Elastic beanstalk [Rails]部署问题 - 无法分配内存

时间:2022-04-26 17:25:40

I'm experiencing the below error when deploying to Elastic beanstalk. This is a ruby app running Rails 4.1.9 and Ruby 2.1.4 on Puma.

部署到Elastic beanstalk时遇到以下错误。这是一个在Puma上运行Rails 4.1.9和Ruby 2.1.4的ruby应用程序。

The stacktrace is as follows:


Errno::ENOMEM: Cannot allocate memory - node
(in /var/app/ondeck/app/assets/javascripts/my_javascript.js)

My javascript file is pretty basic, it looks like this


//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require ../../../vendor/assets/components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min
//= require ../../../vendor/assets/components/thirdpartylib.js

... and then basic functions

Unsure why exactly this is failing. I have not changed anything in the javascript file or the vendor assets.


Any ideas on how to resolve will be greatly appreciated.


1 个解决方案


The issue has been resolved by removing a large amount of assets that were not needed or used, for instance i had the entire bootstrap project source and a few 3rd party library project source tree's and corresponding files, instead of just the src files that i was using.



The issue has been resolved by removing a large amount of assets that were not needed or used, for instance i had the entire bootstrap project source and a few 3rd party library project source tree's and corresponding files, instead of just the src files that i was using.
