XML / XSD intellisense在Visual Studio 2010中不起作用

时间:2022-09-06 22:52:01

I am working on xml and xsd files in VS 2010 but intellisense isn't working. Intellisense is working for the same files in VS 2008, however.

我正在研究VS 2010中的xml和xsd文件,但intellisense无法正常工作。但是,Intellisense正在为VS 2008中的相同文件工作。

When I type '<xs:' options like "attribute", "complexType", "simpleType", or "element" do not appear.

当我输入“ :”选项时,例如“attribute”,“complextype”,“simpletype”或“element”不会出现。

Is there some difference between the VS 2008 and VS 2010 that I'm missing?

我错过的VS 2008和VS 2010之间有什么区别吗?

I add an xsd file to my solution. All the proper namespaces are generated automatically as such:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema id="XMLSchema2"


The "xsdschema.xsd" is in the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\xml\Schemas" directory.

“xsdschema.xsd”位于“C:\ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 \ xml \ Schemas”目录中。

There is a check mark in the "Use" column in the XML Schemas dialog box.

XML Schemas对话框的“Use”列中有一个复选标记。

2 个解决方案



I discovered what happened. Visual Studio 2010 imported the schemas from Visual Studio 2008. This caused duplication warnings like the one below:

我发现了发生的事。 Visual Studio 2010从Visual Studio 2008导入了模式。这会导致重复警告,如下所示:

Warning The global attribute 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace:lang' has already been declared. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\xml\Schemas\xml.xsd   

In the XML Schemas dialog, I removed the old ones from the schema cache. You'll have to restart Visual Studio.

在XML Schemas对话框中,我从架构缓存中删除了旧的。您必须重新启动Visual Studio。



The intellisense and schema validation will disappear if there are warnings not been resolved; like having duplicate complex types defines in different files withing the same schema namespace.




I discovered what happened. Visual Studio 2010 imported the schemas from Visual Studio 2008. This caused duplication warnings like the one below:

我发现了发生的事。 Visual Studio 2010从Visual Studio 2008导入了模式。这会导致重复警告,如下所示:

Warning The global attribute 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace:lang' has already been declared. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\xml\Schemas\xml.xsd   

In the XML Schemas dialog, I removed the old ones from the schema cache. You'll have to restart Visual Studio.

在XML Schemas对话框中,我从架构缓存中删除了旧的。您必须重新启动Visual Studio。



The intellisense and schema validation will disappear if there are warnings not been resolved; like having duplicate complex types defines in different files withing the same schema namespace.
