5 个解决方案
declare @tb table (a int,b int,c varchar(50))
insert into @tb select 1,2,'12354/'
insert into @tb select 3,4,'54156%'
insert into @tb select 5,6,'87415426$'
insert into @tb select 7,8,'15646'
select a,b,
case when unicode(right(c,1)) not between 49 and 58 or unicode(right(c,1)) not between 66 and 91 or unicode(right(c,1)) not between 98 and 123
then left(c,len(c)-2)
else c end as c
from @tb
a b c
1 2 1235
3 4 5415
5 6 8741542
7 8 156
create table #([unicode] varchar(10),[ascii] varchar(10))
declare @i int
set @i=1
insert into #
select char(@i),@i
set @i=@i+1
select * from #
create table tb (a int,b int,c varchar(50))
insert into tb select 1,2,'12354/'
insert into tb select 3,4,'54156%'
insert into tb select 5,6,'87415426$'
insert into tb select 7,8,'15646'
insert into tb select 7,8,'156463 '
select a,b,RTRIM(c) as c into #s from tb
select a,b,
case when unicode(right(c,1)) not between 48 and 57
then left(c,len(c)-1)
else c end as c
from #s
drop table tb,#s
insert into tb select 1,2,'12354/'
insert into tb select 3,4,'54156%'
insert into tb select 5,6,'87415426$'
insert into tb select 7,8,'15646'
insert into tb select 7,8,'156463 '
select a,b,RTRIM(c) as c into #s from tb
select a,b,
case when unicode(right(c,1)) not between 48 and 57
then left(c,len(c)-1)
else c end as c
from #s
drop table tb,#s
select ascii(' ')as 全角,ascii(' ')as 半角
全角 半角
161 32
select ascii(' ')as 全角,ascii(' ')as 半角
全角 半角
161 32
declare @tb table (a int,b int,c varchar(50))
insert into @tb select 1,2,'12354/'
insert into @tb select 3,4,'54156%'
insert into @tb select 5,6,'87415426$'
insert into @tb select 7,8,'15646'
select a,b,
case when unicode(right(c,1)) not between 49 and 58 or unicode(right(c,1)) not between 66 and 91 or unicode(right(c,1)) not between 98 and 123
then left(c,len(c)-2)
else c end as c
from @tb
a b c
1 2 1235
3 4 5415
5 6 8741542
7 8 156
create table #([unicode] varchar(10),[ascii] varchar(10))
declare @i int
set @i=1
insert into #
select char(@i),@i
set @i=@i+1
select * from #
create table tb (a int,b int,c varchar(50))
insert into tb select 1,2,'12354/'
insert into tb select 3,4,'54156%'
insert into tb select 5,6,'87415426$'
insert into tb select 7,8,'15646'
insert into tb select 7,8,'156463 '
select a,b,RTRIM(c) as c into #s from tb
select a,b,
case when unicode(right(c,1)) not between 48 and 57
then left(c,len(c)-1)
else c end as c
from #s
drop table tb,#s
insert into tb select 1,2,'12354/'
insert into tb select 3,4,'54156%'
insert into tb select 5,6,'87415426$'
insert into tb select 7,8,'15646'
insert into tb select 7,8,'156463 '
select a,b,RTRIM(c) as c into #s from tb
select a,b,
case when unicode(right(c,1)) not between 48 and 57
then left(c,len(c)-1)
else c end as c
from #s
drop table tb,#s
select ascii(' ')as 全角,ascii(' ')as 半角
全角 半角
161 32
select ascii(' ')as 全角,ascii(' ')as 半角
全角 半角
161 32