删除“文件夹”中的所有文件或使用Java中的Google Cloud Bucket中的前缀

时间:2023-01-14 11:13:22

I know the idea of 'folders' is sort of non existent or different in Google Cloud Storage, but I need a way to delete all objects in a 'folder' or with a given prefix from Java.


The GcsService has a delete function, but as far as I can tell it only takes 1 GscFilename object and does not honor wildcards (i.e., "folderName/**" did not work).

GcsService有一个删除函数,但据我所知它只需要1个GscFilename对象并且不支持通配符(即“folderName / **”不起作用)。

Any tips?


2 个解决方案



The API only supports deleting a single object at a time. You can only request many deletions using many HTTP requests or by batching many delete requests. There is no API call to delete multiple objects using wildcards or the like. In order to delete all of the objects with a certain prefix, you'd need to list the objects, then make a delete call for each object that matches the pattern.


The command-line utility, gsutil, does exactly that when you ask it to delete the path "gs://bucket/dir/**. It fetches a list of objects matching that pattern, then it makes a delete call for each of them.

当你要求删除路径“gs:// bucket / dir / **时,命令行实用程序gsutil就是这样做的。它获取与该模式匹配的对象列表,然后对每个模块进行删除调用。他们。

If you need a quick solution, you could always have your Java program exec gsutil.

如果您需要快速解决方案,您可以始终拥有Java程序exec gsutil。

Here is the code that corresponds to the above answer in case anyone else wants to use it:


public void deleteFolder(String bucket, String folderName) throws CoultNotDeleteFile {
    ListResult list = gcsService.list(bucket, new ListOptions.Builder().setPrefix(folderName).setRecursive(true).build());

      ListItem item = list.next();
      gcsService.delete(new GcsFilename(file.getBucket(), item.getName()));
  catch (IOException e)
    //Error handling

Note that object listing is eventually consistent, which means that this approach is not guaranteed to catch all objects if they were created recently.




I realise this is an old question, but I just stumbled upon the same issue and found a different way to resolve it.


The Storage class in the Google Cloud Java Client for Storage includes a method to list the blobs in a bucket, which can also accept an option to set a prefix to filter results to blobs whose names begin with the prefix.


For example, deleting all the files with a given prefix from a bucket can be achieved like this:


Storage storage = StorageOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();
Iterable<Blob> blobs = storage.list("bucket_name", Storage.BlobListOption.prefix("prefix")).iterateAll();
for (Blob blob : blobs) {



The API only supports deleting a single object at a time. You can only request many deletions using many HTTP requests or by batching many delete requests. There is no API call to delete multiple objects using wildcards or the like. In order to delete all of the objects with a certain prefix, you'd need to list the objects, then make a delete call for each object that matches the pattern.


The command-line utility, gsutil, does exactly that when you ask it to delete the path "gs://bucket/dir/**. It fetches a list of objects matching that pattern, then it makes a delete call for each of them.

当你要求删除路径“gs:// bucket / dir / **时,命令行实用程序gsutil就是这样做的。它获取与该模式匹配的对象列表,然后对每个模块进行删除调用。他们。

If you need a quick solution, you could always have your Java program exec gsutil.

如果您需要快速解决方案,您可以始终拥有Java程序exec gsutil。

Here is the code that corresponds to the above answer in case anyone else wants to use it:


public void deleteFolder(String bucket, String folderName) throws CoultNotDeleteFile {
    ListResult list = gcsService.list(bucket, new ListOptions.Builder().setPrefix(folderName).setRecursive(true).build());

      ListItem item = list.next();
      gcsService.delete(new GcsFilename(file.getBucket(), item.getName()));
  catch (IOException e)
    //Error handling

Note that object listing is eventually consistent, which means that this approach is not guaranteed to catch all objects if they were created recently.




I realise this is an old question, but I just stumbled upon the same issue and found a different way to resolve it.


The Storage class in the Google Cloud Java Client for Storage includes a method to list the blobs in a bucket, which can also accept an option to set a prefix to filter results to blobs whose names begin with the prefix.


For example, deleting all the files with a given prefix from a bucket can be achieved like this:


Storage storage = StorageOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();
Iterable<Blob> blobs = storage.list("bucket_name", Storage.BlobListOption.prefix("prefix")).iterateAll();
for (Blob blob : blobs) {