关于eclipse运行出现,attempting to bokeyaunrun eclipse useing the jre instead of jdk,to run eclipse using错误的解决方案“
Incorrect path to your JDK
When you install the Java JDK from Oracle (1.6 or 1.7), by default, it installs both the JDK and the JRE. If it installs the JRE, Eclipse will point to javaw.exe in C:\Windows\System32, which is where Oracle installs it by default. Some Android apps will build with this setup, but New Relic Mobile requires libraries that are only in the JDK.
Here is the best way to fix this:
- Create a shortcut to your eclipse.exe.
- Right-click on the shortcut and select Properties.
- In the Target area, add
-vm "Path\to\jdk\bin"
to the end of eclipse.exe (with a space after eclipse.exe), where Path is where your JDK is installed. For example, if you have JDK 1.6.0_45 installed in the default directory, add-vm "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\bin"
. - Select OK, and launch Eclipse.

ADT 22 errors
After upgrading to ADT 22, you may see "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" when attempting to run your project. This is because sometimes, when upgrading to ADT 22, the new Android Private Libraries is not checked in the Order and Export of your Java Build Path.
To fix this:
- In Eclipse, select your project.
- Select File > Properties.
- Select Java Build Path > Order and Export.
- Check the box for Android Private Libraries, and select OK.
- Clean your project by selecting Project > Clean.

For more help
Additional documentation resources include:
- Installing Android apps with Eclipse (standard installation, configuration, and upgrade procedures to install your Android app with Eclipse)
- Customizing your mobile app settings (Settings tab options to view your mobile app's application token, rename it, or install New Relic Mobile updates)
If you need additional help, get support at support.newrelic.com.
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