Only today I realized that I was missing this in my PHP scripts:
All my tables are InnoDB, collation "utf8_unicode_ci", and all my VARCHAR columns are "utf8_unicode_ci" as well. I have mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8');
on my PHP scripts, and all my PHP files are encoded as UTF-8.
我所有的表都是InnoDB, collation“utf8_unicode_ci”,所有的VARCHAR列都是“utf8_unicode_ci”。我有mb_internal_encoding(“utf - 8”);在我的PHP脚本中,所有的PHP文件都被编码为UTF-8。
So, until now, every time I "INSERT" something with diacritics, example:
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `table` SET `name`="Jáuò Iñe"');
The 'name' contents would be, in this case: Jáuò Iñe
Since I fixed the charset between PHP and MySQL, new INSERTs are now storing correctly. However, I want to fix all the older rows that are "messed" at the moment. I tried many things already, but it always breaks the strings on the first "illegal" character. Here is my current code:
$m = mysql_real_escape_string('¿<?php echo "¬<b>\'PHP á (á)ţăriîş </b>"; ?> ă-ţi abcdd;//;ñç´พดแทฝใจคçăâξβψδπλξξςαยนñ ;');
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `table` SET `name`="'.$m.'"');
mysql_query('INSERT INTO `table` SET `name`="'.$m.'"');
$result = mysql_iquery('SELECT * FROM `table`');
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$message = $row['name'];
$message = mb_convert_encoding($message, 'ISO-8859-15', 'UTF-8');
//$message = iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1//IGNORE", $message);
mysql_iquery('UPDATE `table` SET `name`="'.mysql_real_escape_string($message).'" WHERE `a1`="'.$row['a1'].'"');
It "UPDATE"s with the expected characters, except that the string gets truncated after the character "ă". I mean, that character and following chars are not included on the string.
Also, testing with the "iconv()" (that is commented on the code) does the same, even with //IGNORE and //TRANSLIT
I also tested several charsets, between ISO-8859-1 and ISO-8859-15.
I really need help here! Thank you.
3 个解决方案
From what you describe, it seems you have UTF-8 data that was originally stored as Latin-1 and then not converted correctly to UTF-8. The data is recoverable; you'll need a MySQL function like
convert(cast(convert(name using latin1) as binary) using utf8)
It's possible that you may need to omit the inner conversion, depending on how the data was altered during the encoding conversion.
After i searched about an hour or two for this answer. I needed to migrate a old tt_news db from typo into a new typo3 version. I already tried convert the charset in the export file and import it back, but didn't get it working.
我找了一两个小时才找到这个答案。我需要将一个旧的tt_news db从typo迁移到一个新的typo3版本。我已经尝试在导出文件中转换charset并将其导入,但是没有成功。
Then i tried the answer above from ABS and startet a update on the table:
UPDATE tt_news SET
title=convert(cast(convert(title using latin1) as binary) using utf8),
short=convert(cast(convert(short using latin1) as binary) using utf8),
bodytext=convert(cast(convert(bodytext using latin1) as binary) using utf8)
You can also convert imagecaption, imagealttext, imagetitletext and keywords if needed. Hope this will help somebody migrating tt_news to new typo3 version.
the way is better way use connection tow you database normal
then use this code to make what you need you must make your page encoding utf-8 by meta in header cod html (dont forget this)
然后用这段代码来做你需要的东西你必须把你的页面编码utf-8以meta在header html中(别忘了这个)
then use this code
$result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM shops');
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($
$name= iconv("windows-1256", "UTF-8", $row['name']);
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
mysql_query("update `shops` SET `name`='".$name."' where ID='$row[ID]' ");
From what you describe, it seems you have UTF-8 data that was originally stored as Latin-1 and then not converted correctly to UTF-8. The data is recoverable; you'll need a MySQL function like
convert(cast(convert(name using latin1) as binary) using utf8)
It's possible that you may need to omit the inner conversion, depending on how the data was altered during the encoding conversion.
After i searched about an hour or two for this answer. I needed to migrate a old tt_news db from typo into a new typo3 version. I already tried convert the charset in the export file and import it back, but didn't get it working.
我找了一两个小时才找到这个答案。我需要将一个旧的tt_news db从typo迁移到一个新的typo3版本。我已经尝试在导出文件中转换charset并将其导入,但是没有成功。
Then i tried the answer above from ABS and startet a update on the table:
UPDATE tt_news SET
title=convert(cast(convert(title using latin1) as binary) using utf8),
short=convert(cast(convert(short using latin1) as binary) using utf8),
bodytext=convert(cast(convert(bodytext using latin1) as binary) using utf8)
You can also convert imagecaption, imagealttext, imagetitletext and keywords if needed. Hope this will help somebody migrating tt_news to new typo3 version.
the way is better way use connection tow you database normal
then use this code to make what you need you must make your page encoding utf-8 by meta in header cod html (dont forget this)
然后用这段代码来做你需要的东西你必须把你的页面编码utf-8以meta在header html中(别忘了这个)
then use this code
$result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM shops');
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($
$name= iconv("windows-1256", "UTF-8", $row['name']);
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
mysql_query("update `shops` SET `name`='".$name."' where ID='$row[ID]' ");