HDU4930 Fighting the Landlords 模拟

时间:2022-12-17 07:34:24

 Fighting the Landlords

Fighting the Landlords

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 262144/262144 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 175    Accepted Submission(s): 61

Problem Description
Fighting the Landlords is a card game which has been a heat for years in China. The game goes with the 54 poker cards for 3 players, where the “Landlord” has 20 cards and the other two (the “Farmers”) have 17. The Landlord wins if he/she has no cards left, and the farmer team wins if either of the Farmer have no cards left. The game uses the concept of hands, and some fundamental rules are used to compare the cards. For convenience, here we only consider the following categories of cards:

1.Solo: a single card. The priority is: Y (i.e. colored Joker) > X (i.e. Black & White Joker) > 2 > A (Ace) > K (King) > Q (Queen) > J (Jack) > T (10) > 9 > 8 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3. It’s the basic rank of cards.

2.Pair : two matching cards of equal rank (e.g. 3-3, 4-4, 2-2 etc.). Note that the two Jokers cannot form a Pair (it’s another category of cards). The comparison is based on the rank of Solo, where 2-2 is the highest, A-A comes second, and 3-3 is the lowest.

3.Trio: three cards of the same rank (e.g. 3-3-3, J-J-J etc.). The priority is similar to the two categories above: 2-2-2 > A-A-A > K-K-K > . . . > 3-3-3.

4.Trio-Solo: three cards of the same rank with a Solo as the kicker. Note that the Solo and the Trio should be different rank of cards (e.g. 3-3-3-A, 4-4-4-X etc.). Here, the Kicker’s rank is irrelevant to the comparison, and the Trio’s rank determines the priority. For example, 4-4-4-3 > 3-3-3-2.

5.Trio-Pair : three cards of the same rank with a Pair as the kicker (e.g. 3-3- 3-2-2, J-J-J-Q-Q etc.). The comparison is as the same as Trio-Solo, where the Trio is the only factor to be considered. For example,4-4-4-5-5 > 3-3-3-2-2. Note again, that two jokers cannot form a Pair.

6.Four-Dual: four cards of the same rank with two cards as the kicker. Here, it’s allowed for the two kickers to share the same rank. The four same cards dominates the comparison: 5-5-5-5-3-4 > 4-4-4-4-2-2.

In the categories above, a player can only beat the prior hand using of the same category but not the others. For example, only a prior Solo can beat a Solo while a Pair cannot. But there’re exceptions:

7.Nuke: X-Y (JOKER-joker). It can beat everything in the game.

8.Bomb: 4 cards of the same rank. It can beat any other category except Nuke or another Bomb with a higher rank. The rank of Bombs follows the rank of individual cards: 2-2-2-2 is the highest and 3-3-3-3 is the lowest.

Given the cards of both yours and the next player’s, please judge whether you have a way to play a hand of cards that the next player cannot beat you in this round. If you no longer have cards after playing, we consider that he cannot beat you either. You may see the sample for more details.

The input contains several test cases. The number of test cases T (T<=20) occurs in the first line of input.

Each test case consists of two lines. Both of them contain a string indicating your cards and the next player’s, respectively. The length of each string doesn’t exceed 17, and each single card will occur at most 4 times totally on two players’ hands except that the two Jokers each occurs only once.

For each test case, output Yes if you can reach your goal, otherwise output No.

Sample Input
4 33A 2 33A 22 33 22 5559T 9993

Sample Output
Yes No Yes Yes









调用函数void attack(const char s[20],const int &len,int h[20],int hh[6]),得到h1和hh1,h1[i]表示数值为i的牌有多少张(T为10,J为11,……,小王X为16,大王Y为17,这里可以有很多方法把字母和数字对应上),hh1[j]表示数值为j的h1[i]有多少个,即统计炸弹数量hh1[4]、三个数量hh1[3]、对子数量hh1[2]、单牌数量hh1[1]。


