- Base Class E0h (Wireless Controller)
This base class is defined for devices that are Wireless controllers. Values not shown in the table below are reserved. These class codes are to be used in Interface Descriptors, with the exception of the Bluetooth class code which can also be used in a Device Descriptor.
Base Class |
SubClass |
Protocol |
Meaning |
E0h |
01h |
01h |
Bluetooth Programming Interface. Get specific information from the Bluetooth SIG. |
02h |
UWB Radio Control Interface. Definition for this is found in the Wireless USB Specification in Chapter 8. |
03h |
Remote NDIS. Information can be found at: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/mobileoperators/default.mspx |
02h |
01h |
Host Wire Adapter Control/Data interface. Definition can be found in the Wireless USB Specification in Chapter 8. |
02h |
Device Wire Adapter Control/Data interface. Definition can be found in the Wireless USB Specification in Chapter 8. |
03h |
Device Wire Adapter Isochronous interface. Definition can be found in the Wireless USB Specification in Chapter 8. |
- Base Class EFh (Miscellaneous)
This base class is defined for miscellaneous device definitions. Values not shown in the table below are reserved. The use of these class codes (Device or Interface descriptor) are specifically annotated in each entry below.
Base Class |
SubClass |
Protocol |
Meaning |
EFh |
01h |
01h |
Active Sync device. This class code can be used in either Device or Interface Descriptors. Contact Microsoft for more information on this class. |
02h |
Palm Sync. This class code can be used in either Device or Interface Descriptors. |
02h |
01h |
Interface Association Descriptor. The usage of this class code triple is defined in the Interface Association Descriptor ECN that is provided on www.usb.org. This class code may only be used in Device Descriptors. |
02h |
Wire Adapter Multifunction Peripheral programming interface. Definition can be found in the Wireless USB Specification in Chapter 8. This class code may only be used in Device Descriptors |
03h |
01h |
Cable Based Association Framework. This is defined in the Association Model addendum to the Wireless USB specification. This class code may only be used in Interface Descriptors. |
- Base Class FEh (Application Specific)
This base class is defined for devices that conform to several class specifications found on the USB-IF website. That specification defines the usable set of SubClass and Protocol values. Values outside of that defined spec are reserved. These class codes can only be used in Interface Descriptors.
Base Class |
SubClass |
Protocol |
Meaning |
FEh |
01h |
01h |
Device Firmware Upgrade. Device class definition provided on www.usb.org. |
02h |
00h |
IRDA Bridge device. Device class definition provided on www.usb.org. |
03h |
00h |
USB Test and Measurement Device. Definition provided in the USB Test and Measurement Class spec found on www.usb.org. |
01h |
USB Test and Measurement Device conforming to the USBTMC USB488 Subclass Specification found on www.usb.org. |
- Base Class FFh (Vendor Specific)
This base class is defined for vendors to use as they please. These class codes can be used in both Device and Interface Descriptors.
Base Class |
SubClass |
Protocol |
Meaning |
FFh |
xxh |
xxh |
Vendor specific |
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