我能把Swift和c++混在一起吗?比如Objective - C .mm文件

时间:2023-01-13 10:59:12

I just changed my .m files to .mm and use C++. Is there a way to do the same with Swift?


12 个解决方案



No. When you switch from .m to .mm you are actually switching from Objective-C to a different language (which has many subtle differences) called Objective-C++. So you're not really using C++; you're using Objective-C++ which accepts most C++ as input (in the same way that C++ accepts most but not all C as input). When I say it's not quite C++, consider a C++ file that includes a variable named nil (which is legal C++) and then try to compile that as Objective-C++.

不。当你从。m切换到。mm时,你实际上是在从Objective-C切换到另一种语言(有很多细微的区别),叫做objective - c++。你不是在用c++;您正在使用Objective-C+,它接受大部分c++作为输入(与c++接受大部分但不是全部C作为输入的方式相同)。当我说它不完全是c++时,考虑一个c++文件,其中包含一个名为nil的变量(它是合法的c++),然后尝试将其编译为objective - c++。

Swift doesn't have the same relationship. It is not a superset of C or C++, and you can't directly use either in a .swift file.


"Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C" also tells us:

“使用Swift with Cocoa和Objective-C”也告诉我们:

You cannot import C++ code directly into Swift. Instead, create an Objective-C or C wrapper for C++ code.




The confusion may come from the assumption that merely changing a file extension from .m to .mm is all you need to bridge the languages, when, in reality, it does nothing of that sort. It is not the .mm that causes friction with .cpp, it is the .h header which must positively not be a C++ header.


Same project: Yes.

In the same project, you can happily mix C, C++, Objective-C, Objective C++, Swift, and even Assembly.

在同一个项目中,您可以愉快地混合使用C、c++、Objective-C、Objective- c++、Swift甚至汇编。

  1. ...Bridging-Header.h: you expose C, Objective-C and Objective-C++ to Swift using this bridge
  2. ……Bridging-Header。h:你用这座桥把C、Objective-C和objective - c++联系起来。
  3. <ProductModuleName>-Swift.h: exposes automatically your Swift classes marked with @objc to Objective-C
  4. < ProductModuleName >迅速。h:自动将标有@objc的Swift类暴露给Objective-C
  5. .h: this is the tricky part, since they are ambiguously used for all flavors of C, ++ or not, Objective or not. When a .h does not contain a single C++ keyword, like class, it can be added to the ...Bridging-Header.h, and will expose whatever function the corresponding .c or .cpp functionalities it declares. Otherwise, that header must be wrapped in either a pure C or Objective-C API.
  6. h:这是比较棘手的部分,因为它们在C、+或not、Objective或not中都有含糊的用法。当.h不包含单个c++关键字时,例如类,它可以添加到…Bridging-Header中。h,并将暴露它声明的相应的.c或.cpp函数的任何函数。否则,该头必须封装在纯C或Objective-C API中。

Same file: No.

In the same file, you can't mix all 5. In the same source file:


  1. .swift: you can't mix Swift with anything
  2. 斯威夫特:你不能把斯威夫特和任何东西混在一起
  3. .m: you can mix Objective-C with C. (@Vinzzz)
  4. .m:你可以把Objective-C和c混合(@Vinzzz)
  5. .mm: you can mix Objective-C with C++. This bridge is Objective-C++. (@Vinzzz).
  6. 你可以把Objective-C和c++混在一起。这座桥是objective - c + +。(@Vinzzz)。
  7. .c: pure C
  8. C:纯C
  9. .cpp: you can mix C++ & Assembly (@Vality)
  10. .cpp:你可以混合使用c++和Assembly (@Vality)
  11. .h: ubiquitous and ambiguous C, C++, Objective-C or Objective-C++, so the answer is it depends.
  12. .h: C, c++, Objective-C, Objective-C,或者Objective-C+。





I wrote a simple Xcode 6 project that show how to mix C++, Objective C and Swift code:

我写了一个简单的Xcode 6项目,展示了如何混合c++、Objective C和Swift代码:



In particular the example call an Objective C and a C++ function from the Swift.


The key is to create a shared header Project-Bridging-Header.h and put the Objective C headers there.

关键是创建一个共享的header项目- bridge - header。把目标C标头放在这里。

Please download the project as a complete example.




