2016 - 1 - 24 CSS初步

时间:2024-01-11 20:46:38

1.The difference between CSS and HTML

HTML document is that it specities the content of the page. And the CSS document aims to specity the  way the content is displayed.

2.Many HTML pages one CSS styleshreet

So we can make the code  in every html document's head like that :

<title>This is my first page !</title>
<link rel = "stylesheet"
type = "text/css"
href = "styles.css"

3.How to use the css document

background : green;
color: white;
color: yellow;

the body means all page's body style, and the 'a' means a tag get yellow color !

4.How to use css control the fonts

1. The threen groups :

1.1 Sans-serif:   sans meands out !

:2016 - 1 - 24 CSS初步

 1.2 Serif

2016 - 1 - 24 CSS初步

1.3 Monos paced: Always use when u want show some code examples

2016 - 1 - 24 CSS初步