i).length * 0.9
End If
'For each cell taken
For j As Integer = deb To colsTmp(i).length - 1
'Whe messure the lenght with the good font and size
width = Windows.Forms.TextRenderer.MeasureText(colsTmp(i)(j), font).Width
'Whe convert it to "excel lenght"
width = (width / 1.42) + 10
'Whe update the max Width
If width > cols(i) Then cols(i) = width
Only date and number values are autofitted :-( quote: "... We do not autofit textual values"
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa140066.aspx odc_xmlss_ss:列
Take your string length before passing to XML and construct the ss:Width="length".
Autofit does not work on cells with strings. Try to replace the Column-line in your example by the following code:
<xsl:for-each select="/*/*[1]/*">
<xsl:variable name="columnNum" select="position()"/>
<xsl:for-each select="/*/*/*[position()=$columnNum]">
<xsl:sort select="concat(string-length(string-length(.)),string-length(.))" order="descending"/>
<xsl:if test="position()=1">
<xsl:if test="string-length(.) < 201">
<xsl:attribute name="ss:Width">
<xsl:value-of select="5.25 * (string-length(.)+2)"/>
<xsl:if test="string-length(.) > 200">
<xsl:attribute name="ss:Width">
<xsl:value-of select="1000"/>
<xsl:if test = "local-name() = 'Sorteer'">
<xsl:attribute name="ss:Width">
<xsl:value-of select="0"/>
Explanation: It sorts on string-length (longest string first), take first line of sorted strings, take length of that string * 5.25 and you will have a reasonable autofit.
说明:它对字符串长度(最长的字符串)进行排序,取第一行已排序的字符串,取该字符串的长度* 5.25,您将得到一个合理的自动拟合。
Sorting line:
<xsl:sort select="concat(string-length(string-length(.)),string-length(.))" order="descending"/>
explanation: if you just sort on length, like
<xsl:sort select="string-length(.)" order="descending"/>
because the lengths are handled as strings, 2 comes after 10, which you don't want. So you should left-pad the lengths in order to get it sorted right (because 002 comes before 010). However, as I couldn't find that padding function, I solved it by concattenating the length of the length with the length. A string with length of 100 will be translated to 3100 (first digit is length of length), you will see that the solution will always get string-sorted right. for example: 2 will be "12" and 10 will be "210", so this wil be string-sorted correctly. Only when the length of the length > 9 will cause problems, but strings of length 100000000 cannot be handled by Excel.
因为长度被当做字符串处理,2在10之后,这是你不想要的。所以你应该用鼠标左键填上长度,这样才能把它们排对(因为002在010之前)。然而,由于我找不到那个填充函数,我通过使长度与长度的关系来解决它。长度为100的字符串将被转换为3100(第一个数字是长度的长度),您将看到解决方案总是得到正确的字符串排序。例如:2将是“12”,而10是“210”,所以这条线是正确的。只有长度为> 9时才会出现问题,但长度为100000000的字符串不能用Excel来处理。
Explantion of
<xsl:if test="string-length(.) < 201">
<xsl:attribute name="ss:Width">
<xsl:value-of select="5.25 * (string-length(.)+2)"/>
<xsl:if test="string-length(.) > 200">
<xsl:attribute name="ss:Width">
<xsl:value-of select="1000"/>
I wanted to maximize length of string to about 200, but I could not get the Min function to work, like
<xsl:value-of select="5.25 * Min((string-length(.)+2),200)"/>
So I had to do it the dirty way.
I hope you can autofit now!
I know this post is old, but I'm updating it with a solution I coded if anyone still use openXml. It works fine with big files and small files.
The algorithm is in vb, it takes an arraylist of arraylist of string (can be changed according to needs) to materialise a excel array.
I used a Windows form to find width of rendered text, and links to select only the biggest cells (for big files efficiency)
Dim colsTmp as ArrayList '(of Arraylist(of String))
Dim cols as Arraylist '(of Integer) Max size of cols
'Whe populate the Arraylist
Dim width As Integer
'For each column
For i As Integer = 0 To colsTmp.Count - 1
'Whe sort cells by the length of their String
colsTmp(i) = (From f In CType(colsTmp(i), String()) Order By f.Length).ToArray
Dim deb As Integer = 0
'If they are more than a 100 cells whe only take the biggest 10%
If colsTmp(i).length > 100 Then
deb = colsTmp(i).length * 0.9
End If
'For each cell taken
For j As Integer = deb To colsTmp(i).length - 1
'Whe messure the lenght with the good font and size
width = Windows.Forms.TextRenderer.MeasureText(colsTmp(i)(j), font).Width
'Whe convert it to "excel lenght"
width = (width / 1.42) + 10
'Whe update the max Width
If width > cols(i) Then cols(i) = width