
时间:2023-01-14 10:50:50

I have a custom control which is part of a list. The text that it should display is set by assigning a value to its Text property. At runtime, this text is loaded from a database. I want to prepend this text with the string "Toelichting: " (Dutch for "Explanation"). I can accomplish this by setting the FormatString property of the control to the following:


"Toelichting: {0}"

Now, if the text that is loaded is an empty string, I want to display "Toelichting: –", so with an en-dash at the end. Otherwise, I want to display "Toelichting: MyText". Is it possible to add some condition-checking code to the FormatString, such that I can check if the parameter is not empty?

现在,如果加载的文本是一个空字符串,我想显示“Toelichting: - ”,所以最后加上一个短划线。否则,我想显示“Toelichting:MyText”。是否可以向FormatString添加一些条件检查代码,以便我可以检查参数是否为空?

4 个解决方案


No, there's no way to do that.



Why not just this?


string.Format("Toelichting: {0}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(explanation) ? "–" : explanation);

I don't think there's a way to embed this within the format string.



You can do it like this:


String.Format("Toelichting: {0}", 
    (String.IsNullOrEmpty(yourstr)) ? "-" : yourstr);

Not perfect but its relatively compact and readable.



If you're doing this sort of thing a lot then consider writing your own formatter so that you could write code like this...


foo = string.Format(new MyFormatter(), "Toelichting: {0:explanation}", bar);

foo = string.Format(new MyFormatter(),“Toelichting:{0:explanation}”,bar);

MyFormatter would implement IFormatProvider and ICustomFormatter.


Check out this...


.NET: Is there a String.Format form for inserting the value of an object property into a string?


... which is probably more complicated than you need (as it deals with reflection and works with any object)



No, there's no way to do that.



Why not just this?


string.Format("Toelichting: {0}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(explanation) ? "–" : explanation);

I don't think there's a way to embed this within the format string.



You can do it like this:


String.Format("Toelichting: {0}", 
    (String.IsNullOrEmpty(yourstr)) ? "-" : yourstr);

Not perfect but its relatively compact and readable.



If you're doing this sort of thing a lot then consider writing your own formatter so that you could write code like this...


foo = string.Format(new MyFormatter(), "Toelichting: {0:explanation}", bar);

foo = string.Format(new MyFormatter(),“Toelichting:{0:explanation}”,bar);

MyFormatter would implement IFormatProvider and ICustomFormatter.


Check out this...


.NET: Is there a String.Format form for inserting the value of an object property into a string?


... which is probably more complicated than you need (as it deals with reflection and works with any object)