HDU4930 Fighting the Landlords 模拟HDU4930 Fighting the Landlords 模拟
1     ///全出完
2     //cout<<hh1[1]<<','<<hh1[2]<<','<<hh1[3]<<','<<hh1[4]<<endl;
3     if(h1[17]==1 && h1[16]==1 && len1==2)return 1;///王炸
4     if(hh1[4]==1 && len1==6)return 1;///4带2
5     if(hh1[4]==1 && len1==4)return 1;///炸弹
6     else if(hh1[4]==0 && hh1[3]==1 && ( (len1==3) || (len1==4 && hh1[1]==1) || (len1==5 && hh1[2]==1) ))return 1;///3个、3带1、3带2
7     else if(hh1[4]==0 && hh1[3]==0 && hh1[2]==1 && hh1[1]==0 && len1==2)return 1;///一对
8     else if(len1==1)return 1;///一张




为了方便比较相同种类的牌谁的比较大,我们新写一个函数int MaxCard(int h[20],int hh[6],int len,int x,int y),返回值为用h和hh表示的牌组成(x带y)(例如3带2、4带0)的x的最大值,若牌组不成x带y,则返回-1。这个函数很好写,啪啪啪就能写出来。



HDU4930 Fighting the Landlords 模拟HDU4930 Fighting the Landlords 模拟
1     if(MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,4,0)<MaxCard(h2,hh2,len2,4,0))return 0;///炸弹没它大 或者 自己没炸弹他有炸弹
2     else if(MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,4,0)>MaxCard(h2,hh2,len2,4,0))return 1;///炸弹比它大 或者 它没炸弹我有炸弹



