Byte,RGB32的size=width×heigth×4 Byte,如果是I420(即YUV标准格式4:2:0)的数据量是
size=width×heigth×1.5 Byte。
YV12 : 亮度(行×列) + V(行×列/4) + U(行×列/4)
I420 : 亮度(行×列) + U(行×列/4) + V(行×列/4)
YUV420p 和 YUV420的区别在于存储格式上有区别:
YUV420p:yyyyyyyy uuuu vvvvv
YUV420: yuv yuv yuv
关于YUV 更详细资料可参考:。
IplImage* YUV420_To_IplImage_Opencv(unsigned char* pYUV420, int width, int height)
if (!pYUV420)
return NULL;
} IplImage *yuvimage,*rgbimg,*yimg,*uimg,*vimg,*uuimg,*vvimg; int nWidth = width;
int nHeight = height;
rgbimg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(nWidth, nHeight),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);
yuvimage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(nWidth, nHeight),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3); yimg = cvCreateImageHeader(cvSize(nWidth, nHeight),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
uimg = cvCreateImageHeader(cvSize(nWidth/2, nHeight/2),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
vimg = cvCreateImageHeader(cvSize(nWidth/2, nHeight/2),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1); uuimg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(nWidth, nHeight),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
vvimg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(nWidth, nHeight),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1); cvSetData(yimg,pYUV420, nWidth);
cvSetData(uimg,pYUV420+nWidth*nHeight, nWidth/2);
cvSetData(vimg,pYUV420+long(nWidth*nHeight*1.25), nWidth/2);
cvResize(vimg,vvimg,CV_INTER_LINEAR); cvMerge(yimg,uuimg,vvimg,NULL,yuvimage);
cvCvtColor(yuvimage,rgbimg,CV_YCrCb2RGB); cvReleaseImage(&uuimg);
cvReleaseImageHeader(&vimg); cvReleaseImage(&yuvimage); if (!rgbimg)
return NULL;
} return rgbimg;
bool YUV420_To_BGR24(unsigned char *puc_y, unsigned char *puc_u, unsigned char *puc_v, unsigned char *puc_rgb, int width_y, int height_y)
if (!puc_y || !puc_u || !puc_v || !puc_rgb)
return false;
} //初始化变量
int baseSize = width_y * height_y;
int rgbSize = baseSize * 3; BYTE* rgbData = new BYTE[rgbSize];
memset(rgbData, 0, rgbSize); /* 变量声明 */
int temp = 0; BYTE* rData = rgbData; //r分量地址
BYTE* gData = rgbData + baseSize; //g分量地址
BYTE* bData = gData + baseSize; //b分量地址 int uvIndex =0, yIndex =0; //YUV->RGB 的转换矩阵
//double Yuv2Rgb[3][3] = {1, 0, 1.4022,
// 1, -0.3456, -0.7145,
// 1, 1.771, 0}; for(int y=0; y < height_y; y++)
for(int x=0; x < width_y; x++)
uvIndex = (y>>1) * (width_y>>1) + (x>>1);
yIndex = y * width_y + x; /* r分量 */
temp = (int)(puc_y[yIndex] + (puc_v[uvIndex] - 128) * 1.4022);
rData[yIndex] = temp<0 ? 0 : (temp > 255 ? 255 : temp); /* g分量 */
temp = (int)(puc_y[yIndex] + (puc_u[uvIndex] - 128) * (-0.3456) +
(puc_v[uvIndex] - 128) * (-0.7145));
gData[yIndex] = temp < 0 ? 0 : (temp > 255 ? 255 : temp); /* b分量 */
temp = (int)(puc_y[yIndex] + (puc_u[uvIndex] - 128) * 1.771);
bData[yIndex] = temp < 0 ? 0 : (temp > 255 ? 255 : temp);
} //将R,G,B三个分量赋给img_data
int widthStep = width_y*3;
for (int y = 0; y < height_y; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width_y; x++)
puc_rgb[y * widthStep + x * 3 + 2] = rData[y * width_y + x]; //R
puc_rgb[y * widthStep + x * 3 + 1] = gData[y * width_y + x]; //G
puc_rgb[y * widthStep + x * 3 + 0] = bData[y * width_y + x]; //B
} if (!puc_rgb)
return false;
} delete [] rgbData;
return true;
} IplImage* YUV420_To_IplImage(unsigned char* pYUV420, int width, int height)
if (!pYUV420)
return NULL;
} //初始化变量
int baseSize = width*height;
int imgSize = baseSize*3; BYTE* pRGB24 = new BYTE[imgSize];
memset(pRGB24, 0, imgSize); /* 变量声明 */
int temp = 0; BYTE* yData = pYUV420; //y分量地址