I have just made a little example project using Swift, Objective-C and C++. It's a demo of how to use OpenCV stitching in iOS. The OpenCV API is C++ so we can't talk to it directly from Swift. I use a small wrapper class who's implementation file is Objective-C++. The Header file is clean Objective-C, so Swift can talk to this directly. You have to take care not to indirectly import any C++-ish files into the the headers that Swift interacts with.

我刚刚做了一个使用Swift、Objective-C和c++的示例项目。这是在iOS中如何使用OpenCV拼接的演示。OpenCV API是c++,所以我们不能直接从Swift调用它。我使用一个小包装器类,它的实现文件是objective - c++。头文件是干净的Objective-C,所以Swift可以直接与它对话。您必须小心,不要间接地将任何c++的文件导入到Swift交互的头文件中。

The project is here: https://github.com/foundry/OpenCVSwiftStitch




You can also skip the Objective-C file in between. Just add a C header file with a .cpp source file. Have only C declarations in the header file and include any C++ code in the source file. Then include the C header file in the **-Bridging-Header.h.

您还可以跳过Objective-C文件。只需添加一个带有.cpp源文件的C头文件。头文件中只有C声明,源文件中包含任何c++代码。然后在**- bridge - header .h中包含C头文件。

The following example returns a pointer to a C++ object (struct Foo) so Swift can store in a COpaquePointer instead of having struct Foo defined in the global space.

下面的示例返回一个指向c++对象(struct Foo)的指针,这样Swift就可以将指针存储在一个公共指针中,而不是在全局空间中定义struct Foo。

Foo.h file (seen by Swift - included in the bridging file)


#ifndef FOO_H
#define FOO_H

// Strictly C code here.
// 'struct Foo' is opaque (the compiler has no info about it except that 
// it's a struct we store addresses (pointers) to it.
struct Foo* foo_create();
void foo_destroy(struct Foo* foo);


Inside source file Foo.cpp (not seen by Swift):

在源文件Foo。cpp (Swift未见):

extern "C"
#include "Foo.h"
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

// C++ code is fine here. Can add methods, constructors, destructors, C++ data members, etc.
struct Foo
   vector<int> data;

struct Foo* foo_create()
   return new Foo;

void foo_destroy(struct Foo* foo)
    delete foo;



Here's my attempt at a clang tool to automate C++/swift communication. You can instanciate C++ classes from swift, inherit from C++ class and even override virtual methods in swift.
It will parse the C++ class you want to export to swift and generate the Objective-C/Objective-C++ bridge automatically.

下面是我尝试使用clang工具来自动化c++ /swift通信。您可以从swift中立即生成c++类,从c++类继承,甚至在swift中覆盖虚拟方法。它将解析您想要导出的c++类,并自动生成Objective-C/ objective - c++桥。





Swift is not directly compatible with C++. You can work around the issue by wrapping your C++ code with Objective-C, and using the Objective C wrapper in Swift.




I also have a demo program for swift combining opencv.


You can download it from https://github.com/russj/swift_opencv3_demo.


More information about the demo http://flopalm.com/opencv-with-swift/.

有关演示的更多信息,请访问http://lofalm.com/opencv -with-swift/。



No, not in a single file.


However, you may use C++ in Swift Projects without needing a static library or framework. Like others have said, the key is to make an Objective-C bridging header that #includes C-compatible C++ headers that are marked as C compatible with the extern "C" {} trick.


Video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x6JbiphNS4




In case this is helpful to anyone, I also have a brief tutorial on calling a simple C++ static library from a trivial Swift command line utility. This is a really bare-bones proof of concept piece of code.


No Objective-C involved, just Swift and C++. Code in a C++ library is called by a C++ wrapper that implements a function with extern "C" linkage. That function is then referenced in the bridging header and called from Swift.


See http://www.swiftprogrammer.info/swift_call_cpp.html




I am providing a link to SE-0038 in the official resource, described as This maintains proposals for changes and user-visible enhancements to the Swift Programming Language.


The status as of today is that this is the feature request which has been accepted but not yet scheduled.


This link is intended to steer anyone looking for this feature in the right direction




Other answers are slightly inaccurate. You can actually mix both Swift and [Objective-]C[++] in the same file, though not quite the way you would expect.