HDU4930 Fighting the Landlords 模拟HDU4930 Fighting the Landlords 模拟
1     if(MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,3,2)!=-1 && MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,3,2)>=MaxCard(h2,hh2,len2,3,2))return 1;
2     if(MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,3,1)!=-1 && MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,3,1)>=MaxCard(h2,hh2,len2,3,1))return 1;
3     if(MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,3,0)!=-1 && MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,3,0)>=MaxCard(h2,hh2,len2,3,0))return 1;
4     if(MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,2,0)!=-1 && MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,2,0)>=MaxCard(h2,hh2,len2,2,0))return 1;
5     if(MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,1,0)!=-1 && MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,1,0)>=MaxCard(h2,hh2,len2,1,0))return 1;
6     return 0;
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HDU4930 Fighting the Landlords 模拟HDU4930 Fighting the Landlords 模拟
  1 //#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:102400000,102400000")
  2 #include<cstdio>
  3 #include<cmath>
  4 #include<iostream>
  5 #include<cstring>
  6 #include<algorithm>
  7 #include<cmath>
  8 #include<map>
  9 #include<set>
 10 #include<stack>
 11 #include<queue>
 12 using namespace std;
 13 #define ll __int64
 14 #define usint unsigned int
 15 #define mz(array) memset(array, 0, sizeof(array))
 16 #define minf(array) memset(array, 0x3f, sizeof(array))
 17 #define REP(i,n) for(int i=0;i<(n);i++)
 18 #define FOR(i,x,n) for(int i=(x);i<=(n);i++)
 19 #define RD(x) scanf("%d",&x)
 20 #define RD2(x,y) scanf("%d%d",&x,&y)
 21 #define RD3(x,y,z) scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z)
 22 #define WN(x) printf("%d\n",x);
 23 #define RE  freopen("D.in","r",stdin)
 24 #define WE  freopen("1.out","w",stdout)
 26 char s1[20],s2[20];
 27 int len1,len2;
 28 int v[256];
 29 int h1[20],h2[20],hh1[6],hh2[6];
 31 void attack(const char s[20],const int &len,int h[20],int hh[6])
 32 {
 33     for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
 34         h[v[s[i]]]++;
 35 //    for(int i=0;i<20;i++)
 36 //        cout<<h[i]<<' ';
 37 //    puts("");
 38     for(int i=3;i<18;i++)
 39         hh[h[i]]++;
 40 }
 42 int MaxCard(int h[20],int hh[6],int len,int x,int y)
 43 {
 44     if(x==4 && hh[4]==0)return -1;
 45     if(x==3 && hh[3]+hh[4]==0)return -1;
 46     if(x==2 && hh[2]+hh[3]+hh[4]==0)return -1;
 47     if(len==0)return -1;
 48     int ma=0;
 49     for(int i=17;i>=3;i--)
 50     {
 51         //cout<<i<<'.'<<h[i]<<' ';
 52         if(h[i]>=x) {ma=i;break;}
 53     }
 54     //printf("(%d,%d,%d)break!\n",x,y,ma);
 55     if(x==4)return ma;///炸弹
 56     if(x==3 && y==0)return ma;///三带0
 57     if(x==3 && y==2 && (hh[2]+hh[3]+hh[4]>=2))return ma;///三带2
 58     if(x==3 && y==1 && len>=4) return ma;///三带1
 59     if(x==2)return ma;///一对
 60     if(x==1)return ma;///一张
 61     return -1;
 62 }
 64 bool gank()
 65 {
 66     if(len1==0)return 1;
 67     mz(h1);mz(hh1);
 68     attack(s1,len1,h1,hh1);
 69     ///全出完
 70     //cout<<hh1[1]<<','<<hh1[2]<<','<<hh1[3]<<','<<hh1[4]<<endl;
 71     if(h1[17]==1 && h1[16]==1 && len1==2)return 1;///王炸
 72     if(hh1[4]==1 && len1==6)return 1;///4带2
 73     if(hh1[4]==1 && len1==4)return 1;///炸弹
 74     else if(hh1[4]==0 && hh1[3]==1 && ( (len1==3) || (len1==4 && hh1[1]==1) || (len1==5 && hh1[2]==1) ))return 1;///3个、3带1、3带2
 75     else if(hh1[4]==0 && hh1[3]==0 && hh1[2]==1 && hh1[1]==0 && len1==2)return 1;///一对
 76     else if(len1==1)return 1;///一张
 78     ///一下出不完的
 79     mz(h2);mz(hh2);
 80     attack(s2,len2,h2,hh2);
 81     if(h2[17]>=1 && h2[16]>=1) return 0;///被王炸
 82     if(h1[17]>=1 && h1[16]>=1) return 1;///王炸
 83     if(MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,4,0)<MaxCard(h2,hh2,len2,4,0))return 0;///炸弹没它大 或者 自己没炸弹他有炸弹
 84     else if(MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,4,0)>MaxCard(h2,hh2,len2,4,0))return 1;///炸弹比它大 或者 它没炸弹我有炸弹
 85     ///下面是都没炸弹的
 86     //printf("h1:%d,h2:%d\n",MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,3,2),MaxCard(h2,hh2,len2,3,2));
 87     if(MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,3,2)!=-1 && MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,3,2)>=MaxCard(h2,hh2,len2,3,2))return 1;
 88     if(MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,3,1)!=-1 && MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,3,1)>=MaxCard(h2,hh2,len2,3,1))return 1;
 89     if(MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,3,0)!=-1 && MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,3,0)>=MaxCard(h2,hh2,len2,3,0))return 1;
 90     if(MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,2,0)!=-1 && MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,2,0)>=MaxCard(h2,hh2,len2,2,0))return 1;
 91     if(MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,1,0)!=-1 && MaxCard(h1,hh1,len1,1,0)>=MaxCard(h2,hh2,len2,1,0))return 1;
 92     return 0;
 93 }
 95 int main()
 96 {
 97     int T,i,j,k;
 98     v['Y']=17;
 99     v['X']=16;
100     v['2']=15;
101     v['A']=14;
102     v['K']=13;
103     v['Q']=12;
104     v['J']=11;
105     v['T']=10;
106     for(i=3;i<=9;i++)
107         v['0'+i]=i;
108     scanf("%d\n",&T);
109     while(T--)
110     {
111         gets(s1);
112         gets(s2);
113         len1=strlen(s1);
114         len2=strlen(s2);
115         //sort(s1,s1+len1,cmp);
116         //sort(s2,s2+len2,cmp);
117 //        puts(s1);
118 //        puts(s2);
119         if(gank())  puts("Yes");
120             else puts("No");
121     }
122     return 0;
123 }
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