
时间:2023-01-13 16:09:10

I have a problem with a service I am trying to write. I am trying to create a service that runs in the background on a windows system but uses java. I have seen several ways of doing this, but decided on one method that seemed to meet my requirements. The service will check a database for items it needs to work on. When it finds an item in the DB that it needs to do it will run some system commands to take care of them.


I found a way to use the tomcat7.exe file to run a jar as a service and that worked pretty well for basic stuff. Anything I write and compile into my jar file "myService.jar" we'll can call it goes well enough. The problem is that we already have several classes written for accessing the DB and running commands that are precompiled in a library of classes called BGLib-1.0.jar.


I have used this library in writing several jenkins plugins and had no problems calling functions from it. They all work fine when I create an hpi file and deploy it in Jenkins. There the compiler (Eclipse using Maven) packages the BGLib jar in with the plugin jar and Jenkins figures out how to get them to see one another.

我已经使用这个库编写了几个jenkins插件,并且从它调用函数没有任何问题。当我创建一个hpi文件并将其部署在Jenkins中时,它们都可以正常工作。在那里,编译器(Eclipse使用Maven)将BGLib jar打包到插件jar中,Jenkins想出如何让他们看到彼此。

When I build my service jar, however, it doesn't work when I deploy it.


I run a command like this to install the Tomcat exe renames to myservice.exe:

我运行这样的命令来安装Tomcat exe重命名到myservice.exe:

d:\myService\bin>myService.exe //IS//myService --Install=D:\myService\bin\myService.exe --Description="run some commands
Java Service" --Jvm=auto --Classpath=D:\myService\jar\myService.jar;D:\myService\jar\BGLib-1.0.jar --StartMode=jvm --
StartClass=com.myCompany.myService.myService --StartMethod=windowsService --StartParams=start --StopMode=jvm --StopClass
=com.myCompany.myService.myService --StopMethod=windowsService --StopParams=stop --LogPath=D:\myService\logs --StdOutpu
t=auto --StdError=auto

When I deploy this with code solely within the myService.jar the service behaves as expected, but when I try to call functions within the BGLib-1.0.jar I get nothing. The jvm appears to crash or become unresponsive. Debugging is a little tricky but it looks like I am getting class not found errors.

当我在myService.jar中使用代码部署它时,服务按预期运行,但是当我尝试在BGLib-1.0.jar中调用函数时,我什么也得不到。 jvm似乎崩溃或没有响应。调试有点棘手,但看起来我得到的类找不到错误。

I tried adding the entry below in the POM file to see if changing the classpath entry in the manifest would help, but it didn't change the manifest. I am still kind of clueless ass to how the manifest file works. Any documentation on that would be cool. I have been to Maven's site and it doesn't seem to have comprehensive documentation on the tags available. Is there something I need to change in the manifest to get my jar to see external classes? Or is there something I can add that will get Maven to compile the classes from that jar in with my jar?


thanks in advance.



3 个解决方案



To answer mainly the question of the title, you can the shade plugin to include dependencies into your final jar. You can even even relocate the class files (e.g. change package name) within the final jar so that the included classes don't conflict with different versions of the shaded dependency on the classpath. Not sure if this is the best solution for your particular problem though.




You can use the maven-dependency-plugin unpack-dependencies goal to include the contents of a dependency in the resulting artifact.

您可以使用maven-dependency-plugin unpack-dependencies目标在生成的工件中包含依赖项的内容。

An example of how to do this would be:



This will expand the protobuf-java dependency (flatten it) and include the contents in the resulting artifact generated by your build.




Looks to me you actually want to use the appassembler-maven-plugin, otherwise I'd go for the maven-shade-plugin.




To answer mainly the question of the title, you can the shade plugin to include dependencies into your final jar. You can even even relocate the class files (e.g. change package name) within the final jar so that the included classes don't conflict with different versions of the shaded dependency on the classpath. Not sure if this is the best solution for your particular problem though.




You can use the maven-dependency-plugin unpack-dependencies goal to include the contents of a dependency in the resulting artifact.

您可以使用maven-dependency-plugin unpack-dependencies目标在生成的工件中包含依赖项的内容。

An example of how to do this would be:



This will expand the protobuf-java dependency (flatten it) and include the contents in the resulting artifact generated by your build.




Looks to me you actually want to use the appassembler-maven-plugin, otherwise I'd go for the maven-shade-plugin.
