System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

时间:2023-01-12 08:02:08

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

建立包含Public和Private子网的VPC,建立Internet Gateway,建立Public和Private子网的路由表,创建NAT和Bastion EC2实例

1. 配置你的私有虚拟云

1.1 创建你的VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

1.2 创建Public和Private子网

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

1.3 配置Internet gateway

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

1.4 创建Public子网路由表

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

1.5 创建Private路由表

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

2. 创建一个NAT Server实例

2.1 配置NAT安全组

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

2.2 创建NAT Server实例

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

2.3 关闭源/目标检查

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

2.4 配置Private路由表

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

3. 部署Bastion Server

3.1 创建安全组

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

3.2 创建bastion server

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

System Operations on AWS - Lab 2 - Configuring VPC

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