Monthly update for Dynamics 365 for Operation

时间:2022-12-17 10:21:21
日期 标题, 类别 版本 描述

Category: Download


This package contains the development VHD for Dynamics 365 for Operations July 2017 with Platform update 10.


Category: Download


This package contains the development VHD for Dynamics 365 for Operations July 2017 with Platform update 9.


Category: Download

This download package contains development VHD for the Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition July 2017 update with Platform Update 8.

Category: Download


This package contains the development VHD for Dynamics 365 for Operations (1611) with Platform update 4.


Category: Download

This package contains the development VHD for Dynamics 365 for Operations (1611) with Platform update 7.

Category: Download

This package contains the devlopment VM for Dynamics 365 for Operations (1611) Platform Update 6.

Category: Download

7.0.4425.16161 Platform
This package contains the VM components for Dynamics 365 for Operations which includes the update package of Platform Update 4.

Category: Download

1611 Platform Update 3

This package contains Dynamics 365 for Operations version 1611 with Platform Update 3 using Windows Server 2012 R2.

NOTE:  This virtual machine is NOT to be used for production use, this is made available for evaluation, demo and developer purposes only.

Additional documentation can be found here:


Category: Downloads

Plat: 7.0.423.16130

This download contains the files for the downloadable VM which contains the following version (Platform Update 2):

Platform: 7.0.423.16130

Application: 7.0.1265.23014


Category: Download


This package contains the VM components for the latest version of Microsoft Dynamics AX (CTP8). Information regarding how to access the VM can be found at the link below:

Login: dynamicspreview

Password:  AX.Jackalop3


Category: Download

This download package contains the FMLab that is applicable for Microsoft Dynamics AX (CTP8).

Category: Download


Oct Technical Conference Preview videos can be found on the Dynamics Learning portal.

This download package will include the videos that are not yet uploaded on the Dynamics Learning Portal.


Category: Downloads

This package contains the .ppt and the recordings for the Dynamics 'AX 7' Technical Preview conference - Retail.  This package will contains the material presented on Oct 29th, 2015.  All information is this package is subject to NDA with Microsoft, this information is not to be shared outside your organization.

Category: Downloads

This download package contains the slide decks used for the 'AX 7' Preview Technical Confernece.  All material contains in these slides are subject to NDA (not to be shared outside your organization).

Category: Downloads

These documents are used to augment the Hands on Labs for the Oct Tech Conference. 

Category: Download

This package contains documentation for GER (Generic Electronic Reporting).  This documentation is subject to Non-Disclosure is not to be shared outside your organization.

Category: Download

This is the local download package for the Dynamics 'AX 7' CTP7 VHD.  Please note by downloading this package you are adhering to the terms and conditions as a member of the Dynamics AX R&D Feedback Community and AX7 Private Preview participant.

Category: Download

This download package contains the recording of the Introduction to Dynamics LCS Solutions (August, 13, 2015) as well as the slide deck presentation.

Category: Download


This package contains the latest Dynamics AX7 Retail SDK, this .zip includes training content as well as the SDK  material.


Category: Downloads


This package contains the collateral from the Technical Preview Airlift (CTP6).


Category: Download

This package contains the VHD download for the latest Microsoft Dynamics 'AX 7' Technical Preview (CTP6).  When you download this package you are doing so in accordance to the  Dynamics AX R&D Feedback Community Terms and Conditions which include Non-Disclosure.

Category: Webcasts


This package includes recorded presentations delivered by the Microsoft R&D team members on the Microsoft Dynamics AX 7 Technical Preview.  These presentations are recorded on the Technical Preview 5 for members who are under Non-Disclosure with Microsoft.

Do not share these recordings outside your organization, your organization is bound to the Non-Disclosure and Input agreement terms and conditions (AX R&D Feedback Community agreement) signed with Microsoft.


Category: Webcasts


This package contains the recorded Lync calls for the Microsoft Dynamics 'AX 7' Technical Preview.  These recordings are all based on the Technical Preview (CTP5).

NOTE:  These recordings are not to be distributed, the material in these recordings are being made available to you in accordance to the Non Disclosure Agreement with Microsoft.


Category: Download


The virtual machine contains the Microsoft Dynamics 'AX 7'  Preview this is packaged in a self-extracting zip file that will require about 51 GB of free space once it is unzipped. The package is in export format for Hyper-V and is ready to be imported once it is unzipped.  The VM is using the VHD format for the disk and it is supported on Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2.

Please note that there is a new process for extracting the VM package.  The executable file for the self-extracting zip package is contained in a single file executable called setup.exe.  Once you execute that file you will have the WinRAR based self-extracting executable that will extract the entire VM package.  This two step process was needed in order to properly display the SLT for the VM as well as a third party disclosure notice.

Keep in mind that this package content is Microsoft Confidential and you should not share it outside of this program.  Also, it is for non-production use only per the terms of your Online Services Agreement, NDA, and the SLT (Software License Terms) in the setup screen of this VM.


Category: Download


This package includes the slide deck presentations from the Dynamics AX7 CTP4 event.

REMINDER:  You are bound by the Non Disclosure Statement which is on file, do not share this information.

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