如何测试iPhone 5的应用程序

时间:2023-01-12 20:01:57

I am an iOS app developer. I want to update my apps in time for the release of iPhone 5. However, Apple seems to have not included an iPhone 5 simulator with the GM release of Xcode 4.5 and iOS 6. Not sure how they expect us to update our apps in time for the release of iPhone 5.

我是iOS应用开发人员。我想在iPhone 5发布前及时更新我的应用。然而,在通用汽车发布的Xcode 4.5和ios6中,苹果似乎没有包括iPhone 5模拟器。不知道他们希望我们在iPhone 5发布前及时更新我们的应用程序。

1 个解决方案



When you've updated to Xcode 4.5 GM, there's a iPhone 6 simulator. The default screen setting for iPhone 6 simulator is not 4" size, you should set it by

当你升级到Xcode 4.5 GM时,有一个iPhone 6模拟器。iPhone 6模拟器的默认屏幕设置不是4英寸大小,应该设置为

Hardware (on top menu) -> Device -> iPhone (Retina 4-inch)

硬件(顶部菜单)->设备-> iPhone(视网膜4英寸)



When you've updated to Xcode 4.5 GM, there's a iPhone 6 simulator. The default screen setting for iPhone 6 simulator is not 4" size, you should set it by

当你升级到Xcode 4.5 GM时,有一个iPhone 6模拟器。iPhone 6模拟器的默认屏幕设置不是4英寸大小,应该设置为

Hardware (on top menu) -> Device -> iPhone (Retina 4-inch)

硬件(顶部菜单)->设备-> iPhone(视网膜4英寸)