static int really_install_package(const char *path, bool* wipe_cache, bool needs_mount) { bNeedClearMisc = false; ui->SetBackground(RecoveryUI::INSTALLING_UPDATE); //lefty_lan注:更新屏幕的提示为正在更新 ui->Print("Finding update package...\n"); // Give verification half the progress bar... ui->SetProgressType(RecoveryUI::DETERMINATE); ui->ShowProgress(VERIFICATION_PROGRESS_FRACTION, VERIFICATION_PROGRESS_TIME); LOGI("Update location: %s\n", path); // Map the update package into memory. ui->Print("Opening update package...\n"); char really_path[100]; if (path && needs_mount) {//lefty_lan注:确保更新包所在的路径已经mount if (path[0] == '@') { ensure_path_mounted(path+1); } else { ensure_path_mounted(path); } } if(strncmp(path, "/mnt/external_sd", 16) == 0){ ensure_sd_mounted(); }else if(strncmp(path, "/mnt/usb_storage", 16) == 0){ ensure_usb_mounted(); } MemMapping map; if(strncmp(path, "/mnt/media_rw", 13) == 0){ //external_sd LOGI("try to read from /mnt/external_sd"); strcpy(really_path, "/mnt/external_sd/"); ensure_sd_mounted(); strcat(really_path, ""); if(sysMapFile(really_path, &map) != 0){ //usb_storage LOGI("try to read from /mnt/usb_storage"); strcpy(really_path, "/mnt/usb_storage/"); ensure_usb_mounted(); strcat(really_path, ""); if(sysMapFile(really_path, &map) != 0){ LOGE("failed to map file\n"); return INSTALL_CORRUPT; } } }else if (sysMapFile(path, &map) != 0) { LOGE("failed to map file\n"); return INSTALL_CORRUPT; }else{ strcpy(really_path, path); } LOGI(" path is %s\n", really_path); int numKeys; Certificate* loadedKeys = load_keys(PUBLIC_KEYS_FILE, &numKeys);//lefty_lan注:从/res/keys文件中装载设备的签名文件 if (loadedKeys == NULL) { LOGE("Failed to load keys\n"); return INSTALL_CORRUPT; } LOGI("%d key(s) loaded from %s\n", numKeys, PUBLIC_KEYS_FILE); ui->Print("Verifying update package...\n"); int err; err = verify_file(map.addr, map.length, loadedKeys, numKeys);//lefty_lan注:校验更新包的签名 free(loadedKeys); LOGI("verify_file returned %d\n", err); if (err != VERIFY_SUCCESS) {//lefty_lan注:校验失败,退出 LOGE("signature verification failed\n"); sysReleaseMap(&map); return INSTALL_CORRUPT; } /* Try to open the package. */ ZipArchive zip; err = mzOpenZipArchive(map.addr, map.length, &zip); if (err != 0) { LOGE("Can't open %s\n(%s)\n", really_path, err != -1 ? strerror(err) : "bad"); sysReleaseMap(&map); return INSTALL_CORRUPT; } /* Verify and install the contents of the package. */ ui->Print("Installing update...\n"); ui->SetEnableReboot(false); int result = try_update_binary(really_path, &zip, wipe_cache);//lefty_lan注:开始安装 ui->SetEnableReboot(true); ui->Print("\n"); sysReleaseMap(&map); return result; }