This file (c.swift) compiles to a valid executable with both swiftc c.swift and clang -x objective-c c.swift

此文件(c.swift)与swiftc c都编译为有效的可执行文件。swift和clang -x objective-c .swift

/* /* */
#if 0
// */
import Foundation
print("Hello from Swift!")
/* /* */
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    puts("Hello from C!");
    return 0;
// */



No. When you switch from .m to .mm you are actually switching from Objective-C to a different language (which has many subtle differences) called Objective-C++. So you're not really using C++; you're using Objective-C++ which accepts most C++ as input (in the same way that C++ accepts most but not all C as input). When I say it's not quite C++, consider a C++ file that includes a variable named nil (which is legal C++) and then try to compile that as Objective-C++.

不。当你从。m切换到。mm时,你实际上是在从Objective-C切换到另一种语言(有很多细微的区别),叫做objective - c++。你不是在用c++;您正在使用Objective-C+,它接受大部分c++作为输入(与c++接受大部分但不是全部C作为输入的方式相同)。当我说它不完全是c++时,考虑一个c++文件,其中包含一个名为nil的变量(它是合法的c++),然后尝试将其编译为objective - c++。

Swift doesn't have the same relationship. It is not a superset of C or C++, and you can't directly use either in a .swift file.


"Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C" also tells us:

“使用Swift with Cocoa和Objective-C”也告诉我们:

You cannot import C++ code directly into Swift. Instead, create an Objective-C or C wrapper for C++ code.




The confusion may come from the assumption that merely changing a file extension from .m to .mm is all you need to bridge the languages, when, in reality, it does nothing of that sort. It is not the .mm that causes friction with .cpp, it is the .h header which must positively not be a C++ header.


Same project: Yes.

In the same project, you can happily mix C, C++, Objective-C, Objective C++, Swift, and even Assembly.

在同一个项目中,您可以愉快地混合使用C、c++、Objective-C、Objective- c++、Swift甚至汇编。

  1. ...Bridging-Header.h: you expose C, Objective-C and Objective-C++ to Swift using this bridge
  2. ……Bridging-Header。h:你用这座桥把C、Objective-C和objective - c++联系起来。
  3. <ProductModuleName>-Swift.h: exposes automatically your Swift classes marked with @objc to Objective-C
  4. < ProductModuleName >迅速。h:自动将标有@objc的Swift类暴露给Objective-C
  5. .h: this is the tricky part, since they are ambiguously used for all flavors of C, ++ or not, Objective or not. When a .h does not contain a single C++ keyword, like class, it can be added to the ...Bridging-Header.h, and will expose whatever function the corresponding .c or .cpp functionalities it declares. Otherwise, that header must be wrapped in either a pure C or Objective-C API.
  6. h:这是比较棘手的部分,因为它们在C、+或not、Objective或not中都有含糊的用法。当.h不包含单个c++关键字时,例如类,它可以添加到…Bridging-Header中。h,并将暴露它声明的相应的.c或.cpp函数的任何函数。否则,该头必须封装在纯C或Objective-C API中。

Same file: No.

In the same file, you can't mix all 5. In the same source file:


  1. .swift: you can't mix Swift with anything
  2. 斯威夫特:你不能把斯威夫特和任何东西混在一起
  3. .m: you can mix Objective-C with C. (@Vinzzz)
  4. .m:你可以把Objective-C和c混合(@Vinzzz)
  5. .mm: you can mix Objective-C with C++. This bridge is Objective-C++. (@Vinzzz).
  6. 你可以把Objective-C和c++混在一起。这座桥是objective - c + +。(@Vinzzz)。
  7. .c: pure C
  8. C:纯C
  9. .cpp: you can mix C++ & Assembly (@Vality)
  10. .cpp:你可以混合使用c++和Assembly (@Vality)
  11. .h: ubiquitous and ambiguous C, C++, Objective-C or Objective-C++, so the answer is it depends.
  12. .h: C, c++, Objective-C, Objective-C,或者Objective-C+。





I wrote a simple Xcode 6 project that show how to mix C++, Objective C and Swift code:

我写了一个简单的Xcode 6项目,展示了如何混合c++、Objective C和Swift代码:



In particular the example call an Objective C and a C++ function from the Swift.


The key is to create a shared header Project-Bridging-Header.h and put the Objective C headers there.

关键是创建一个共享的header项目- bridge - header。把目标C标头放在这里。

Please download the project as a complete example.




I have just made a little example project using Swift, Objective-C and C++. It's a demo of how to use OpenCV stitching in iOS. The OpenCV API is C++ so we can't talk to it directly from Swift. I use a small wrapper class who's implementation file is Objective-C++. The Header file is clean Objective-C, so Swift can talk to this directly. You have to take care not to indirectly import any C++-ish files into the the headers that Swift interacts with.

