为了节省后端程序开销则在前端 显示的时候在此对代码进行编码,防止xss攻击。
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){ var FilterCSS = require('cssfilter').FilterCSS;
var getDefaultCSSWhiteList = require('cssfilter').getDefaultWhiteList;
var _ = require('./util'); // 默认白名单
function getDefaultWhiteList () {
return {
a: ['target', 'href', 'title'],
abbr: ['title'],
address: [],
area: ['shape', 'coords', 'href', 'alt'],
article: [],
aside: [],
audio: ['autoplay', 'controls', 'loop', 'preload', 'src'],
b: [],
bdi: ['dir'],
bdo: ['dir'],
big: [],
blockquote: ['cite'],
br: [],
caption: [],
center: [],
cite: [],
code: [],
col: ['align', 'valign', 'span', 'width'],
colgroup: ['align', 'valign', 'span', 'width'],
dd: [],
del: ['datetime'],
details: ['open'],
div: [],
dl: [],
dt: [],
em: [],
font: ['color', 'size', 'face'],
footer: [],
h1: [],
h2: [],
h3: [],
h4: [],
h5: [],
h6: [],
header: [],
hr: [],
i: [],
img: ['src', 'alt', 'title', 'width', 'height'],
ins: ['datetime'],
li: [],
mark: [],
nav: [],
ol: [],
p: [],
pre: [],
s: [],
small: [],
span: [],
sub: [],
sup: [],
strong: [],
table: ['width', 'border', 'align', 'valign'],
tbody: ['align', 'valign'],
td: ['width', 'rowspan', 'colspan', 'align', 'valign'],
tfoot: ['align', 'valign'],
th: ['width', 'rowspan', 'colspan', 'align', 'valign'],
thead: ['align', 'valign'],
tr: ['rowspan', 'align', 'valign'],
tt: [],
u: [],
ul: [],
video: ['autoplay', 'controls', 'loop', 'preload', 'src', 'height', 'width']
} // 默认CSS Filter
var defaultCSSFilter = new FilterCSS(); /**
* 匹配到标签时的处理方法
* @param {String} tag
* @param {String} html
* @param {Object} options
* @return {String}
function onTag (tag, html, options) {
// do nothing
} /**
* 匹配到不在白名单上的标签时的处理方法
* @param {String} tag
* @param {String} html
* @param {Object} options
* @return {String}
function onIgnoreTag (tag, html, options) {
// do nothing
} /**
* 匹配到标签属性时的处理方法
* @param {String} tag
* @param {String} name
* @param {String} value
* @return {String}
function onTagAttr (tag, name, value) {
// do nothing
} /**
* 匹配到不在白名单上的标签属性时的处理方法
* @param {String} tag
* @param {String} name
* @param {String} value
* @return {String}
function onIgnoreTagAttr (tag, name, value) {
// do nothing
} /**
* HTML转义
* @param {String} html
function escapeHtml (html) {
return html.replace(REGEXP_LT, '<').replace(REGEXP_GT, '>');
} /**
* 安全的标签属性值
* @param {String} tag
* @param {String} name
* @param {String} value
* @param {Object} cssFilter
* @return {String}
function safeAttrValue (tag, name, value, cssFilter) {
// 转换为友好的属性值,再做判断
value = friendlyAttrValue(value); if (name === 'href' || name === 'src') {
// 过滤 href 和 src 属性
// 仅允许 http:// | https:// | mailto: | / | # 开头的地址
value = _.trim(value);
if (value === '#') return '#';
if (!(value.substr(0, 7) === 'http://' ||
value.substr(0, 8) === 'https://' ||
value.substr(0, 7) === 'mailto:' ||
value[0] === '#' ||
value[0] === '/')) {
return '';
} else if (name === 'background') {
// 过滤 background 属性 (这个xss漏洞较老了,可能已经不适用)
// javascript:
if (REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_4.test(value)) {
return '';
} else if (name === 'style') {
// /*注释*/
if (REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_3.test(value)) {
return '';
// expression()
if (REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_7.test(value)) {
return '';
// url()
if (REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_8.test(value)) {
if (REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_4.test(value)) {
return '';
if (cssFilter !== false) {
cssFilter = cssFilter || defaultCSSFilter;
value = cssFilter.process(value);
} // 输出时需要转义<>"
value = escapeAttrValue(value);
return value;
} // 正则表达式
var REGEXP_LT = /</g;
var REGEXP_GT = />/g;
var REGEXP_QUOTE = /"/g;
var REGEXP_QUOTE_2 = /"/g;
var REGEXP_ATTR_VALUE_1 = /&#([a-zA-Z0-9]*);?/img;
var REGEXP_ATTR_VALUE_NEWLINE = /&newline;?/img;
var REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_3 = /\/\*|\*\//mg;
var REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_4 = /((j\s*a\s*v\s*a|v\s*b|l\s*i\s*v\s*e)\s*s\s*c\s*r\s*i\s*p\s*t\s*|m\s*o\s*c\s*h\s*a)\:/ig;
var REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_5 = /^[\s"'`]*(d\s*a\s*t\s*a\s*)\:/ig;
var REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_6 = /^[\s"'`]*(d\s*a\s*t\s*a\s*)\:\s*image\//ig;
var REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_7 = /e\s*x\s*p\s*r\s*e\s*s\s*s\s*i\s*o\s*n\s*\(.*/ig;
var REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_8 = /u\s*r\s*l\s*\(.*/ig; /**
* 对双引号进行转义
* @param {String} str
* @return {String} str
function escapeQuote (str) {
return str.replace(REGEXP_QUOTE, '"');
} /**
* 对双引号进行转义
* @param {String} str
* @return {String} str
function unescapeQuote (str) {
return str.replace(REGEXP_QUOTE_2, '"');
} /**
* 对html实体编码进行转义
* @param {String} str
* @return {String}
function escapeHtmlEntities (str) {
return str.replace(REGEXP_ATTR_VALUE_1, function replaceUnicode (str, code) {
return (code[0] === 'x' || code[0] === 'X')
? String.fromCharCode(parseInt(code.substr(1), 16))
: String.fromCharCode(parseInt(code, 10));
} /**
* 对html5新增的危险实体编码进行转义
* @param {String} str
* @return {String}
function escapeDangerHtml5Entities (str) {
return str.replace(REGEXP_ATTR_VALUE_COLON, ':')
} /**
* 清除不可见字符
* @param {String} str
* @return {String}
function clearNonPrintableCharacter (str) {
var str2 = '';
for (var i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) {
str2 += str.charCodeAt(i) < 32 ? ' ' : str.charAt(i);
return _.trim(str2);
} /**
* 将标签的属性值转换成一般字符,便于分析
* @param {String} str
* @return {String}
function friendlyAttrValue (str) {
str = unescapeQuote(str); // 双引号
str = escapeHtmlEntities(str); // 转换HTML实体编码
str = escapeDangerHtml5Entities(str); // 转换危险的HTML5新增实体编码
str = clearNonPrintableCharacter(str); // 清除不可见字符
return str;
} /**
* 转义用于输出的标签属性值
* @param {String} str
* @return {String}
function escapeAttrValue (str) {
str = escapeQuote(str);
str = escapeHtml(str);
