I just tried to update from cocoapods 0.39.x to Cocoapods 1.0. Running
我只是想从可可粉中更新0.39。x Cocoapods 1.0。运行
pod install
from the terminal causes no warnings. Everything seems normal. However, when I try to build my project it outputs:
AFNetworking/AFNetworking.h file not found
AFNetworking / AFNetworking。h文件未找到
My pod file looks like this (there are a few more dependencies but I only listed a part of it):
platform :ios, '8.0'
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.6'
pod 'BEMCheckBox'
pod 'ActionSheetPicker-3.0', '~> 2.0.5'
pod 'SCLAlertView'
pod 'DZNEmptyDataSet'
pod 'SSZipArchive'
target 'MyAppTests' do
Since some projects are written in Objective-C, i created a bridging header:
#import <AFNetworking/AFNetworking.h>
#import <ActionSheetPicker_3_0/ActionSheetPicker.h>
#import <SSZipArchive/SSZipArchive.h>
#import <DZNEmptyDataSet/UIScrollView+EmptyDataSet.h>
I explicitly included $(inherited)
in the Header Search Paths
, the User Header Search paths
, and the Framework Search paths
but the error does not go away. Does someone have an idea on how to fix this?
2 个解决方案
The error message is quite misleading. At first I thought I have some problems with my header search paths, so I basically tried everything I found on *.
If you use use_frameworks!
in your Podfile, you don't have to include every Objective-C pod in your bridging header. You only have to do this, if the pod is distributed as a static library, not as a framework.
如果你使用use_frameworks !在您的播客文件中,您不必在桥接头中包含每个Objective-C pod。您只需要这样做,如果pod作为静态库而不是作为框架分发的话。
I did the following
- Press
to clean your build folder - 按Cmd +选项+ shift + k来清理你的构建文件夹
- Run
pod install
- 运行舱安装
- Delete the lines in your bridging header where it tells you that the header files are not found and use a simple import statement whenever you want to use that module in one specific Swift file, e.g.
import AFNetworking
- 删除桥接头中的行,它告诉您没有找到头文件,并在您想在一个特定的Swift文件中使用该模块时使用一个简单的导入语句,例如,导入AFNetworking
I tried remove ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/* and rebuild the project, and it worked for me.
The error message is quite misleading. At first I thought I have some problems with my header search paths, so I basically tried everything I found on *.
If you use use_frameworks!
in your Podfile, you don't have to include every Objective-C pod in your bridging header. You only have to do this, if the pod is distributed as a static library, not as a framework.
如果你使用use_frameworks !在您的播客文件中,您不必在桥接头中包含每个Objective-C pod。您只需要这样做,如果pod作为静态库而不是作为框架分发的话。
I did the following
- Press
to clean your build folder - 按Cmd +选项+ shift + k来清理你的构建文件夹
- Run
pod install
- 运行舱安装
- Delete the lines in your bridging header where it tells you that the header files are not found and use a simple import statement whenever you want to use that module in one specific Swift file, e.g.
import AFNetworking
- 删除桥接头中的行,它告诉您没有找到头文件,并在您想在一个特定的Swift文件中使用该模块时使用一个简单的导入语句,例如,导入AFNetworking
I tried remove ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/* and rebuild the project, and it worked for me.