
时间:2023-01-13 15:54:54

I'm trying to execute my JAVA app on a Linux OS where the necessary jars are located in a different folder. How can I execute my project using the external jars?

我正在尝试在Linux OS上执行我的JAVA应用程序,其中必要的jar位于不同的文件夹中。如何使用外部罐子执行我的项目?

project location:

$ pwd
$ ls

jars location:


My failed execution:


$ java Deletion
... NoClassDefFoundError ...

$ java -cp "/opt/jars/*.jar" Deletion
Error: Could not find or load main class Deletion

2 个解决方案


When setting the class path with -cp ..., you have to also specify the current working directory (as this is not part anymore):

使用-cp ...设置类路径时,还必须指定当前工作目录(因为这不再是部分):

java -cp ".:/opt/jars/*.jar" Deletion


java -cp "location of jar file:." Deletion

java -cp“jar文件的位置:”删除


When setting the class path with -cp ..., you have to also specify the current working directory (as this is not part anymore):

使用-cp ...设置类路径时,还必须指定当前工作目录(因为这不再是部分):

java -cp ".:/opt/jars/*.jar" Deletion


java -cp "location of jar file:." Deletion

java -cp“jar文件的位置:”删除