我刚刚做了一个使用Swift、Objective-C和c++的示例项目。这是在iOS中如何使用OpenCV拼接的演示。OpenCV API是c++,所以我们不能直接从Swift调用它。我使用一个小包装器类,它的实现文件是objective - c++。头文件是干净的Objective-C,所以Swift可以直接与它对话。您必须小心,不要间接地将任何c++的文件导入到Swift交互的头文件中。

The project is here: https://github.com/foundry/OpenCVSwiftStitch




You can also skip the Objective-C file in between. Just add a C header file with a .cpp source file. Have only C declarations in the header file and include any C++ code in the source file. Then include the C header file in the **-Bridging-Header.h.

您还可以跳过Objective-C文件。只需添加一个带有.cpp源文件的C头文件。头文件中只有C声明,源文件中包含任何c++代码。然后在**- bridge - header .h中包含C头文件。

The following example returns a pointer to a C++ object (struct Foo) so Swift can store in a COpaquePointer instead of having struct Foo defined in the global space.

下面的示例返回一个指向c++对象(struct Foo)的指针,这样Swift就可以将指针存储在一个公共指针中,而不是在全局空间中定义struct Foo。

Foo.h file (seen by Swift - included in the bridging file)


#ifndef FOO_H
#define FOO_H

// Strictly C code here.
// 'struct Foo' is opaque (the compiler has no info about it except that 
// it's a struct we store addresses (pointers) to it.
struct Foo* foo_create();
void foo_destroy(struct Foo* foo);


Inside source file Foo.cpp (not seen by Swift):

在源文件Foo。cpp (Swift未见):

extern "C"
#include "Foo.h"
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

// C++ code is fine here. Can add methods, constructors, destructors, C++ data members, etc.
struct Foo
   vector<int> data;

struct Foo* foo_create()
   return new Foo;

void foo_destroy(struct Foo* foo)
    delete foo;



Here's my attempt at a clang tool to automate C++/swift communication. You can instanciate C++ classes from swift, inherit from C++ class and even override virtual methods in swift.
It will parse the C++ class you want to export to swift and generate the Objective-C/Objective-C++ bridge automatically.

下面是我尝试使用clang工具来自动化c++ /swift通信。您可以从swift中立即生成c++类,从c++类继承,甚至在swift中覆盖虚拟方法。它将解析您想要导出的c++类,并自动生成Objective-C/ objective - c++桥。





Swift is not directly compatible with C++. You can work around the issue by wrapping your C++ code with Objective-C, and using the Objective C wrapper in Swift.




I also have a demo program for swift combining opencv.


You can download it from https://github.com/russj/swift_opencv3_demo.


More information about the demo http://flopalm.com/opencv-with-swift/.

有关演示的更多信息,请访问http://lofalm.com/opencv -with-swift/。



No, not in a single file.


However, you may use C++ in Swift Projects without needing a static library or framework. Like others have said, the key is to make an Objective-C bridging header that #includes C-compatible C++ headers that are marked as C compatible with the extern "C" {} trick.


Video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x6JbiphNS4




In case this is helpful to anyone, I also have a brief tutorial on calling a simple C++ static library from a trivial Swift command line utility. This is a really bare-bones proof of concept piece of code.


No Objective-C involved, just Swift and C++. Code in a C++ library is called by a C++ wrapper that implements a function with extern "C" linkage. That function is then referenced in the bridging header and called from Swift.


See http://www.swiftprogrammer.info/swift_call_cpp.html




I am providing a link to SE-0038 in the official resource, described as This maintains proposals for changes and user-visible enhancements to the Swift Programming Language.


The status as of today is that this is the feature request which has been accepted but not yet scheduled.


This link is intended to steer anyone looking for this feature in the right direction




Other answers are slightly inaccurate. You can actually mix both Swift and [Objective-]C[++] in the same file, though not quite the way you would expect.


This file (c.swift) compiles to a valid executable with both swiftc c.swift and clang -x objective-c c.swift

此文件(c.swift)与swiftc c都编译为有效的可执行文件。swift和clang -x objective-c .swift

/* /* */
#if 0
// */
import Foundation
print("Hello from Swift!")
/* /* */
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    puts("Hello from C!");
    return 0;
// */