
时间:2023-01-14 18:52:35

I am using ui-grid v3.1.1 and have enabled rowSelection. I notice that when I enable row selection, I can no longer select (click-hold-drag) text from the rows.

我正在使用ui-grid v3.1.1并启用了rowSelection。我注意到当我启用行选择时,我无法再从行中选择(单击 - 按住 - 拖动)文本。

I noticed the same behaviour in the example in their tutorials (second grid on the page).


It would be great to know if there is some work around by which I can still allow the user to select text, while the rowSelection is enabled.


Here is a plunkr link to the example from the tutorial.


$scope.gridOptions = { 
     enableRowSelection: true, 
     enableRowHeaderSelection: false 

2 个解决方案



A previous SO answer by @Aman Mahajan offers a fix:

@Aman Mahajan之前的回答提供了一个修复:

A ui-grid-disable-selection class is added to the grid when both enableRowSelection and enableFullRowSelectionare enabled (can check ui-grid v3.1.1 source in selection.js ~line 903). So you can override the CSS class by adding a specific class to your grid, for example ui-grid-selectable.

当enableRowSelection和enableFullRowSelection都被启用时,ui-grid-disable-selection类被添加到网格中(可以在selection.js~line 903中检查ui-grid v3.1.1源)。因此,您可以通过向网格添加特定类来覆盖CSS类,例如ui-grid-selectable。

<div ui-grid="gridOptions" ui-grid-selection class="grid ui-grid-selectable"></div>

And in your CSS:


.ui-grid-selectable .ui-grid-disable-selection {
     -webkit-touch-callout: default;
     -webkit-user-select: text;
     -khtml-user-select: text;
     -moz-user-select: text;
     -ms-user-select: text;
     user-select: text;

Here's the forked plunker with the added CSS class to override the default behavior.




I definitely like BennettAdams answer better, but just in case anyone needs another way to do it, you can add ui-grid-edit to your html grid tag like so:


<div ui-grid="gridOptions" ui-grid-selection ui-grid-edit></div>

Note: this also requires defining ui.grid.edit in your app definition like so:


var app = angular.module('myGridApp', ['ui.grid', 'ui.grid.edit'])


  • Requires you to double-click the cell to get to the text
  • 要求您双击单元格以获取文本

  • Allows users to edit the cell value (although the changes will not be saved if it's not set up)
  • 允许用户编辑单元格值(尽管如果未设置更改,则不会保存更改)


  • Double-clicking cell automatically highlights all the text
  • 双击单元格会自动突出显示所有文本

  • More readable code (although it may not be obvious why the cell is editable if no changes are persisted).
  • 更易读的代码(尽管如果没有持久的更改,单元格可编辑的原因可能并不明显)。



A previous SO answer by @Aman Mahajan offers a fix:

@Aman Mahajan之前的回答提供了一个修复:

A ui-grid-disable-selection class is added to the grid when both enableRowSelection and enableFullRowSelectionare enabled (can check ui-grid v3.1.1 source in selection.js ~line 903). So you can override the CSS class by adding a specific class to your grid, for example ui-grid-selectable.

当enableRowSelection和enableFullRowSelection都被启用时,ui-grid-disable-selection类被添加到网格中(可以在selection.js~line 903中检查ui-grid v3.1.1源)。因此,您可以通过向网格添加特定类来覆盖CSS类,例如ui-grid-selectable。

<div ui-grid="gridOptions" ui-grid-selection class="grid ui-grid-selectable"></div>

And in your CSS:


.ui-grid-selectable .ui-grid-disable-selection {
     -webkit-touch-callout: default;
     -webkit-user-select: text;
     -khtml-user-select: text;
     -moz-user-select: text;
     -ms-user-select: text;
     user-select: text;

Here's the forked plunker with the added CSS class to override the default behavior.




I definitely like BennettAdams answer better, but just in case anyone needs another way to do it, you can add ui-grid-edit to your html grid tag like so:


<div ui-grid="gridOptions" ui-grid-selection ui-grid-edit></div>

Note: this also requires defining ui.grid.edit in your app definition like so:


var app = angular.module('myGridApp', ['ui.grid', 'ui.grid.edit'])


  • Requires you to double-click the cell to get to the text
  • 要求您双击单元格以获取文本

  • Allows users to edit the cell value (although the changes will not be saved if it's not set up)
  • 允许用户编辑单元格值(尽管如果未设置更改,则不会保存更改)


  • Double-clicking cell automatically highlights all the text
  • 双击单元格会自动突出显示所有文本

  • More readable code (although it may not be obvious why the cell is editable if no changes are persisted).
  • 更易读的代码(尽管如果没有持久的更改,单元格可编辑的原因可能并不明显)。