C ++中头文件和cpp文件的约定是什么?

时间:2023-01-13 10:54:29

In C++, what is the convention for including headers for class files in the "main" file. e.g.

在C ++中,在“main”文件中包含类文件头的约定是什么。例如


class MyClass {


  doSomething() {
      cout << "doing something";


#include "myclass.h"
#include "myclass.cpp"


Is this relatively standard?


6 个解决方案


You don't include the .cpp file, only the .h file. The function definitions in the .cpp will be compiled to .obj files, which will then be linked into the final binary. If you include the .cpp file in other .cpp files, you will get two different .obj files with the same funciton definition compiled, which will lead to linker error.

您不包含.cpp文件,仅包含.h文件。 .cpp中的函数定义将被编译为.obj文件,然后将其链接到最终的二进制文件中。如果在其他.cpp文件中包含.cpp文件,则会获得两个编译相同funciton定义的不同.obj文件,这将导致链接器错误。


See Understanding C Compilers for a lot of good answers to this question.



You can say one .cpp file and all its included headers make up one translation unit. As the name implies, one translation unit is compiled on its own. The result, often called file.o or file.obj, of each translation unit, is then linked together by the linker, fixing up yet unresolved references. So in your case you have


Translation Unit 1 = run.cpp: myclass.h ...
Translation Unit 2 = myclass.cpp: myclass.h ...

You will have your class definition appear in both translation units. But that's OK. It's allowed, as long as both classes are equally defined. But it's not allowed to have the same function appear in the two translation units if the function is not inline. Not inline functions are allowed to be defined only once, in one single translation unit. Then, you have the linker take the result of each translation unit, and bind them together to an executable:


Executable = mystuff: run.o myclass.o ...


usually you compile the .cpp file separately and link the resulting .o with other .o's


So myclass.cpp would include myclass.h and would be compiled as a unit.



You compile cpp files separately. If you include any given cpp file into two or more cpp files yoy might encounter a conflict during linking phase.



You don't include one *.cpp inside another *.cpp. Instead:

您不在另一个* .cpp中包含一个* .cpp。代替:


class MyClass {


#include "myclass.h"

MyClass::doSomething() {
      cout << "doing something";


#include "myclass.h"


Instead of including myclass.cpp inside main.cpp (such that the compiler would see both of them in one pass), you compile myclass.cpp and main.cpp separately, and then let the 'linker' combine them into one executable.



You don't include the .cpp file, only the .h file. The function definitions in the .cpp will be compiled to .obj files, which will then be linked into the final binary. If you include the .cpp file in other .cpp files, you will get two different .obj files with the same funciton definition compiled, which will lead to linker error.

您不包含.cpp文件,仅包含.h文件。 .cpp中的函数定义将被编译为.obj文件,然后将其链接到最终的二进制文件中。如果在其他.cpp文件中包含.cpp文件,则会获得两个编译相同funciton定义的不同.obj文件,这将导致链接器错误。


See Understanding C Compilers for a lot of good answers to this question.



You can say one .cpp file and all its included headers make up one translation unit. As the name implies, one translation unit is compiled on its own. The result, often called file.o or file.obj, of each translation unit, is then linked together by the linker, fixing up yet unresolved references. So in your case you have


Translation Unit 1 = run.cpp: myclass.h ...
Translation Unit 2 = myclass.cpp: myclass.h ...

You will have your class definition appear in both translation units. But that's OK. It's allowed, as long as both classes are equally defined. But it's not allowed to have the same function appear in the two translation units if the function is not inline. Not inline functions are allowed to be defined only once, in one single translation unit. Then, you have the linker take the result of each translation unit, and bind them together to an executable:


Executable = mystuff: run.o myclass.o ...


usually you compile the .cpp file separately and link the resulting .o with other .o's


So myclass.cpp would include myclass.h and would be compiled as a unit.



You compile cpp files separately. If you include any given cpp file into two or more cpp files yoy might encounter a conflict during linking phase.



You don't include one *.cpp inside another *.cpp. Instead:

您不在另一个* .cpp中包含一个* .cpp。代替:


class MyClass {


#include "myclass.h"

MyClass::doSomething() {
      cout << "doing something";


#include "myclass.h"


Instead of including myclass.cpp inside main.cpp (such that the compiler would see both of them in one pass), you compile myclass.cpp and main.cpp separately, and then let the 'linker' combine them into one executable.
