
时间:2021-09-19 22:49:52

The default setup for a project in WebMatrix contains an "Account" folder with many files such as Login.cshtml, Logout.cshtml, Register.cshtml, etc.


I do not need/want login capability for the site I'm currently building. So, I removed references to such in the various pages, but when I try to delete the folder itself, the screen flashes but nothing seems to happen.


So how can I get rid of this unneeded "baggage"? The same goes for StarterSite.sdf - trying to delete it just causes a "screen flash" but the file remains intransically barnacled into place.

那我怎么能摆脱这个不必要的“行李”呢? StarterSite.sdf也是如此 - 试图删除它只会导致“屏幕闪烁”,但文件仍然在法律上被barnacled到位。


Note: I am going to bountify this question for 50 points ASAP. If I get an answer prior to that, I will award the bounty post-answer.


I can open the project in Visual Studio and delete things just fine...is that really the expected workaround?

我可以在Visual Studio中打开项目并删除正常的东西......这真的是预期的解决方法吗?

1 个解决方案



What you are saying shouldn't occur in WebMatrix. You can always browse to the location of your sites using Windows Explorer (default location is My Documents/My Web Sites), however WebMatrix's interface should allow you to delete folders and files just fine (I've never had any problems with it).


The solution for you is probably just gonna end up being uninstall/reinstall WebMatrix (don't forget to backup your sites from above-stated location!). I don't personally know how else you can handle that issue.


If you don't want to do a reinstall, then just browse to your "My Documents" folder and then your "My Web Sites" folder and delete it there. After you've done that, go back to WebMatrix and select the uppermost folder (it will be named with your site name) in the left pane (where your site directory tree is shown) and tap f5 to refresh the view. Let me know if either approach helps you :)




What you are saying shouldn't occur in WebMatrix. You can always browse to the location of your sites using Windows Explorer (default location is My Documents/My Web Sites), however WebMatrix's interface should allow you to delete folders and files just fine (I've never had any problems with it).


The solution for you is probably just gonna end up being uninstall/reinstall WebMatrix (don't forget to backup your sites from above-stated location!). I don't personally know how else you can handle that issue.


If you don't want to do a reinstall, then just browse to your "My Documents" folder and then your "My Web Sites" folder and delete it there. After you've done that, go back to WebMatrix and select the uppermost folder (it will be named with your site name) in the left pane (where your site directory tree is shown) and tap f5 to refresh the view. Let me know if either approach helps you :)
