7. 反转整数(Reverse Integer) C++

时间:2023-01-14 13:37:35


  • 内置变量 INT_MAX   INT_MIN
  • 运算结果是否溢出的判断
    • 判断pop>7即pop>INT_MAX%10
    • 判断pop<-8即pop<INT_MIN%10
  • class Solution {
    int reverse(int x) {
    int pop,ans=;
    pop = x%;
    x /= ;
    if(ans > INT_MAX/ || (ans == INT_MAX/ && pop >))
    return ;
    if(ans < INT_MIN/ || (ans == INT_MIN/ && pop <-))
    return ;
    //cout << "pop: " << pop << " ans: " << ans << '\n';
    ans = ans* + pop;
    return ans;

    7. 反转整数(Reverse Integer) C++

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