
时间:2022-04-19 05:32:15

在研究Java AIO的时候理解到reactor和proactor模式,顺便研究了一下。

这里面会提到blokcing/non-blocking, synchronous/asynchronous的对比,要仔细体会才行。


如果实现一个高性能的服务器端,比如web server,有以下几种方式:



1、Non-blocking I/O solution

One method for handling I/O on multiple descriptors involves the use of "polling." polling operates by cycling through a set of open descriptors, checking each one for pending I/O activity.


The primary disadvantage with polling is that it consumes excessive CPU cycles by making unnecessary system calls while "busy-waiting". For instance, if input occurs only intermittently on the I/O descriptors, the server process will repeatedly and superfluously poll descriptors that do not have any pending logging records. On the other hand, if I/O is continuously received up all descriptors, this approach may be reasonable. In addition, an advantage with polling is that it is portable accross OS platforms.


2、Multi-Process Solution - master/slave模式




3、Multi-threaded solution



4、The Event Demultiplexing Solution

主要是用到了操作系统的事件多路分用(event demultiplexing)功能:通过调用select和poll。这一类里根据实现的不同又分为几类:


4.1 select-based 

4.2 poll-based


-> Complicated and Error-Prone Interfaces

-> Low-Level Interfaces

-> Non-Portable Interfaces

-> Non-Extensible Interfaces




4.3 reactive event dispatching model


4.4 proactive event dispatching model

Java AIO的实现者Alan Bateman解释以上两种模式的区别是:


-> Initiate non-blocking I/O operation

-> Notification when I/O completes

-> Proactor pattern



-> notification when channel ready for I/O (Selector)

-> perform non-blocking I/O operation

-> Reactor pattern

