弱属性没有设置为nil [duplicate]

时间:2021-07-21 05:15:41

This question already has an answer here:


I have the following properties defined on a UIViewController:


@property (nonatomic, strong) UIButton *strongButton;
@property (nonatomic, weak) UIButton *weakButton;

These properties are not set via Interface Builder (i.e. they will always remain nil as long as I don't set them explicitly in code).


I also added a category on UIButton to know exactly when it is dealloced:


@implementation UIButton (test)
- (void)dealloc { NSLog(@"Dealloc called."); }

I have the following code in the viewDidLoad of the UIViewController:


self.strongButton = [[UIButton alloc] init];
self.weakButton = self.strongButton;
NSAssert(self.weakButton != nil, @"A: Weak button should not be nil.");
NSLog(@"Setting to nil");
self.strongButton = nil;
NSLog(@"Done setting to nil");
NSAssert(self.weakButton == nil, @"B: Weak button should be nil.");

When I run that code, it fails on the second assertion (B). The log shows:


  • Setting to nil
  • 设置为零
  • Done setting to nil
  • 完成设置为零
  • * Assertion failure in -[ViewController viewDidLoad]
  • *在-[ViewController viewDidLoad]中断言失败
  • * Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'B: Weak button should be nil.'
  • *因未捕获异常“NSInternalInconsistencyException”而终止app,原因:“B:弱按钮应为nil”。

However, when I comment out the first assertion:


self.strongButton = [[UIButton alloc] init];
self.weakButton = self.strongButton;
//NSAssert(self.weakButton != nil, @"A: Weak button should not be nil.");
NSLog(@"Setting to nil");
self.strongButton = nil;
NSLog(@"Done setting to nil");
NSAssert(self.weakButton == nil, @"B: Weak button should be nil.");

The code runs fine with this in the log:


  • Setting to nil
  • 设置为零
  • Dealloc called.
  • Dealloc调用。
  • Done setting to nil
  • 完成设置为零

Notice how the dealloc is not being called at the proper time in the first scenario.


Why is that first NSAssert causing this weird behavior? Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?


(I am on iOS 6.1)

(我上的是iOS 6.1)

1 个解决方案



Reading a weak variable may cause the pointed-to object to be retained and autoreleased. The object will then remain alive at least as long as the current autorelease pool.


In your case, your first NSAssert() reads the weak variable. The button object is retained and autoreleased. Setting self.strongButton=nil does not cause the button to be deallocated, because it is still alive in the autorelease pool, so the weak variable does not become nil.


When you comment out the NSAssert(), the weak variable is no longer read, so the button is not retained and autoreleased, so it does in fact die when you set self.strongButton=nil.




Reading a weak variable may cause the pointed-to object to be retained and autoreleased. The object will then remain alive at least as long as the current autorelease pool.


In your case, your first NSAssert() reads the weak variable. The button object is retained and autoreleased. Setting self.strongButton=nil does not cause the button to be deallocated, because it is still alive in the autorelease pool, so the weak variable does not become nil.


When you comment out the NSAssert(), the weak variable is no longer read, so the button is not retained and autoreleased, so it does in fact die when you set self.strongButton=nil.
