Monotouch 3.99:设计器文件中缺少使用?

时间:2023-01-12 18:56:56

Monotouch 3.99.13

Monotouch 3.99.13

When I edit a XIB in Interface Builder, Monotouch fails to add all the Usings to the designer.cs files it generates. There are no partial clsses made.

当我在Interface Builder中编辑XIB时,Monotouch无法将所有Usings添加到它生成的designer.cs文件中。没有制作部分杂物。

Monotouch 3.99:设计器文件中缺少使用?

Here's a code snip (notice no usings):


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  <autogenerated>
//      This code was generated by a tool.
//      Mono Runtime Version: 2.0.50727.1433
//      Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if 
//      the code is regenerated.
//  </autogenerated>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace General {

    // Base type probably should be MonoTouch.Foundation.NSObject or subclass
    public partial class AppDelegateIPad {

        private UIWindow __mt_window;

        #pragma warning disable 0169
        private UIWindow window {
            get {
                this.__mt_window = ((UIWindow)(this.GetNativeField("window")));
                return this.__mt_window;
            set {
                this.__mt_window = value;
                this.SetNativeField("window", value);

1 个解决方案



Someone has filed this as a bug in the latest MonoDevelop here. Is that you? As far as I can tell MonoDevelop has never generated using statements in designer files.




Someone has filed this as a bug in the latest MonoDevelop here. Is that you? As far as I can tell MonoDevelop has never generated using statements in designer files.
