I can build my application cleanly on windows and Mac OS X but on windows when i try to run the application i get a class not found exception about my main class
我可以在Windows和Mac OS X上干净地构建我的应用程序但在Windows上尝试运行应用程序时,我得到一个关于我的主类的类找不到异常
main$4 not found.
主要$ 4未找到。
class is there and it build cleanly. why can't it locate the class file? Jar works in OS X.
班级在那里,它建立得干净利落。为什么不能找到类文件? Jar在OS X中运行。
Jar is created like the following.
<target name="jar" depends="">
<jar destfile="build/application.jar" >
<attribute name="Built-By" value="Hamza"/>
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="application"/>
<fileset dir="build">
<include name="**/*.class"/>
<include name="**/*.png"/>
<exclude name="**/*.jar"/>
i can run it without any errors on OS X but in Windows i get class not found exceptions.
我可以在OS X上运行它而没有任何错误但在Windows中我得到类未找到异常。
3 个解决方案
Is it run with the same JVM ? main$4 seems to indicate it's an anonymous class which is not found. Hard to help you without more information. Maybe provide a piece of code and some stacktrace, and the JRE versions you're using ?
它是使用相同的JVM运行的吗? main $ 4似乎表明它是一个没有找到的匿名类。没有更多信息,很难帮助你。也许提供一段代码和一些堆栈跟踪,以及你正在使用的JRE版本?
Typo there : cleanly on windows and Mac OS X but on windows
错字:在Windows和Mac OS X上干净利落地在窗户上
Is the Main-Class attribute really set to "application"?
Main-Class should indicate the relative path to the class you want to run, e.g. "myPackage.Application", or simply "Main".
Not much information, but it looks like an anonymous class in your main class cannot resolve some dependency it has and thus cannot be created.
Also, there is a difference between your build time and runtime class paths. Your actual runtime can potentially require more jars than the build.
For example, a jar containing an interface that you reference in your code would be required for your code to build, but you will require jars with the implementations of that interface for your code to run.
EDIT: Your update shows your build, which you already said works (which OS doesn't matter) as this is Java. Your problem is the classpath at runtime. Do you have a classpath environment variable set in one OS and not the other? We cannot tell from this what your dependencies are. Knowing the contents of the anonymous classes involved would help figure out what dependency is missing.
Is it run with the same JVM ? main$4 seems to indicate it's an anonymous class which is not found. Hard to help you without more information. Maybe provide a piece of code and some stacktrace, and the JRE versions you're using ?
它是使用相同的JVM运行的吗? main $ 4似乎表明它是一个没有找到的匿名类。没有更多信息,很难帮助你。也许提供一段代码和一些堆栈跟踪,以及你正在使用的JRE版本?
Typo there : cleanly on windows and Mac OS X but on windows
错字:在Windows和Mac OS X上干净利落地在窗户上
Is the Main-Class attribute really set to "application"?
Main-Class should indicate the relative path to the class you want to run, e.g. "myPackage.Application", or simply "Main".
Not much information, but it looks like an anonymous class in your main class cannot resolve some dependency it has and thus cannot be created.
Also, there is a difference between your build time and runtime class paths. Your actual runtime can potentially require more jars than the build.
For example, a jar containing an interface that you reference in your code would be required for your code to build, but you will require jars with the implementations of that interface for your code to run.
EDIT: Your update shows your build, which you already said works (which OS doesn't matter) as this is Java. Your problem is the classpath at runtime. Do you have a classpath environment variable set in one OS and not the other? We cannot tell from this what your dependencies are. Knowing the contents of the anonymous classes involved would help figure out what dependency is missing.