1 读取txt文件。跟c相比,python的文件读写简直是方便的可怕
首先获得文件名称,然后通过 open函数打开文件,通过for循环逐行读出文件内容
#!python file by ninahao 10.30 'readfile.py--read and display text file' #get filename fname=raw_input('enter file name:') print #attempt to open file for reading try: fobj=open(fname,'r') except IOError,e: print 'open file--',fname,'--error!:',e else: #display content to the screen for eachline in fobj: print eachline fobj.close()
2 写入文件并保存,同理,新建一个文件,也是通过open函数。神奇。
#!maketext.py 'maketextfile.py--create text file' import os ls=os.linesep #get filename while True: fname=raw_input('enter file name : ') if os.path.exists(fname): print "ERROR: '%S' already exists" % fname else: break #get file content(text) lines all=[] print "\nEnter lines('.' by itself to quit).\n" #loop until user terminates input while True: entry=raw_input('>') if entry=='.': break;
##write lines to file with proper line-ending
fobj.writelines(['%s%s' % (x,ls) for x in all])
print 'DONE!'