jface treeviewer setComparer方法和setSorter方法有什么区别?

时间:2022-05-27 22:46:54

Could anyone explain me conceptually(inner working), what is the difference between jface treeviewer setComparer method and setSorter method.

任何人都可以在概念上解释我(内部工作),jface treeviewer setComparer方法和setSorter方法之间有什么区别。

1 个解决方案


setSorter is an obsolete method which has been replaced by setComparator.


The ViewerSorter class used by setSorter only supported the use of a Collator for sorting.


The ViewerComparator class used by setComparator supports any Comparator class.


The IElementComparer class set by the setComparer method is used when the viewer is searching its internal HashMap for matching elements (such as when you call refresh(element)). Sometimes the equals and hashCode methods on the actual object are not be suitable for this lookup so you can use the IElementComparer to provide alternatives.


So the setComparer is not used for sorting the view like the setSorter or setComparator methods.



setSorter is an obsolete method which has been replaced by setComparator.


The ViewerSorter class used by setSorter only supported the use of a Collator for sorting.


The ViewerComparator class used by setComparator supports any Comparator class.


The IElementComparer class set by the setComparer method is used when the viewer is searching its internal HashMap for matching elements (such as when you call refresh(element)). Sometimes the equals and hashCode methods on the actual object are not be suitable for this lookup so you can use the IElementComparer to provide alternatives.


So the setComparer is not used for sorting the view like the setSorter or setComparator methods.
