Host Controller transport layer and AMPs

时间:2022-12-20 08:47:30

The logical Host Controller Interface does not consider multiplexing/routing over the Host Controller Transport Layer(s). The Host designer must consider this in deciding which of the multiple controller configurations it will
support. Each logical AMP HCI installation is particular to a single AMP Controller. The Host shall direct each HCI Command to a specific AMP, and be aware of the source of each HCI Event, and manage flow control separately for each HCI. The Host's Controller_ID
concept used for AMP enumeration may assist with this.

The logical HCI definition does not consider the initial discovery of what AMPs are present in the system.

The upper layers discover the AMP capabilities. As seen by the AMP Manager, each local AMP has a Controller_ID that is used to route the data and commands to the correct AMP Controller. This identifier is not used in AMP HCI.

The separate logical HCIswithin a system may be on the same physical HCI transport, on separate physical HCI transports, or any combination. This may require a layer of multiplexing, which isnot defined within this AMP HCI logical

The logical HCI is not affected by this topology. The logical HCI definition describes commands and events as seen by a single AMP.

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