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# Measure the end to end delay by the trace file BEGIN{ # program initialize highest_packet_id = 0; } { # awk会自动循环执行这个{} action = $1; time = $2; from = $3; to = $4; type = $5; pktsize = $6; flow_id = $8; src = $9; dst = $10; seq_no = $11; packet_id = $12; # Record the current max packet ID if ( packet_id > highest_packet_id ) highest_packet_id = packet_id; # Record the tx time of packet if ( start_time[packet_id] == 0 ) start_time[packet_id] = time; # FTP flow_id=1 # Record CBR flow_id=2 rx time # 这里既要判断flow=2,没有drop,还要判断recv # drop是必须的,因为有可能1-2 recv,2-3 drop了 # CBR 路径是1-2-3,整条路径上都有可能drop if ( flow_id == 1 && action != "d" ) { if (action == "r") { end_time[packet_id] = time; } } else end_time[packet_id] = -1; } END { # When read over, start to calculate for ( packet_id=0; packet_id<=highest_packet_id; packet_id++ ) { start = start_time[packet_id]; end = end_time[packet_id]; duration = start-end; if (start<end) printf("%f %f\n", start, duration); } }
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# Measure the end to end delay jitter by the trace file # 计算方法:抖动率由相邻数据包延迟时间差除以数据包序号差得到; # jitter = ( (trecvj-tsndj) - (trecvi-tsndi) ) / (j-i), j>i BEGIN{ # program initialize highest_packet_id = 0; } { action = $1; time = $2; from = $3; to = $4; type = $5; pktsize = $6; flow_id = $8; src = $9; dst = $10; seq_no = $11; packet_id = $12; # Record the current max packet ID if ( packet_id > highest_packet_id ) highest_packet_id = packet_id; # Record the tx time of packet if ( start_time[packet_id] == 0 ) { pkt_seqno[packet_id] = seq_no; start_time[packet_id] = time; } # FTP flow_id=1 # Record CBR flow_id=2 rx time if ( flow_id == 1 && action != "d" ) { if (action == "r") { end_time[packet_id] = time; } } else end_time[packet_id] = -1; } END { # When read over, start to calculate last_seqno = 0; last_delay = 0; seqno_diff = 0; for ( packet_id=0; packet_id<=highest_packet_id; packet_id++ ) { start = start_time[packet_id]; end = end_time[packet_id]; duration = start-end; if (start<end) { # calc jitter seqno_diff = pkt_seqno[packet_id]-last_seqno; delay_diff = duration - last_delay; if(seqno_diff == 0) jitter = 0; else jitter = delay_diff/seqno_diff; printf("%f %f\n", start, jitter); last_seqno = pkt_seqno[packet_id]; last_delay = duration; } } }
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# Measure the CBR average throughput by the trace file # throughput = byte cnt / time interval # time interval = cur_time - start_time BEGIN{ # program initialize init = 0; i = 0; } { action = $1; time = $2; from = $3; to = $4; type = $5; pktsize = $6; flow_id = $8; src = $9; dst = $10; seq_no = $11; packet_id = $12; if(action=="r" && from==2 && to==3 && flow_id==1) { pkt_byte_sum[i+1]=pkt_byte_sum[i] + pktsize; if(init==0) { start_time=time; init=1; } end_time[i]=time; i=i+1; } } END { # When read over, start to calculate printf("%.2f\t%.2f\n", end_time[0], 0); for(j=1;j<i-1;j++) { # 从开始到当前的平均吞吐率,而不是现在的瞬时吞吐率 # 这样计算似乎有失准确 th=pkt_byte_sum[j] / (end_time[j]-start_time) *8 / 1000; printf("%.2f\t%.2f\n", end_time[j], th); } # 书中说,为了画图好看,一开始和最后都设为0,最后的0似乎有点不妥 #printf("%.2f\t%.2f\n", end_time[0], 0); }
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# Measure the CBR packet loss rate by the trace file BEGIN{ # program initialize fsRecv = 0; numFs = 0; } { action = $1; time = $2; from = $3; to = $4; type = $5; pktsize = $6; flow_id = $8; src = $9; dst = $10; seq_no = $11; packet_id = $12; #### Record FTP flow_id=1 # Record how many packets sent from n0 if ( from==0 && to==2 && action=="+" ) numFs++; # 不能计算drop的,虽然drop了,但还会重传 # Record flow_id is 2 and dropped if ( from==2 && to==3 && flow_id==1 && action=="r" ) fsRecv++; } END { # When read over, start to calculate printf("number of pkts sent:%d, receive:%d, delivery rate:%f\n", numFs,fsRecv,fsRecv/numFs); }
number of pkts sent:246, receive:236, delivery rate:0.959350