return str;
} /**
* 去掉不在白名单中的标签onIgnoreTag处理方法
function onIgnoreTagStripAll () {
return '';
} /**
* 删除标签体
* @param {array} tags 要删除的标签列表
* @param {function} next 对不在列表中的标签的处理函数,可选
function StripTagBody (tags, next) {
if (typeof(next) !== 'function') {
next = function () {};
} var isRemoveAllTag = !Array.isArray(tags);
function isRemoveTag (tag) {
if (isRemoveAllTag) return true;
return (_.indexOf(tags, tag) !== -1);
} var removeList = []; // 要删除的位置范围列表
var posStart = false; // 当前标签开始位置 return {
onIgnoreTag: function (tag, html, options) {
if (isRemoveTag(tag)) {
if (options.isClosing) {
var ret = '[/removed]';
var end = options.position + ret.length;
removeList.push([posStart !== false ? posStart : options.position, end]);
posStart = false;
return ret;
} else {
if (!posStart) {
posStart = options.position;
return '[removed]';
} else {
return next(tag, html, options);
remove: function (html) {
var rethtml = '';
var lastPos = 0;
_.forEach(removeList, function (pos) {
rethtml += html.slice(lastPos, pos[0]);
lastPos = pos[1];
rethtml += html.slice(lastPos);
return rethtml;
} /**
* 去除备注标签
* @param {String} html
* @return {String}
function stripCommentTag (html) {
return html.replace(STRIP_COMMENT_TAG_REGEXP, '');
var STRIP_COMMENT_TAG_REGEXP = /<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g; /**
* 去除不可见字符
* @param {String} html
* @return {String}
function stripBlankChar (html) {
var chars = html.split('');
chars = chars.filter(function (char) {
var c = char.charCodeAt(0);
if (c === 127) return false;
if (c <= 31) {
if (c === 10 || c === 13) return true;
return false;
return true;
return chars.join('');
} exports.whiteList = getDefaultWhiteList();
exports.getDefaultWhiteList = getDefaultWhiteList;
exports.onTag = onTag;
exports.onIgnoreTag = onIgnoreTag;
exports.onTagAttr = onTagAttr;
exports.onIgnoreTagAttr = onIgnoreTagAttr;
exports.safeAttrValue = safeAttrValue;
exports.escapeHtml = escapeHtml;
exports.escapeQuote = escapeQuote;
exports.unescapeQuote = unescapeQuote;
exports.escapeHtmlEntities = escapeHtmlEntities;
exports.escapeDangerHtml5Entities = escapeDangerHtml5Entities;
exports.clearNonPrintableCharacter = clearNonPrintableCharacter;
exports.friendlyAttrValue = friendlyAttrValue;
exports.escapeAttrValue = escapeAttrValue;
exports.onIgnoreTagStripAll = onIgnoreTagStripAll;
exports.StripTagBody = StripTagBody;
exports.stripCommentTag = stripCommentTag;
exports.stripBlankChar = stripBlankChar;
exports.cssFilter = defaultCSSFilter;
exports.getDefaultCSSWhiteList = getDefaultCSSWhiteList; },{"./util":4,"cssfilter":8}],2:[function(require,module,exports){
* 模块入口
* @author 老雷<leizongmin@gmail.com>
*/ var DEFAULT = require('./default');
var parser = require('./parser');
var FilterXSS = require('./xss'); /**
* XSS过滤
* @param {String} html 要过滤的HTML代码
* @param {Object} options 选项:whiteList, onTag, onTagAttr, onIgnoreTag, onIgnoreTagAttr, safeAttrValue, escapeHtml
* @return {String}
function filterXSS (html, options) {
var xss = new FilterXSS(options);
return xss.process(html);
} // 输出
exports = module.exports = filterXSS;
exports.FilterXSS = FilterXSS;
for (var i in DEFAULT) exports[i] = DEFAULT[i];
for (var i in parser) exports[i] = parser[i]; // 在浏览器端使用
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
window.filterXSS = module.exports;
} },{"./default":1,"./parser":3,"./xss":5}],3:[function(require,module,exports){
* 简单 HTML Parser
* @author 老雷<leizongmin@gmail.com>
*/ var _ = require('./util'); /**
* 获取标签的名称
* @param {String} html 如:'<a hef="#">'
* @return {String}
function getTagName (html) {
var i = html.indexOf(' ');
if (i === -1) {
var tagName = html.slice(1, -1);
} else {
var tagName = html.slice(1, i + 1);
tagName = _.trim(tagName).toLowerCase();
if (tagName.slice(0, 1) === '/') tagName = tagName.slice(1);
if (tagName.slice(-1) === '/') tagName = tagName.slice(0, -1);
return tagName;
} /**
* 是否为闭合标签
* @param {String} html 如:'<a hef="#">'
* @return {Boolean}
function isClosing (html) {
return (html.slice(0, 2) === '</');
} /**
* 分析HTML代码,调用相应的函数处理,返回处理后的HTML
* @param {String} html
* @param {Function} onTag 处理标签的函数
* 参数格式: function (sourcePosition, position, tag, html, isClosing)
* @param {Function} escapeHtml 对HTML进行转义的函数
* @return {String}
function parseTag (html, onTag, escapeHtml) {
'user strict'; var rethtml = ''; // 待返回的HTML
var lastPos = 0; // 上一个标签结束位置
var tagStart = false; // 当前标签开始位置
var quoteStart = false; // 引号开始位置
var currentPos = 0; // 当前位置
var len = html.length; // HTML长度
var currentHtml = ''; // 当前标签的HTML代码
var currentTagName = ''; // 当前标签的名称 // 逐个分析字符
for (currentPos = 0; currentPos < len; currentPos++) {
var c = html.charAt(currentPos);
if (tagStart === false) {
if (c === '<') {
tagStart = currentPos;
} else {
if (quoteStart === false) {
if (c === '<') {
rethtml += escapeHtml(html.slice(lastPos, currentPos));
tagStart = currentPos;
lastPos = currentPos;
if (c === '>') {
rethtml += escapeHtml(html.slice(lastPos, tagStart));
currentHtml = html.slice(tagStart, currentPos + 1);
currentTagName = getTagName(currentHtml);
rethtml += onTag(tagStart,
lastPos = currentPos + 1;
tagStart = false;
// HTML标签内的引号仅当前一个字符是等于号时才有效
if ((c === '"' || c === "'") && html.charAt(currentPos - 1) === '=') {
quoteStart = c;
} else {
if (c === quoteStart) {
quoteStart = false;
if (lastPos < html.length) {
rethtml += escapeHtml(html.substr(lastPos));
} return rethtml;
} // 不符合属性名称规则的正则表达式
var REGEXP_ATTR_NAME = /[^a-zA-Z0-9_:\.\-]/img; /**
* 分析标签HTML代码,调用相应的函数处理,返回HTML
* @param {String} html 如标签'<a href="#" target="_blank">' 则为 'href="#" target="_blank"'
* @param {Function} onAttr 处理属性值的函数
* 函数格式: function (name, value)
* @return {String}
function parseAttr (html, onAttr) {
'user strict'; var lastPos = 0; // 当前位置
var retAttrs = []; // 待返回的属性列表
var tmpName = false; // 临时属性名称
var len = html.length; // HTML代码长度 function addAttr (name, value) {
name = _.trim(name);
