
时间:2021-07-18 06:07:55


【我的翻译】The message makes she very sad.
【标准答案】The news made her very sad.
【对比分析】(1)消息使用的单词不一致 --> message当消息讲时:a written or spoken piece of information,ect. that you send to sb or leave for sb when you cannot speak to them yourself.指书面或口头的消息,信息或手机短信,强调的是留下的信息;news当消息讲时:new information about sth that has happened recently.指最近发生的一些信息,强调的是最近发生的事情。所以用news更合适一些
(2)时态不一致 --> 使变得,已经发生了,所以用过去式合适一些 make sb + adj :使变得;使成为
(3)she与her --> she:用作动词的主语;her:用作动词或介词的宾语,或作表语,是she的所有格形式
【解题思路】The news(主语)made(谓语)her(宾语)very sad(宾补)
- 内部关系:动作关系
- 句子时态:一般过去时
- 句子成分:主谓宾+宾补

【我的翻译】He gave what his son want.
【标准答案】He denied his son nothing.
【对比分析】要什么给什么可以理解为:不会拒绝给任何东西。denied 拒绝给与 nothing 没有一件东西,双重否定表肯定
【解题思路】He(主语)denied(谓语)his son(间宾)nothing(直宾)
- 内部关系:动作关系
- 句子时态:一般过去时
- 句子成分:主谓双宾

【我的翻译】Could you give me one more ticket。
【标准答案】Can/Could you spare me an extra ticket?
【对比分析】(1)give与spare区别 --> give当‘给’讲时:to hand sth to sb that they can look at it,use it or keep it for a time.强调给的过程以及持有一段时间。spare当‘给’讲时,有匀出、抽出、留出的意思
(2)多给一张可以理解为一张额外的,我的答案one more ticket强调的是‘再一张’,标准答案强调‘额外的一张’
【解题思路】you(主语)spare(谓语)me(间宾)an extra ticket(直宾)
- 内部关系:动作关系
- 句子时态:一般现在时
- 句子成分:主谓双宾

【我的翻译】Don't do anything half.
【标准答案】Don’t leave things half-finished.
- 内部关系:动作关系
- 句子时态:一般现在时
- 句子成分:谓宾(补)
【拓展】half-finished 半成品的;leave:(1)to not do sth or deal with sthimmediately 不立刻做,不马上处理(2)to make or allow sth/sb to remail in particular condition,place,etc.使保留,让...处于(某种状态、某地)。当前题目应该是使用的第二种用法,不要让事情处于半成品的状态

【我的翻译】Do you keep him your friend?
【标准答案】Do you still consider him a friend of yours?
【对比分析】我想翻译的意思是:你依然保持着和他的朋友关系吗?但是翻译的是错误的。正确的应该是:Do you still keep the friendship with him?
【解题思路】you(主语)still consider(谓语)him(宾语)a friend of yours(补语)
- 内部关系:动作关系
- 句子时态:一般现在时
- 句子成分:主谓宾(补)

【我的翻译】Don't make the table dirty.
【标准答案】Don’t get the table dirty.
【对比分析】make与get --> make:造成,引发,出现。 get sb/sth + adj 有(使)达到,处于...的状态。eg. Don’t get your dress dirty!别把你的连衣裙弄脏了
【解题思路】get(谓语)the table(宾语)dirty(补语)
- 内部关系:动作关系
- 句子时态:一般现在时
- 句子成分:谓宾(补)

【我的翻译】This trip cost me a lot of money.
【标准答案】The trip cost me a lot of money.
【对比分析】代词使用的不一样。The与This -- > the:used when explaining which persion or thing you mean(可以在解释某物或某人的时候使用);this:(指较近的人或物)这,这个
【解题思路】The trip(主语)cost(谓语)me(间宾)a lot of money(直宾)
- 内部关系:动作关系
- 句子时态:一般过去时
- 句子成分:主谓双宾

【我的翻译】I sell him a car.
【标准答案】I sold him my car. / I sold my car to him.
【解题思路】I(主语)sold(谓语)him(间宾)my car(直宾)
- 内部关系:动作关系
- 句子时态:一般过去式
- 句子成分:主谓双宾
【拓展】为什么用to -- > used to show the person or thing that receives sth(引出接受者)给,予,向。eg. He ave it to his sister. 引出给的这个东西的接受者,是他的妹妹
from --> 强调从...到...

【我的翻译】The soft music make us very relaxed.
【标准答案】The soft music made us relaxed.
【解题思路】The soft music(主语)made (谓语)us (宾语)relaxed.(补)
- 内部关系:动作关系
- 句子时态:一般过去时
- 句子成分:主谓宾+补

【我的翻译】We found him a reliable friend.
【标准答案】We found him a reliable friend.
【解题思路】We(主语)found(谓语)him(宾语)a reliable friend(补)
- 内部关系:动作关系
- 句子时态:一般过去时
- 句子成分:主谓宾+补


❶ 「花钱」可以有几种表达?
