
时间:2023-01-12 21:39:03

My application is a web-service client. Service has a paid one month subscription. I want to implement subscription payment with IAP. At first I think to implement it as Auto-Renewable Subscription but after reading several posts about it drawbacks (rejecting from the App Store because the content is not a digital content or something like this) I decided to make Non-renewable subscription - but it also has some drawbacks (hard to sync it, optional registration). In on SO post - developer wrote that his app was rejected from the App Store when he made iCloud synchronization.

我的应用程序是一个web服务客户端。服务有一个月的付费订阅。我想用IAP实现订阅支付。起初我认为实施Auto-Renewable订阅但是在阅读一些文章关于它的缺点(拒绝从App Store因为内容不是一个数字内容或这样)我决定使不可再生的订阅,但它也有一些缺点(难以同步,可选的登记)。在SO post - developer中写道,他的应用在iCloud同步时被苹果商店拒绝。

So can someone with good production experience wrote all pros and cons of both Auto-Renewable Subscriptions and Non-renewable? What should I choose for the one-month subscription to the medical web-service? Thanks


2 个解决方案



I do not have experience with auto-renewable subscriptions, but I do have extensive experience with IAP and non-renewable subscriptions. I use non-renewable subscriptions for a service that isn't a digital download.


Renewable Subscription Cons


  • User has to manually renew each month.
  • 用户必须每月手动更新。
  • You will probably want to consider longer subscription periods. My app has 2 month and 1 year.
  • 您可能需要考虑更长的订阅周期。我的app有2个月1年。

Renewable Subscription Pros


  • Users only pay for what they use. You can turn this to your advantage.
  • 用户只为他们使用的东西付费。你可以利用这一点。
  • My own app saw a good increase in conversation rates when I explained that subscriptions do not auto renew and so they did not need to worry about canceling the subscription.
  • 我自己的应用程序看到了会话率的良好增长,当我解释订阅没有自动更新,所以他们不需要担心取消订阅。
  • You can change the price!
  • 你可以改变价格!
  • Much more flexibility about how you can use it.
  • 更灵活地使用它。
  • It has the standard popups during purchase. You will have a better conversation rate from the user hitting the buy button to them following through with the purchase.
  • 在购买过程中有标准的弹出窗口。从用户按下购买按钮到用户按下购买按钮,您将获得更好的会话率。

Auto-Renewable Cons


  • LOTS of regulations about what you can do with it.
  • 关于你能用它做什么有很多规定。
  • It is very possible that you won't be able to use auto-renewable in your situation.
  • 在你的情况下,你很有可能无法使用自动更新。
  • Only the user can cancel their subscription. You can't add an easy way to do this into your app and keep your users happy.
  • 只有用户可以取消他们的订阅。你不可能在你的应用中添加一个简单的方法来实现这一点,让你的用户满意。
  • The purchase process has extra steps that ask the user if they want to share their information with the publisher.
  • 购买过程有额外的步骤,询问用户是否希望与发布者共享他们的信息。
  • There is no API to know when the subscription will end.
  • 没有API知道订阅何时结束。
  • You will have more negative reviews.
  • 你会得到更多的负面评价。

Auto-Renewable Pros


  • Users don't have to manually renew.
  • 用户不必手动更新。
  • You have a more guaranteed income per month.
  • 你每个月都有一个更有保障的收入。

You will need to sync the subscriptions between devices. I use Parse.com as my backend. Basically, before making an IAP transaction as complete I push the data to parse. Users can then pull that data down onto their device to sync the subscriptions. Parse lets you save the transaction for users with and without accounts. So it has the benefit of giving you real time sales information.


EDIT: Auto Renewable Subscriptions will Change This Fall


Auto renewable subscriptions are drastically changing this Fall (2016). Pretty much every reason not to use auto renewable is going away. https://developer.apple.com/app-store/subscriptions/whats-new/




I had exactly the same experience with a auto-renewable subscription (an app that gives access to a specific information while subscription is active). The app was rejected because "app is not suited for auto-renewable subscriptions, and their recommendation was to switch to non-renewable subscription, and that is what I did.