name = name.replace(REGEXP_ATTR_NAME, '').toLowerCase();
if (name.length < 1) return;
var ret = onAttr(name, value || '');
if (ret) retAttrs.push(ret);
}; // 逐个分析字符
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var c = html.charAt(i);
var v, j;
if (tmpName === false && c === '=') {
tmpName = html.slice(lastPos, i);
lastPos = i + 1;
if (tmpName !== false) {
// HTML标签内的引号仅当前一个字符是等于号时才有效
if (i === lastPos && (c === '"' || c === "'") && html.charAt(i - 1) === '=') {
j = html.indexOf(c, i + 1);
if (j === -1) {
} else {
v = _.trim(html.slice(lastPos + 1, j));
addAttr(tmpName, v);
tmpName = false;
i = j;
lastPos = i + 1;
if (c === ' ') {
if (tmpName === false) {
j = findNextEqual(html, i);
if (j === -1) {
v = _.trim(html.slice(lastPos, i));
tmpName = false;
lastPos = i + 1;
} else {
i = j - 1;
} else {
j = findBeforeEqual(html, i - 1);
if (j === -1) {
v = _.trim(html.slice(lastPos, i));
v = stripQuoteWrap(v);
addAttr(tmpName, v);
tmpName = false;
lastPos = i + 1;
} else {
} if (lastPos < html.length) {
if (tmpName === false) {
} else {
addAttr(tmpName, stripQuoteWrap(_.trim(html.slice(lastPos))));
} return _.trim(retAttrs.join(' '));
} function findNextEqual (str, i) {
for (; i < str.length; i++) {
var c = str[i];
if (c === ' ') continue;
if (c === '=') return i;
return -1;
} function findBeforeEqual (str, i) {
for (; i > 0; i--) {
var c = str[i];
if (c === ' ') continue;
if (c === '=') return i;
return -1;
} function isQuoteWrapString (text) {
if ((text[0] === '"' && text[text.length - 1] === '"') ||
(text[0] === '\'' && text[text.length - 1] === '\'')) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
}; function stripQuoteWrap (text) {
if (isQuoteWrapString(text)) {
return text.substr(1, text.length - 2);
} else {
return text;
}; exports.parseTag = parseTag;
exports.parseAttr = parseAttr; },{"./util":4}],4:[function(require,module,exports){
module.exports = {
indexOf: function (arr, item) {
var i, j;
if (Array.prototype.indexOf) {
return arr.indexOf(item);
for (i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; i++) {
if (arr[i] === item) {
return i;
return -1;
forEach: function (arr, fn, scope) {
var i, j;
if (Array.prototype.forEach) {
return arr.forEach(fn, scope);
for (i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; i++) {
fn.call(scope, arr[i], i, arr);
trim: function (str) {
if (String.prototype.trim) {
return str.trim();
return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, '');
}; },{}],5:[function(require,module,exports){
* 过滤XSS
* @author 老雷<leizongmin@gmail.com>
*/ var FilterCSS = require('cssfilter').FilterCSS;
var DEFAULT = require('./default');
var parser = require('./parser');
var parseTag = parser.parseTag;
var parseAttr = parser.parseAttr;
var _ = require('./util'); /**
* 返回值是否为空
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {Boolean}
function isNull (obj) {
return (obj === undefined || obj === null);
} /**
* 取标签内的属性列表字符串
* @param {String} html
* @return {Object}
* - {String} html
* - {Boolean} closing
function getAttrs (html) {
var i = html.indexOf(' ');
if (i === -1) {
return {
html: '',
closing: (html[html.length - 2] === '/')
html = _.trim(html.slice(i + 1, -1));
var isClosing = (html[html.length - 1] === '/');
if (isClosing) html = _.trim(html.slice(0, -1));
return {
html: html,
closing: isClosing
} /**
* 浅拷贝对象
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {Object}
function shallowCopyObject (obj) {
var ret = {};
for (var i in obj) {
ret[i] = obj[i];
return ret;
} /**
* XSS过滤对象
* @param {Object} options
* 选项:whiteList, onTag, onTagAttr, onIgnoreTag,
* onIgnoreTagAttr, safeAttrValue, escapeHtml
* stripIgnoreTagBody, allowCommentTag, stripBlankChar
* css{whiteList, onAttr, onIgnoreAttr} css=false表示禁用cssfilter
function FilterXSS (options) {
options = shallowCopyObject(options || {}); if (options.stripIgnoreTag) {
if (options.onIgnoreTag) {
console.error('Notes: cannot use these two options "stripIgnoreTag" and "onIgnoreTag" at the same time');
options.onIgnoreTag = DEFAULT.onIgnoreTagStripAll;
} options.whiteList = options.whiteList || DEFAULT.whiteList;
options.onTag = options.onTag || DEFAULT.onTag;
options.onTagAttr = options.onTagAttr || DEFAULT.onTagAttr;
options.onIgnoreTag = options.onIgnoreTag || DEFAULT.onIgnoreTag;
options.onIgnoreTagAttr = options.onIgnoreTagAttr || DEFAULT.onIgnoreTagAttr;
options.safeAttrValue = options.safeAttrValue || DEFAULT.safeAttrValue;
options.escapeHtml = options.escapeHtml || DEFAULT.escapeHtml;
this.options = options; if (options.css === false) {
this.cssFilter = false;
} else {
options.css = options.css || {};
this.cssFilter = new FilterCSS(options.css);
} /**
* 开始处理
* @param {String} html
* @return {String}
FilterXSS.prototype.process = function (html) {
// 兼容各种奇葩输入
html = html || '';
html = html.toString();
if (!html) return ''; var me = this;
var options = me.options;
var whiteList = options.whiteList;
var onTag = options.onTag;
var onIgnoreTag = options.onIgnoreTag;
var onTagAttr = options.onTagAttr;
var onIgnoreTagAttr = options.onIgnoreTagAttr;
var safeAttrValue = options.safeAttrValue;
var escapeHtml = options.escapeHtml;
var cssFilter = me.cssFilter; // 是否清除不可见字符
if (options.stripBlankChar) {
html = DEFAULT.stripBlankChar(html);
} // 是否禁止备注标签
if (!options.allowCommentTag) {
html = DEFAULT.stripCommentTag(html);
} // 如果开启了stripIgnoreTagBody
var stripIgnoreTagBody = false;
if (options.stripIgnoreTagBody) {
var stripIgnoreTagBody = DEFAULT.StripTagBody(options.stripIgnoreTagBody, onIgnoreTag);
onIgnoreTag = stripIgnoreTagBody.onIgnoreTag;
} var retHtml = parseTag(html, function (sourcePosition, position, tag, html, isClosing) {
var info = {
sourcePosition: sourcePosition,
position: position,
isClosing: isClosing,
isWhite: (tag in whiteList)
}; // 调用onTag处理
var ret = onTag(tag, html, info);
if (!isNull(ret)) return ret; // 默认标签处理方法
if (info.isWhite) {
// 白名单标签,解析标签属性
// 如果是闭合标签,则不需要解析属性
if (info.isClosing) {
