NopCommerce 发布时 Could not load file or assembly 'file:///...\Autofac.3.5.2\lib\net40\Autofac.dll' or one of its dependencies

时间:2023-01-04 19:24:59



The 3.5 solution compiles fine, and Nop.Web also compile fine, however when I try to publish to a local folder I get these four errors

Error  1 Could not load file or assembly 'file:///F:\nopCommerce_3.50_SourceFresh\packages\Autofac.3.5.2\lib\net40\Autofac.dll' or one of its dependencies. Operation is not supported. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131515)  F:\nopCommerce_3.50_SourceFresh\Libraries\Nop.Services\      SGEN  Nop.Services

Error  2 Metadata file 'F:\nopCommerce_3.50_SourceFresh\Libraries\Nop.Services\bin\Release\Nop.Services.dll' could not be found  F:\nopCommerce_3.50_SourceFresh\Presentation\Nop.Web.Framework\     CSC     Nop.Web.Framework

Error  3 Metadata file 'F:\nopCommerce_3.50_SourceFresh\Libraries\Nop.Services\bin\Release\Nop.Services.dll' could not be found  F:\nopCommerce_3.50_SourceFresh\Presentation\Nop.Web\    CSC         Nop.Web

Error  4 Metadata file 'F:\nopCommerce_3.50_SourceFresh\Presentation\Nop.Web.Framework\bin\Release\Nop.Web.Framework.dll' could not be found  F:\nopCommerce_3.50_SourceFresh\Presentation\Nop.Web\      CSC           Nop.Web

I am using VS 2013 Ultimate on x64 Win 8.1.

These errors are from the fresh release (Dec 10) Source code I downloaded from both codeplex and nop sites. Folders using nop source code and publish folders have write permissions.

Thanks for any pointers.


Windows 7 or Windows 8 has a security feature, sometime it block  dlls inside  the .zip file that is downloaded from internet.

Try following steps to get ride of it
1. Download the source code again or find the .zip file that you already downloaded
2. Right click then go Properties
3. In General tab click 'Unblocked'

Now unzip and try rebuild and publish, everything should be fine.

Best of luck.

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