BYTE* uData = pYUV420 + baseSize; //u分量地址
BYTE* vData = uData + (baseSize>>2); //v分量地址 if(YUV420_To_BGR24(yData, uData, vData, pRGB24, width, height) == false || !pRGB24)
return NULL;
} IplImage *image = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), 8,3);
memcpy(image->imageData, pRGB24, imgSize); if (!image)
return NULL;
} delete [] pRGB24;
return image;
bool YV12_To_BGR24(unsigned char* pYV12, unsigned char* pRGB24,int width, int height)
if(!pYV12 || !pRGB24)
return false;
} const long nYLen = long(height * width);
const int halfWidth = (width>>1); if(nYLen<1 || halfWidth<1)
return false;
} // yv12's data structure
// |WIDTH |
// y......y--------
// y......y HEIGHT
// y......y
// y......y--------
// v..v
// v..v
// u..u
// u..u
unsigned char* yData = pYV12;
unsigned char* vData = &yData[nYLen];
unsigned char* uData = &vData[nYLen>>2]; if(!uData || !vData)
return false;
} // Convert YV12 to RGB24
int rgb[3];
int i, j, m, n, x, y;
m = -width;
n = -halfWidth;
for(y=0; y<height;y++)
m += width;
if(!(y % 2))
n += halfWidth;
for(x=0; x<width;x++)
i = m + x;
j = n + (x>>1);
rgb[2] = int(yData[i] + 1.370705 * (vData[j] - 128)); // r
rgb[1] = int(yData[i] - 0.698001 * (uData[j] - 128) - 0.703125 * (vData[j] - 128)); // g
rgb[0] = int(yData[i] + 1.732446 * (uData[j] - 128)); // b //j = nYLen - iWidth - m + x;
//i = (j<<1) + j; //图像是上下颠倒的 j = m + x;
i = (j<<1) + j; for(j=0; j<3; j++)
if(rgb[j]>=0 && rgb[j]<=255)
pRGB24[i + j] = rgb[j];
pRGB24[i + j] = (rgb[j] < 0)? 0 : 255;
} if (pRGB24 == NULL)
return false;
} return true;
} IplImage* YV12_To_IplImage(unsigned char* pYV12, int width, int height)
if (!pYV12)
return NULL;
} int sizeRGB = width* height *3;
unsigned char* pRGB24 = new unsigned char[sizeRGB];
memset(pRGB24, 0, sizeRGB); if(YV12_To_BGR24(pYV12, pRGB24 ,width, height) == false || (!pRGB24))
return NULL;
} IplImage* pImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), 8, 3);
return NULL;
} memcpy(pImage->imageData, pRGB24, sizeRGB);
if (!(pImage->imageData))
return NULL;
} delete [] pRGB24;
return pImage;
private byte[] YV12_To_RGB24(byte[] yv12, int width, int height) {
if(yv12 == null) {
return null;
int nYLen = (int)width * height;
int halfWidth = width >> 1;
if(nYLen<1 || halfWidth<1) {
return null;
// yv12's data structure
// |WIDTH |
// y......y--------
// y......y HEIGHT
// y......y
// y......y--------
// v..v
// v..v
// u..u
// u..u
// Convert YV12 to RGB24
byte[] rgb24 = new byte[width * height * 3];
int[] rgb = new int[3];
int i, j, m, n, x, y;
m = -width;
n = -halfWidth;
for(y=0; y<height; y++) {
m += width;
if(y%2 != 0) {
n += halfWidth;
for(x=0; x<width; x++) {
i = m+x;
j = n + (x>>1);
rgb[2] = (int)((int)(yv12[i]&0xFF) + 1.370705 * ((int)(yv12[nYLen+j]&0xFF) - 128)); // r
rgb[1] = (int)((int)(yv12[i]&0xFF) - 0.698001 * ((int)(yv12[nYLen+(nYLen>>2)+j]&0xFF) - 128) - 0.703125 * ((int)(yv12[nYLen+j]&0xFF) - 128)); // g
rgb[0] = (int)((int)(yv12[i]&0xFF) + 1.732446 * ((int)(yv12[nYLen+(nYLen>>2)+j]&0xFF) - 128)); // b
//j = nYLen - iWidth - m + x;
//i = (j<<1) + j; //图像是上下颠倒的
j = m + x;
i = (j<<1) + j;
for(j=0; j<3; j++) {
if(rgb[j]>=0 && rgb[j]<=255) {
rgb24[i+j] = (byte)rgb[j];
} else {
rgb24[i+j] = (byte) ((rgb[j] < 0)? 0 : 255);
return rgb24;
private IplImage YV12_ToIplImage(byte[] yv12, int width, int height) {
if(yv12 == null) {
return null;
byte[] rgb24 = YV12_To_RGB24(yv12, width, height);
if(rgb24 == null) {
return null;
IplImage image = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), 8, 3);
image.imageData(new BytePointer(rgb24));
return image;