return '</' + tag + '>';
} var attrs = getAttrs(html);
var whiteAttrList = whiteList[tag];
var attrsHtml = parseAttr(attrs.html, function (name, value) { // 调用onTagAttr处理
var isWhiteAttr = (_.indexOf(whiteAttrList, name) !== -1);
var ret = onTagAttr(tag, name, value, isWhiteAttr);
if (!isNull(ret)) return ret; // 默认的属性处理方法
if (isWhiteAttr) {
// 白名单属性,调用safeAttrValue过滤属性值
value = safeAttrValue(tag, name, value, cssFilter);
if (value) {
return name + '="' + value + '"';
} else {
return name;
} else {
// 非白名单属性,调用onIgnoreTagAttr处理
var ret = onIgnoreTagAttr(tag, name, value, isWhiteAttr);
if (!isNull(ret)) return ret;
}); // 构造新的标签代码
var html = '<' + tag;
if (attrsHtml) html += ' ' + attrsHtml;
if (attrs.closing) html += ' /';
html += '>';
return html; } else {
// 非白名单标签,调用onIgnoreTag处理
var ret = onIgnoreTag(tag, html, info);
if (!isNull(ret)) return ret;
return escapeHtml(html);
} }, escapeHtml); // 如果开启了stripIgnoreTagBody,需要对结果再进行处理
if (stripIgnoreTagBody) {
retHtml = stripIgnoreTagBody.remove(retHtml);
} return retHtml;
}; module.exports = FilterXSS; },{"./default":1,"./parser":3,"./util":4,"cssfilter":8}],6:[function(require,module,exports){
* cssfilter
* @author 老雷<leizongmin@gmail.com>
*/ var DEFAULT = require('./default');
var parseStyle = require('./parser');
var _ = require('./util'); /**
* 返回值是否为空
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {Boolean}
function isNull (obj) {
return (obj === undefined || obj === null);
} /**
* 浅拷贝对象
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {Object}
function shallowCopyObject (obj) {
var ret = {};
for (var i in obj) {
ret[i] = obj[i];
return ret;
} /**
* 创建CSS过滤器
* @param {Object} options
* - {Object} whiteList
* - {Object} onAttr
* - {Object} onIgnoreAttr
function FilterCSS (options) {
options = shallowCopyObject(options || {});
options.whiteList = options.whiteList || DEFAULT.whiteList;
options.onAttr = options.onAttr || DEFAULT.onAttr;
options.onIgnoreAttr = options.onIgnoreAttr || DEFAULT.onIgnoreAttr;
this.options = options;
} FilterCSS.prototype.process = function (css) {
// 兼容各种奇葩输入
css = css || '';
css = css.toString();
if (!css) return ''; var me = this;
var options = me.options;
var whiteList = options.whiteList;
var onAttr = options.onAttr;
var onIgnoreAttr = options.onIgnoreAttr; var retCSS = parseStyle(css, function (sourcePosition, position, name, value, source) { var check = whiteList[name];
var isWhite = false;
if (check === true) isWhite = check;
else if (typeof check === 'function') isWhite = check(value);
else if (check instanceof RegExp) isWhite = check.test(value);
if (isWhite !== true) isWhite = false; var opts = {
position: position,
sourcePosition: sourcePosition,
source: source,
isWhite: isWhite
}; if (isWhite) { var ret = onAttr(name, value, opts);
if (isNull(ret)) {
return name + ':' + value;
} else {
return ret;
} } else { var ret = onIgnoreAttr(name, value, opts);
if (!isNull(ret)) {
return ret;
} }
}); return retCSS;
}; module.exports = FilterCSS; },{"./default":7,"./parser":9,"./util":10}],7:[function(require,module,exports){
* cssfilter
* @author 老雷<leizongmin@gmail.com>
*/ function getDefaultWhiteList () {
// 白名单值说明:
// true: 允许该属性
// Function: function (val) { } 返回true表示允许该属性,其他值均表示不允许
// RegExp: regexp.test(val) 返回true表示允许该属性,其他值均表示不允许
// 除上面列出的值外均表示不允许
var whiteList = {}; whiteList['align-content'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['align-items'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['align-self'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['alignment-adjust'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['alignment-baseline'] = false; // default: baseline
whiteList['all'] = false; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['anchor-point'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['animation'] = false; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['animation-delay'] = false; // default: 0
whiteList['animation-direction'] = false; // default: normal
whiteList['animation-duration'] = false; // default: 0
whiteList['animation-fill-mode'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['animation-iteration-count'] = false; // default: 1
whiteList['animation-name'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['animation-play-state'] = false; // default: running
whiteList['animation-timing-function'] = false; // default: ease
whiteList['azimuth'] = false; // default: center
whiteList['backface-visibility'] = false; // default: visible
whiteList['background'] = true; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['background-attachment'] = true; // default: scroll
whiteList['background-clip'] = true; // default: border-box
whiteList['background-color'] = true; // default: transparent
whiteList['background-image'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['background-origin'] = true; // default: padding-box
whiteList['background-position'] = true; // default: 0% 0%
whiteList['background-repeat'] = true; // default: repeat
whiteList['background-size'] = true; // default: auto
whiteList['baseline-shift'] = false; // default: baseline
whiteList['binding'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['bleed'] = false; // default: 6pt
whiteList['bookmark-label'] = false; // default: content()
whiteList['bookmark-level'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['bookmark-state'] = false; // default: open
whiteList['border'] = true; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['border-bottom'] = true; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['border-bottom-color'] = true; // default: current color
whiteList['border-bottom-left-radius'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['border-bottom-right-radius'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['border-bottom-style'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['border-bottom-width'] = true; // default: medium