After that, the app was rejected because there was no way to transfer the subscription between user's devices or after device reset. What I did, was to set up an user/password authentication system and allow up to 5 devices to connect at the same time with one user/password combination and to allow to extend the subscription from any of that user's devices. This solution was approved (back when iOS 5 was the latest version) and is still working.

此后,该应用被拒绝,因为无法在用户的设备之间或设备重置后传输订阅。我所做的是,建立一个用户/密码认证系统,允许最多5台设备同时连接一个用户/密码组合,并允许从该用户的任何设备扩展订阅。这个解决方案得到了批准(在iOS 5是最新版本的时候),而且还在运行。



I do not have experience with auto-renewable subscriptions, but I do have extensive experience with IAP and non-renewable subscriptions. I use non-renewable subscriptions for a service that isn't a digital download.


Renewable Subscription Cons


  • User has to manually renew each month.
  • 用户必须每月手动更新。
  • You will probably want to consider longer subscription periods. My app has 2 month and 1 year.
  • 您可能需要考虑更长的订阅周期。我的app有2个月1年。

Renewable Subscription Pros


  • Users only pay for what they use. You can turn this to your advantage.
  • 用户只为他们使用的东西付费。你可以利用这一点。
  • My own app saw a good increase in conversation rates when I explained that subscriptions do not auto renew and so they did not need to worry about canceling the subscription.
  • 我自己的应用程序看到了会话率的良好增长,当我解释订阅没有自动更新,所以他们不需要担心取消订阅。
  • You can change the price!
  • 你可以改变价格!
  • Much more flexibility about how you can use it.
  • 更灵活地使用它。
  • It has the standard popups during purchase. You will have a better conversation rate from the user hitting the buy button to them following through with the purchase.
  • 在购买过程中有标准的弹出窗口。从用户按下购买按钮到用户按下购买按钮,您将获得更好的会话率。

Auto-Renewable Cons


  • LOTS of regulations about what you can do with it.
  • 关于你能用它做什么有很多规定。
  • It is very possible that you won't be able to use auto-renewable in your situation.
  • 在你的情况下,你很有可能无法使用自动更新。
  • Only the user can cancel their subscription. You can't add an easy way to do this into your app and keep your users happy.
  • 只有用户可以取消他们的订阅。你不可能在你的应用中添加一个简单的方法来实现这一点,让你的用户满意。
  • The purchase process has extra steps that ask the user if they want to share their information with the publisher.
  • 购买过程有额外的步骤,询问用户是否希望与发布者共享他们的信息。
  • There is no API to know when the subscription will end.
  • 没有API知道订阅何时结束。
  • You will have more negative reviews.
  • 你会得到更多的负面评价。

Auto-Renewable Pros


  • Users don't have to manually renew.
  • 用户不必手动更新。
  • You have a more guaranteed income per month.
  • 你每个月都有一个更有保障的收入。

You will need to sync the subscriptions between devices. I use Parse.com as my backend. Basically, before making an IAP transaction as complete I push the data to parse. Users can then pull that data down onto their device to sync the subscriptions. Parse lets you save the transaction for users with and without accounts. So it has the benefit of giving you real time sales information.


EDIT: Auto Renewable Subscriptions will Change This Fall


Auto renewable subscriptions are drastically changing this Fall (2016). Pretty much every reason not to use auto renewable is going away. https://developer.apple.com/app-store/subscriptions/whats-new/




I had exactly the same experience with a auto-renewable subscription (an app that gives access to a specific information while subscription is active). The app was rejected because "app is not suited for auto-renewable subscriptions, and their recommendation was to switch to non-renewable subscription, and that is what I did.


After that, the app was rejected because there was no way to transfer the subscription between user's devices or after device reset. What I did, was to set up an user/password authentication system and allow up to 5 devices to connect at the same time with one user/password combination and to allow to extend the subscription from any of that user's devices. This solution was approved (back when iOS 5 was the latest version) and is still working.

此后,该应用被拒绝,因为无法在用户的设备之间或设备重置后传输订阅。我所做的是,建立一个用户/密码认证系统,允许最多5台设备同时连接一个用户/密码组合,并允许从该用户的任何设备扩展订阅。这个解决方案得到了批准(在iOS 5是最新版本的时候),而且还在运行。