%s 格式化为字符串
>>> format = "Hello, %s. %s enough for ya?"%f 格式化为实数(浮点数)
>>> values = ('world', 'Hot')
>>> print format % values
Hello, world. Hot enough for ya?>>> format = "Pi with three decimals: %.3f"//保留小数点后3个有效数字
>>> from math import pi//导入pi的值
>>> print format % pi
Pi with three decimals: 3.142模板字符串:
>>> from string import Template单词字母替换
>>> s = Template('$x, gloriout $x!')
>>> s.substitute(x = 'slurm')
'slurm, gloriout slurm!'>>> from string import Template用$$插入$符号
>>> s = Template("It's ${x}tastic!")
>>> s.substitute(x = 'slurm')
"It's slurmtastic!">>> from string import Template字典变量提供值
>>> s = Template("Make $ selling $x!")
>>> s.substitute(x = 'slurm')
'Make $ selling slurm!'>>> from string import Template
>>> s = Template('A $thing must never $action')
>>> d = {}
>>> d['thing'] = 'gentleman'
>>> d['action'] = 'show his socks'
>>> s.substitute(d)
'A gentleman must never show his socks'用*作为字段宽度或精度
>>> '%.*s' % (5, 'Guido van Rossum')
“ ”:正数之前保留空格
>>> pi = 3.1415
>>> '%010.2f' % pi
>>> '%-10.2f' % pi
'3.14 '
>>> '%10.2f' % pi
' 3.14'
>>> '% 10.2f' % pi
' 3.14'
>>> '%+10.2f' % pi
' +3.14'
width = input('Please enter width: ')
price_width = 10
item_width = width - price_width
header_format = '%-*s%*s'
format = '%-*s%*.2f'
print '=' * width
print header_format % (item_width, 'Item', price_width, 'Price')
print '-' * width
print format % (item_width, 'Apples', price_width, 0.4)
print format % (item_width, 'Pears', price_width, 0.5)
print format % (item_width, 'Cantaloupes', price_width, 1.92)
print format % (item_width, 'Dried Apricots (16 oz.)', price_width, 8)
print format % (item_width, 'Prunes (4 lbs.)', price_width, 12)结果显示:
Please enter width: 35
Item Price
Apples 0.40
Pears 0.50
Cantaloupes 1.92
Dried Apricots (16 oz.) 8.00
Prunes (4 lbs.) 12.00