whiteList['border-collapse'] = true; // default: separate
whiteList['border-color'] = true; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['border-image'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['border-image-outset'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['border-image-repeat'] = true; // default: stretch
whiteList['border-image-slice'] = true; // default: 100%
whiteList['border-image-source'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['border-image-width'] = true; // default: 1
whiteList['border-left'] = true; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['border-left-color'] = true; // default: current color
whiteList['border-left-style'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['border-left-width'] = true; // default: medium
whiteList['border-radius'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['border-right'] = true; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['border-right-color'] = true; // default: current color
whiteList['border-right-style'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['border-right-width'] = true; // default: medium
whiteList['border-spacing'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['border-style'] = true; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['border-top'] = true; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['border-top-color'] = true; // default: current color
whiteList['border-top-left-radius'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['border-top-right-radius'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['border-top-style'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['border-top-width'] = true; // default: medium
whiteList['border-width'] = true; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['bottom'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['box-decoration-break'] = true; // default: slice
whiteList['box-shadow'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['box-sizing'] = true; // default: content-box
whiteList['box-snap'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['box-suppress'] = true; // default: show
whiteList['break-after'] = true; // default: auto
whiteList['break-before'] = true; // default: auto
whiteList['break-inside'] = true; // default: auto
whiteList['caption-side'] = false; // default: top
whiteList['chains'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['clear'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['clip'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['clip-path'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['clip-rule'] = false; // default: nonzero
whiteList['color'] = true; // default: implementation dependent
whiteList['color-interpolation-filters'] = true; // default: auto
whiteList['column-count'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['column-fill'] = false; // default: balance
whiteList['column-gap'] = false; // default: normal
whiteList['column-rule'] = false; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['column-rule-color'] = false; // default: current color
whiteList['column-rule-style'] = false; // default: medium
whiteList['column-rule-width'] = false; // default: medium
whiteList['column-span'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['column-width'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['columns'] = false; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['contain'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['content'] = false; // default: normal
whiteList['counter-increment'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['counter-reset'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['counter-set'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['crop'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['cue'] = false; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['cue-after'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['cue-before'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['cursor'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['direction'] = false; // default: ltr
whiteList['display'] = true; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['display-inside'] = true; // default: auto
whiteList['display-list'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['display-outside'] = true; // default: inline-level
whiteList['dominant-baseline'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['elevation'] = false; // default: level
whiteList['empty-cells'] = false; // default: show
whiteList['filter'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['flex'] = false; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['flex-basis'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['flex-direction'] = false; // default: row
whiteList['flex-flow'] = false; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['flex-grow'] = false; // default: 0
whiteList['flex-shrink'] = false; // default: 1
whiteList['flex-wrap'] = false; // default: nowrap
whiteList['float'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['float-offset'] = false; // default: 0 0
whiteList['flood-color'] = false; // default: black
whiteList['flood-opacity'] = false; // default: 1
whiteList['flow-from'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['flow-into'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['font'] = true; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['font-family'] = true; // default: implementation dependent
whiteList['font-feature-settings'] = true; // default: normal
whiteList['font-kerning'] = true; // default: auto
whiteList['font-language-override'] = true; // default: normal
whiteList['font-size'] = true; // default: medium
whiteList['font-size-adjust'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['font-stretch'] = true; // default: normal
whiteList['font-style'] = true; // default: normal
