烦人的警告 Deprecated: convertStrings was not specified when starting the JVM

时间:2023-01-02 21:30:25

python 调用java代码:


Deprecated: convertStrings was not specified when starting the JVM. The default
behavior in JPype will be False starting in JPype 0.8. The recommended setting
for new code is convertStrings=False. The legacy value of True was assumed for
this session. If you are a user of an application that reported this warning,
please file a ticket with the developer.

烦人的警告 Deprecated: convertStrings was not specified when starting the JVM


每次运行程序都看到这个玩意,觉得恶心,那就去进入 修改这个警告。

cd /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/jpype
vim _core.py


烦人的警告 Deprecated: convertStrings was not specified when starting the JVM



烦人的警告 Deprecated: convertStrings was not specified when starting the JVM

