
时间:2023-01-12 14:25:55

my question is why Update manager fails with message: "Could not locate the running profile instance. The eclipse.p2.data.area and eclipse.p2.profile properties may not be set correctly in this application's config.ini file." when i run my application from source code only. 1.using eclipse indigo: 2. i do have VM argument

我的问题是为什么更新管理器失败的消息:“无法找到正在运行的概要文件实例。eclipse.p2.data。区和eclipse.p2。在这个应用程序的配置中,配置文件属性可能不能正确设置。当我只从源代码运行我的应用程序时。1。使用eclipse indigo:2。我有VM参数-Declipse.p2.data.area=C:\devApp\eclipse\eclipse-标准-kepler- sr2 -win32-x86_64\eclipse\p2。

1 个解决方案



You need to check "Support software installation in the launched application" under "Software Installation" in your run configuration's Configuration tab.





You need to check "Support software installation in the launched application" under "Software Installation" in your run configuration's Configuration tab.