whiteList['font-synthesis'] = true; // default: weight style
whiteList['font-variant'] = true; // default: normal
whiteList['font-variant-alternates'] = true; // default: normal
whiteList['font-variant-caps'] = true; // default: normal
whiteList['font-variant-east-asian'] = true; // default: normal
whiteList['font-variant-ligatures'] = true; // default: normal
whiteList['font-variant-numeric'] = true; // default: normal
whiteList['font-variant-position'] = true; // default: normal
whiteList['font-weight'] = true; // default: normal
whiteList['grid'] = false; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['grid-area'] = false; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['grid-auto-columns'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['grid-auto-flow'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['grid-auto-rows'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['grid-column'] = false; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['grid-column-end'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['grid-column-start'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['grid-row'] = false; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['grid-row-end'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['grid-row-start'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['grid-template'] = false; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['grid-template-areas'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['grid-template-columns'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['grid-template-rows'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['hanging-punctuation'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['height'] = true; // default: auto
whiteList['hyphens'] = false; // default: manual
whiteList['icon'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['image-orientation'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['image-resolution'] = false; // default: normal
whiteList['ime-mode'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['initial-letters'] = false; // default: normal
whiteList['inline-box-align'] = false; // default: last
whiteList['justify-content'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['justify-items'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['justify-self'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['left'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['letter-spacing'] = true; // default: normal
whiteList['lighting-color'] = true; // default: white
whiteList['line-box-contain'] = false; // default: block inline replaced
whiteList['line-break'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['line-grid'] = false; // default: match-parent
whiteList['line-height'] = false; // default: normal
whiteList['line-snap'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['line-stacking'] = false; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['line-stacking-ruby'] = false; // default: exclude-ruby
whiteList['line-stacking-shift'] = false; // default: consider-shifts
whiteList['line-stacking-strategy'] = false; // default: inline-line-height
whiteList['list-style'] = true; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['list-style-image'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['list-style-position'] = true; // default: outside
whiteList['list-style-type'] = true; // default: disc
whiteList['margin'] = true; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['margin-bottom'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['margin-left'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['margin-right'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['margin-top'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['marker-offset'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['marker-side'] = false; // default: list-item
whiteList['marks'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['mask'] = false; // default: border-box
whiteList['mask-box'] = false; // default: see individual properties
whiteList['mask-box-outset'] = false; // default: 0
whiteList['mask-box-repeat'] = false; // default: stretch
whiteList['mask-box-slice'] = false; // default: 0 fill
whiteList['mask-box-source'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['mask-box-width'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['mask-clip'] = false; // default: border-box
whiteList['mask-image'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['mask-origin'] = false; // default: border-box
whiteList['mask-position'] = false; // default: center
whiteList['mask-repeat'] = false; // default: no-repeat
whiteList['mask-size'] = false; // default: border-box
whiteList['mask-source-type'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['mask-type'] = false; // default: luminance
whiteList['max-height'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['max-lines'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['max-width'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['min-height'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['min-width'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['move-to'] = false; // default: normal
whiteList['nav-down'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['nav-index'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['nav-left'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['nav-right'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['nav-up'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['object-fit'] = false; // default: fill
whiteList['object-position'] = false; // default: 50% 50%
whiteList['opacity'] = false; // default: 1
whiteList['order'] = false; // default: 0
whiteList['orphans'] = false; // default: 2
whiteList['outline'] = false; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['outline-color'] = false; // default: invert
