I am working on a C# project which has a library to perform common tasks among various project.
I have a function in the library which gets a list of alarms from a table. This query is done in MySQL but I now need the same functionality with an SQLite database.
Below is the query I am trying to port from MySQL to Sqlite.
SELECT id, min(date) as min_date, max(date) as max_date, type, partMsg, level, page, COUNT(partMsg) AS msgCount FROM (SELECT id, date, type, SUBSTRING_INDEX(message, ':', 1) AS partMsg, level, page FROM alarms a WHERE acknowledged='0') p GROUP BY partMsg
At the moment when I run this query on the Sqlite database it throws an exception stating that SUBSTRING_INDEX isn't a valid function. Does SQLite have an alternative function that would do the same as this.
在我在Sqlite数据库上运行此查询时,它会抛出一个异常,指出SUBSTRING_INDEX不是有效函数。 SQLite是否有一个与此相同的替代功能。
Thanks for any help you can provide.
1 个解决方案
SELECT id, min(date) as min_date, max(date) as max_date, type, partMsg, level, page, COUNT(partMsg) AS msgCount FROM (SELECT id, date, type, substr(message, ':', 1) AS partMsg, level, page FROM alarms a WHERE acknowledged='0') p GROUP BY partMsg
SELECT id, min(date) as min_date, max(date) as max_date, type, partMsg, level, page, COUNT(partMsg) AS msgCount FROM (SELECT id, date, type, substr(message, ':', 1) AS partMsg, level, page FROM alarms a WHERE acknowledged='0') p GROUP BY partMsg