I love playing around with automation stuff. In a recent automation task, I was to copy or move files and/or folders from one location to another in SQL Server without using SQLCMD.
If you are novice to OLE automation in SQL server then I would recommend you to read my previous articles on OLE automation first. --The below configuration must be enabled /*
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
RECONFIGURE with override;
GO sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures', 1;
RECONFIGURE with override;
*/ DECLARE @source varchar(100) = 'E:\others\Lab_SQLIndia\src\TextFile.txt'
, @destination varchar(100) = 'E:\others\Lab_SQLIndia\dest'
, @operation tinyint = 1 -- 1=CopyFile, 2=CopyFolder, 3=MoveFile, 4=MoveFolder, DECLARE @fso int
, @init int
, @errFso int
, @return varchar(100)
SET @destination = @destination + '\' EXEC @init = sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @fso OUTPUT
IF @init = 0 SELECT @errFso = @fso IF @init = 0 AND @operation = 1 BEGIN IF @init = 0 SELECT @errFso = @fso EXEC @init = sp_OAMethod @fso,
@destination SET @return = 'FILE SUCCESSFULLY COPIED' END ELSE IF @init = 0 AND @operation = 2 BEGIN IF @init = 0 SELECT @errFso = @fso EXEC @init = sp_OAMethod @fso,
@destination SET @return = 'FOLDER SUCCESSFULLY COPIED' END ELSE IF @init = 0 AND @operation = 3 BEGIN IF @init = 0 SELECT @errFso = @fso EXEC @init = sp_OAMethod @fso,
@destination SET @return = 'FILE SUCCESSFULLY MOVED' END ELSE IF @init = 0 AND @operation = 4 BEGIN IF @init = 0 SELECT @errFso = @fso EXEC @init = sp_OAMethod @fso,
@destination SET @return = 'FOLDER SUCCESSFULLY MOVED' END IF @init <> 0 BEGIN DECLARE @Description varchar (255), @src varchar (255), @Helpfile varchar (255), @HelpID int EXECUTE sp_OAGetErrorInfo @errFso, @src OUTPUT, @Description OUTPUT, @Helpfile OUTPUT, @HelpID OUTPUT PRINT COALESCE(@src + @Description + @Helpfile + CAST(@HelpID as varchar(20)), 'Error Occurred') END ELSE PRINT @return EXEC sp_OADestroy @fso