whiteList['outline-offset'] = false; // default: 0
whiteList['outline-style'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['outline-width'] = false; // default: medium
whiteList['overflow'] = false; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['overflow-wrap'] = false; // default: normal
whiteList['overflow-x'] = false; // default: visible
whiteList['overflow-y'] = false; // default: visible
whiteList['padding'] = true; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['padding-bottom'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['padding-left'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['padding-right'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['padding-top'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['page'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['page-break-after'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['page-break-before'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['page-break-inside'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['page-policy'] = false; // default: start
whiteList['pause'] = false; // default: implementation dependent
whiteList['pause-after'] = false; // default: implementation dependent
whiteList['pause-before'] = false; // default: implementation dependent
whiteList['perspective'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['perspective-origin'] = false; // default: 50% 50%
whiteList['pitch'] = false; // default: medium
whiteList['pitch-range'] = false; // default: 50
whiteList['play-during'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['position'] = false; // default: static
whiteList['presentation-level'] = false; // default: 0
whiteList['quotes'] = false; // default: text
whiteList['region-fragment'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['resize'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['rest'] = false; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['rest-after'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['rest-before'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['richness'] = false; // default: 50
whiteList['right'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['rotation'] = false; // default: 0
whiteList['rotation-point'] = false; // default: 50% 50%
whiteList['ruby-align'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['ruby-merge'] = false; // default: separate
whiteList['ruby-position'] = false; // default: before
whiteList['shape-image-threshold'] = false; // default: 0.0
whiteList['shape-outside'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['shape-margin'] = false; // default: 0
whiteList['size'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['speak'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['speak-as'] = false; // default: normal
whiteList['speak-header'] = false; // default: once
whiteList['speak-numeral'] = false; // default: continuous
whiteList['speak-punctuation'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['speech-rate'] = false; // default: medium
whiteList['stress'] = false; // default: 50
whiteList['string-set'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['tab-size'] = false; // default: 8
whiteList['table-layout'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['text-align'] = true; // default: start
whiteList['text-align-last'] = true; // default: auto
whiteList['text-combine-upright'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['text-decoration'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['text-decoration-color'] = true; // default: currentColor
whiteList['text-decoration-line'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['text-decoration-skip'] = true; // default: objects
whiteList['text-decoration-style'] = true; // default: solid
whiteList['text-emphasis'] = true; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['text-emphasis-color'] = true; // default: currentColor
whiteList['text-emphasis-position'] = true; // default: over right
whiteList['text-emphasis-style'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['text-height'] = true; // default: auto
whiteList['text-indent'] = true; // default: 0
whiteList['text-justify'] = true; // default: auto
whiteList['text-orientation'] = true; // default: mixed
whiteList['text-overflow'] = true; // default: clip
whiteList['text-shadow'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['text-space-collapse'] = true; // default: collapse
whiteList['text-transform'] = true; // default: none
whiteList['text-underline-position'] = true; // default: auto
whiteList['text-wrap'] = true; // default: normal
whiteList['top'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['transform'] = false; // default: none
whiteList['transform-origin'] = false; // default: 50% 50% 0
whiteList['transform-style'] = false; // default: flat
whiteList['transition'] = false; // default: depending on individual properties
whiteList['transition-delay'] = false; // default: 0s
whiteList['transition-duration'] = false; // default: 0s
whiteList['transition-property'] = false; // default: all
whiteList['transition-timing-function'] = false; // default: ease
whiteList['unicode-bidi'] = false; // default: normal
whiteList['vertical-align'] = false; // default: baseline
whiteList['visibility'] = false; // default: visible
whiteList['voice-balance'] = false; // default: center
whiteList['voice-duration'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['voice-family'] = false; // default: implementation dependent
whiteList['voice-pitch'] = false; // default: medium
whiteList['voice-range'] = false; // default: medium
whiteList['voice-rate'] = false; // default: normal
whiteList['voice-stress'] = false; // default: normal
whiteList['voice-volume'] = false; // default: medium
whiteList['volume'] = false; // default: medium
whiteList['white-space'] = false; // default: normal
whiteList['widows'] = false; // default: 2
