11 The superlative

时间:2023-01-05 14:58:00

  1 *用来表明三个或更多事物之间的关系。*是通过在形容词之前加 "the" 并在之后加 "-est",或在形容词之前加 "the most"。它的反义句是通过在形容词之前加 "the least" 构成的。

  Ms. Buttet has the lowest budget in several years.

  Chanel's women's products are the most successful.

  2 形容词有一个音节时,在它的前面加 "the" 并在后面添加 "-est"。 形容词有两个音节而且结尾是 "y"时, 将 "y" 更改为 "i" 并且加 "-est"。

  The highest priority is to develop new women's products.

  Who is the busiest scientist in the laboratory?

  3 形容词有两个音节,但结尾不是 "y",或形容词有三个或四个音节时,在它的前面加 "the most"。对于它的反义句,在形容词之前加 "the least"。

  That is the most useful suggestion that you've made today.

  He is one of the least supportive bosses that I've ever had.


  4 Irregular forms

  11 The superlative

  We produce the best perfume on the market.

  My staff has the worst attitude in the company.

  5 *通常和介词 "in" 和 "on" 以及介词词组 "of all" 一起使用。*通常后接 "that" ,再加主语和动词,例如,"...that I have ever seen" 或"...that I know"。

  Our perfume is the best on the market(in the industry, of all our products).

  This is the hardest project that I've ever done.

  6 可以使用词语 "one of the..." "two of the..." 或 "some of the..." 来将两个或两个以上的事物与一组事物进行比较。

  He's the nicest man in my department.

  He's one of the nicest men at work.

  One of the brightest scientists in the world works here.

  Two of the... ...work.

  Some of the ... ...work



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