
时间:2022-12-29 18:35:36

How do I work around the 255 characters per cell limit when converting a range (= multidimensional array) to single dimensional array with the use of Application.Index(array, row, column)?


The following truncated example reproduces the error:


Error 13. Type mismatch


(The complete code is on superuser where I tried to help another user).


How to reproduce

  • Open a new Excel sheet and insert the formula =REPT("x",256) to cell A1
    This creates a 256 characters long string which is just 1 character too long for the last step

    打开一个新的Excel工作表并将公式= REPT(“x”,256)插入单元格A1这将创建一个长度为256个字符的字符串,该字符串对于最后一步而言只有1个字符太长

  • Open the VBA editor (Alt+F11) and paste the below code somewhere

    打开VBA编辑器(Alt + F11)并将以下代码粘贴到某处

  • Execute the code line by line with F8


    Function StringLengthTest()       
        Dim arr2D As Variant
        Dim arr1D As Variant        
        arr2D = Rows(1)
        arr1D = Application.Index(arr2D, 1, 0)        
    End Function
  • You'll see the same error at the last line when Excel tries to convert a range (2D) to a 1D array while one of its cells has more than 255 characters.


To prove this, change =REPT("x",256) to =REPT("x",255) and run the code again. This time it will work.

为了证明这一点,将= REPT(“x”,256)更改为= REPT(“x”,255)并再次运行代码。这次它会起作用。

Question: Should I declare my variables in another way? Is there a better way to convert a range (which is always a 2D object at first) to a single dimensional array?


I know I could use a loop to iterate through the arrays and save all 2D array values one by one to a 1D array. But that's not efficient. Imagine really large sheets.


1 个解决方案



by far the best way of getting anything from a cells into memory (an array) is to use an array variant. I think the problem you are having is with index not with your method.


Hopefully this code should explain it.


Dim v_data As Variant
Dim rw As Long, cl As Long ' for row and column
Dim arr1d() As Variant
Dim count As Long

' I'm going to use UsedRange to get the whole sheet  .UsedSheet
' If you just want things from one row or column then just spec
' activesheet.range("A1:A100") or use cells()
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
  ReDim v_data(1 To .Rows.count, 1 To .Columns.count)
  v_data = .Value
End With

'now we have all the things from that sheet.
'so to convert to 1d array where the cell value is say = 1
For rw = LBound(v_data) To UBound(v_data)
   For cl = LBound(v_data, 2) To UBound(v_data, 2) ' note the comma 2 for the second dimension bounds.
       If v_data(rw, cl) = 1 Then
           count = count + 1
           ReDim Preserve arr1d(1 To count)
           arr1d(count) = v_data(rw, cl)
       End If
   Next cl
Next rw

For count = LBound(arr1d) To UBound(arr1d)
    Debug.Print arr1d(count)
Next count

now the trick is to farm this off to a function that takes a few args( a 2d range, what you are looking for in that range) and returns your list.


To get your data back into a workbook


ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Resize(UBound(arr1d), 1).Value = arr1d

make a range of the exact same size in terms of the bounds of your array and then ensuring you use .value just pop in the variant array.




by far the best way of getting anything from a cells into memory (an array) is to use an array variant. I think the problem you are having is with index not with your method.


Hopefully this code should explain it.


Dim v_data As Variant
Dim rw As Long, cl As Long ' for row and column
Dim arr1d() As Variant
Dim count As Long

' I'm going to use UsedRange to get the whole sheet  .UsedSheet
' If you just want things from one row or column then just spec
' activesheet.range("A1:A100") or use cells()
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
  ReDim v_data(1 To .Rows.count, 1 To .Columns.count)
  v_data = .Value
End With

'now we have all the things from that sheet.
'so to convert to 1d array where the cell value is say = 1
For rw = LBound(v_data) To UBound(v_data)
   For cl = LBound(v_data, 2) To UBound(v_data, 2) ' note the comma 2 for the second dimension bounds.
       If v_data(rw, cl) = 1 Then
           count = count + 1
           ReDim Preserve arr1d(1 To count)
           arr1d(count) = v_data(rw, cl)
       End If
   Next cl
Next rw

For count = LBound(arr1d) To UBound(arr1d)
    Debug.Print arr1d(count)
Next count

now the trick is to farm this off to a function that takes a few args( a 2d range, what you are looking for in that range) and returns your list.


To get your data back into a workbook


ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Resize(UBound(arr1d), 1).Value = arr1d

make a range of the exact same size in terms of the bounds of your array and then ensuring you use .value just pop in the variant array.