whiteList['width'] = true; // default: auto
whiteList['will-change'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['word-break'] = true; // default: normal
whiteList['word-spacing'] = true; // default: normal
whiteList['word-wrap'] = true; // default: normal
whiteList['wrap-flow'] = false; // default: auto
whiteList['wrap-through'] = false; // default: wrap
whiteList['writing-mode'] = false; // default: horizontal-tb
whiteList['z-index'] = false; // default: auto return whiteList;
} /**
* 匹配到白名单上的一个属性时
* @param {String} name
* @param {String} value
* @param {Object} options
* @return {String}
function onAttr (name, value, options) {
// do nothing
} /**
* 匹配到不在白名单上的一个属性时
* @param {String} name
* @param {String} value
* @param {Object} options
* @return {String}
function onIgnoreAttr (name, value, options) {
// do nothing
} exports.whiteList = getDefaultWhiteList();
exports.getDefaultWhiteList = getDefaultWhiteList;
exports.onAttr = onAttr;
exports.onIgnoreAttr = onIgnoreAttr; },{}],8:[function(require,module,exports){
* cssfilter
* @author 老雷<leizongmin@gmail.com>
*/ var DEFAULT = require('./default');
var FilterCSS = require('./css'); /**
* XSS过滤
* @param {String} css 要过滤的CSS代码
* @param {Object} options 选项:whiteList, onAttr, onIgnoreAttr
* @return {String}
function filterCSS (html, options) {
var xss = new FilterCSS(options);
return xss.process(html);
} // 输出
exports = module.exports = filterCSS;
exports.FilterCSS = FilterCSS;
for (var i in DEFAULT) exports[i] = DEFAULT[i]; // 在浏览器端使用
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
window.filterCSS = module.exports;
} },{"./css":6,"./default":7}],9:[function(require,module,exports){
* cssfilter
* @author 老雷<leizongmin@gmail.com>
*/ var _ = require('./util'); /**
* 解析style
* @param {String} css
* @param {Function} onAttr 处理属性的函数
* 参数格式: function (sourcePosition, position, name, value, source)
* @return {String}
function parseStyle (css, onAttr) {
css = _.trimRight(css);
if (css[css.length - 1] !== ';') css += ';';
var cssLength = css.length;
var isParenthesisOpen = false;
var lastPos = 0;
var i = 0;
var retCSS = ''; function addNewAttr () {
// 如果没有正常的闭合圆括号,则直接忽略当前属性
if (!isParenthesisOpen) {
var source = _.trim(css.slice(lastPos, i));
var j = source.indexOf(':');
if (j !== -1) {
var name = _.trim(source.slice(0, j));
var value = _.trim(source.slice(j + 1));
// 必须有属性名称
if (name) {
var ret = onAttr(lastPos, retCSS.length, name, value, source);
if (ret) retCSS += ret + '; ';
lastPos = i + 1;
} for (; i < cssLength; i++) {
var c = css[i];
if (c === '/' && css[i + 1] === '*') {
// 备注开始
var j = css.indexOf('*/', i + 2);
// 如果没有正常的备注结束,则后面的部分全部跳过
if (j === -1) break;
// 直接将当前位置调到备注结尾,并且初始化状态
i = j + 1;
lastPos = i + 1;
isParenthesisOpen = false;
} else if (c === '(') {
isParenthesisOpen = true;
} else if (c === ')') {
isParenthesisOpen = false;
} else if (c === ';') {
if (isParenthesisOpen) {
// 在圆括号里面,忽略
} else {
} else if (c === '\n') {
} return _.trim(retCSS);
} module.exports = parseStyle; },{"./util":10}],10:[function(require,module,exports){
module.exports = {
indexOf: function (arr, item) {
var i, j;
if (Array.prototype.indexOf) {
return arr.indexOf(item);
for (i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; i++) {
if (arr[i] === item) {
return i;
return -1;
forEach: function (arr, fn, scope) {
var i, j;
if (Array.prototype.forEach) {
return arr.forEach(fn, scope);
for (i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; i++) {
fn.call(scope, arr[i], i, arr);
trim: function (str) {
if (String.prototype.trim) {
return str.trim();
return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, '');
trimRight: function (str) {
if (String.prototype.trimRight) {
return str.trimRight();
return str.replace(/(\s*$)/g, '');
}; },{}]},{},[2]);
跨站脚本攻击,又称XSS代码攻击,也是一种常见的脚本注入攻击.例如在下面的界面上,很多输入框是可以随意输入内容的,特别是一些文本编辑框里面,可以输入例如<script>alert('这是一 ...
一.下载 https://ueditor.baidu.com/website/index.html 将ueditor放到项目中合适的位置 二 . 配置文件上传路径 在utf8-jsp/jsp/conf ...
昨天本博客受到了xss跨站脚本注入攻击,3分钟攻陷--其实攻击者进攻的手法很简单,没啥技术含量.只能感叹自己之前竟然完全没防范. 这是数据库里留下的一些记录.最后那人弄了一个无限循环弹出框的脚本,估计 ...
突然发现好久没写博客了,感觉变懒了,是要让自己养成经常写文章的习惯才行.既可以分享自己的所学,和所想,和大家一起讨论,发现自己的不足的问题. 大家可能经常会用到富文本编辑器,今天我要说的是UEdito ...
<span style="font-size:14px;"><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 T ...
关于富文本编辑器ueditor(jsp版)上传文件到阿里云OSS的简单实例,适合新手 本人菜鸟一枚,最近公司有需求要用到富文本编辑器,我选择的是百度的ueditor富文本编辑器,闲话不多说,进入正 ...
10个免费的javascript富文本编辑器(jQuery and non-jQuery)
祝愿园子里的朋友圣诞节快乐. 本文介绍了10个免费易用富文本编辑器(rich text editors,RTE),其中5个是Jquery插件,另外5个是非Jquery富文本编辑器 简介 Javascr ...
wangEditor-基于javascript和css开发的 Web富文本编辑器, 轻量、简洁、易用、开源免费(2)
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8&quo ...
一.富文本编辑上传文章和图片 富文本编辑器我们使用kindeditor,我们首先去官网下载,然后解压,放到我们的static的目录中 然后我们在html中这样使用富文本编辑器 <!DOCTYPE ...
展辰涂料集团股份有限公司是一家集环保涂料研发.生产.销售和工程施工为一体的*高新技术企业.展辰涂料集团股份有限公司是我国最大的民族涂料企业之一,自成立以来就高度注重产品技术研发,截至目前,公司已取 ...
Mac下使用sublime text 2开发Python
入门虽易, 熟练不易, 且行且珍惜 简介:这只是简单介绍一个好的文本工具sublime text的使用,如果要获得详细的教程可以去看这本书<Sublime Productivity>和一些 ...
LeetCode 341. Flatten Nested List Iterator
iOSApp -Monkey测试
IOS操作系统不像Android系统那么方便,各种限制也比较多,目前我的建议还是直接在模拟器上执行monkey测试.如果需要在真机上面执行,可以参考文档: http://testerhome.com/ ...
leetcode_question_85 Largest Rectangle in Histogram
Given n non-negative integers representing the histogram's bar height where the width of each bar is ...
1.程序计数器 程序计数器(Program Counter Register)是一块较小的内存空间,它的作用可以看 做是当前线程所执行的字节码的行号指示器.在虚拟机的概念模型里(仅是概念模型, 各种虚 ...
参考: http://docs.kubernetes.org.cn/459.html https://blog.csdn.net/gui951753/article/details/833169 ...
python全栈开发day17-常用模块collections,random,time,os,sys,序列化(json pickle shelve)
1.昨日内容回顾 1.正则表达式 # 正则表达式 —— str # 检测字符串是否符合要求 # 从大段的文字中找到符合要求的内容 1).元字符 #. # 匹配除换行 ...
linux 斜杠/
inux OS: 使用”/“ 例子:/home/user/XXX 特例:路径中某目录名包含空格,在命令行中使用cd等命令书写路径时,则要在空格前加”\“ 例子: 主目录(/home/student ...
Design Principle
原文地址:面向对象设计模式原则详解 http://blog.csdn.net/hguisu/article/details/7571617 程序员必备的七大面向对象设计原则(一) http://www ...