#include <GL/glut.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <malloc.h> #include <math.h> int xnseg_ = 100; int ynseg_ = 100; int tnseg_ = 100; struct Heat { double u[101][101]; }; struct Heat heat[101]; struct Heat_h { double u_h[101][101]; }; struct Heat_h heat_h[100]; double xx[101]; double yy[101]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Crank_Nicolson { public : Crank_Nicolson(void); void clear(void); void clear_index(void); ~Crank_Nicolson(void) { clear(); } public : void set_init_funct0(double (*_funct0)(double _x, double _y)) { funct0_ = _funct0; } void set_init_funcx0(double (*_funcx0)(double _y, double _t)) { funcx0_ = _funcx0; } //初始条件 u(x,0)=f(x) void set_init_funcxn(double (*_funcxn)(double _y, double _t)) { funcxn_ = _funcxn; } void set_init_funcy0(double (*_funcy0)(double _x, double _t)) { funcy0_ = _funcy0; } //初始条件 u(x,0)=f(x) void set_init_funcyn(double (*_funcyn)(double _x, double _t)) { funcyn_ = _funcyn; } void setSegment(double _xbgn, double _xend, double _ybgn, double _yend); //_xbgn,_xend分别为数组 x 的初值和末值; _xnseg为将x 分成的段数 void init_arrays(double _tbgn, double _tvary); //_tbgn为起始时间, _tseg为将时间分成的段数, _tvary为相邻时间的差值 void set_c(double _c); //设置温度系数c void get_rx(void); //计算系数r void get_ry(void); void init_index_hf(int layer, int row); void guassi_hf(); void calculate_hf_onerow(int layer, int row); void calculate_hf_onelayer(int layer); void init_index(int layer, int col); void guassi(); void calculate_onecol(int layer, int col); void calculate_onelayer(int layer); void calculate(void); //计算不同时间不同位置处的温度, 并将结果放入数组二维u void show_layer(int layer); private : double xbgn_, xend_, ybgn_, yend_, tbgn_, tvary_; //tvary_为相邻时间的差值 double c_, rx_, ry_; double (*funct0_)(double,double); double (*funcx0_)(double,double); double (*funcxn_)(double,double); double (*funcy0_)(double,double); double (*funcyn_)(double,double); double *y, *x, *t; //t 存放时间, x存放位置 double *t_h; double *index1; double *index2; double *index3; double *result; };
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Crank_Nicolson.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Crank_Nicolson::Crank_Nicolson() { xbgn_ = 0; xend_ = 0; ybgn_ = 0; yend_ = 0; tbgn_ = 0; tvary_ = 0; c_ = 0; rx_ = 0; ry_ = 0; y = NULL; x = NULL; t = NULL; t_h = NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Crank_Nicolson::clear() { if(y) delete []y; if(x) delete []x; if(t) delete []t; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Crank_Nicolson::setSegment(double _xbgn, double _xend, double _ybgn, double _yend) { if(_xbgn >= _xend) { std::cout << "Err: range of X is wrong." << '\n'; exit(0); } if(_ybgn >= _yend) { std::cout << "Err: range of y is wrong." << '\n'; exit(0); } xbgn_ = _xbgn; xend_ = _xend; ybgn_ = _ybgn; yend_ = _yend; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Crank_Nicolson::init_arrays(double _tbgn, double _tvary) { clear(); if(_tbgn < 0) { std::cout << "Err: t is NOT defined at all." << '\n'; exit(0); } if(_tvary < 0) { std::cout << "Err: tvary is NOT defined at all." << '\n'; exit(0); } tbgn_ = _tbgn; tvary_ = _tvary; index1 = (double *) malloc ((xnseg_-2)*sizeof(double)); index2 = (double *) malloc ((xnseg_-1)*sizeof(double)); index3 = (double *) malloc ((xnseg_-2)*sizeof(double)); result = (double *) malloc ((xnseg_-1)*sizeof(double)); y = (double *)malloc((ynseg_+1)*sizeof(double)); x = (double *)malloc((xnseg_+1)*sizeof(double)); t = (double *)malloc((tnseg_+1)*sizeof(double)); t_h = (double *)malloc((tnseg_)*sizeof(double)); *(t+0) = tbgn_; for(int i = 1; i <= tnseg_; i++) *(t+i) = *(t+i-1) + tvary_; *(t_h+0) = tbgn_+(1.0/2)*tvary_; for(i = 1; i < tnseg_; i++) *(t_h+i) = *(t_h+i-1) + tvary_; *(y+0) = ybgn_; yy[0]=*(y+0); double yi = (yend_ - ybgn_) / ynseg_; for(i = 1; i <= ynseg_; i++) { *(y+i) = *(y+i-1) + yi; yy[i]=*(y+i); } *(x+0) = xbgn_; xx[0]=*(x+0); double xi = (xend_ - xbgn_) / xnseg_; for (i = 1; i <= xnseg_; i++) { *(x+i) = *(x+ i-1) + xi; xx[i]=*(x+i); } for (int j=0; j<=tnseg_; j++) { for (i = 0; i <= ynseg_ ; i++) { heat[j].u[0][i] = funcx0_(*(y+i),*(t+i)); heat[j].u[xnseg_][i] = funcxn_(*(y+i),*(t+i)); } for (i = 1; i < xnseg_ ; i++) { heat[j].u[i][0] = funcy0_(*(x+i),*(t+i)); heat[j].u[i][ynseg_] = funcyn_(*(x+i),*(t+i)); } } for (j=0; j<tnseg_; j++) { for (i = 0; i <= ynseg_ ; i++) { heat_h[j].u_h[0][i] = funcx0_(*(y+i),*(t_h+i)); heat_h[j].u_h[xnseg_][i] = funcxn_(*(y+i),*(t_h+i)); } for (i = 1; i < xnseg_ ; i++) { heat_h[j].u_h[i][0] = funcy0_(*(x+i),*(t_h+i)); heat_h[j].u_h[i][ynseg_] = funcyn_(*(x+i),*(t_h+i)); } } //initial condition: u(x,0)=f(x) for (i = 1; i< xnseg_; i++) for(int j=1; j<ynseg_; j++) heat[0].u[i][j] = funct0_ (*(x+i),*(y+j)); //equation func_(float) has been identified before } ////////////////////////////////////////// void Crank_Nicolson::set_c(double _c) { c_ = _c; } //////////////////////////////////////////////// void Crank_Nicolson::get_rx() { double xi = (xend_ - xbgn_) / xnseg_; rx_ = (c_*tvary_) / (xi*xi); std::cout << "rx = " << rx_ << '\n'; } void Crank_Nicolson::get_ry() { double yi = (yend_ - ybgn_) / ynseg_; ry_ = (c_*tvary_) / (yi*yi); std::cout << "ry = " << ry_ << '\n'; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////new!!!!!!!! void Crank_Nicolson::init_index_hf(int layer, int row) { //从0 1 开始 row 到 ynseg_-1 结束 *(index2+1) = 1+rx_; *(index3+1) = -1*rx_*(1.0/2); *(result+1) = 1.0/2*rx_*heat[layer].u[1][row-1] + (1-rx_)*heat[layer].u[1][row] + 1.0/2*rx_*heat[layer].u[1][row+1] +1.0/2*rx_*heat_h[layer].u_h[0][row]; for(int i = 2; i < xnseg_-1; i++) { *(index1+i) = -1*rx_*(1.0/2); *(index2+i) = 1+rx_; *(index3+i) = -1*rx_*(1.0/2); *(result+i) = 1.0/2*rx_*heat[layer].u[i][row-1] + (1-rx_)*heat[layer].u[i][row] + 1.0/2*rx_*heat[layer].u[i][row+1]; } *(index1+i) = -1*rx_*(1.0/2); *(index2+i) = 1+rx_; *(result+i) = 1.0/2*rx_*heat[layer].u[i][row-1] + (1-rx_)*heat[layer].u[i][row] + 1.0/2*rx_*heat[layer].u[i][row+1] + 1.0/2*rx_*heat_h[layer].u_h[xnseg_][row]; } void Crank_Nicolson::guassi_hf() { for (int i = 2; i < xnseg_-1; i++) { *(index2+i) = (*(index2+i)) * ( (-1)*(*(index2+i-1)) / (*(index1+i)) ) + (*(index3+i-1)); *(index3+i) = (*(index3+i)) * ( (-1)*(*(index2+i-1)) / (*(index1+i)) ); *(result+i) = (*(result+i)) * ( (-1)*(*(index2+i-1)) / (*(index1+i)) ) + (*(result+i-1)); *(index1+i) = 0; } *(index2+i) = (*(index2+i)) * ( (-1)*(*(index2+i-1)) / (*(index1+i)) ) + (*(index3+i-1)); *(result+i) = (*(result+i)) * ( (-1)*(*(index2+i-1)) / (*(index1+i)) ) + (*(result+i-1)); *(index1+i) = 0; } void Crank_Nicolson::calculate_hf_onerow(int layer, int row) { //0,1 init_index_hf(layer, row); guassi_hf(); double y_pre; y_pre = ( (*(result+xnseg_-1)) ) / (*(index2+xnseg_-1)); double y_next = y_pre; heat_h[layer].u_h[xnseg_-1][row] = y_next; for (int i = xnseg_-2; i > 1; i--) { y_pre = ( (*(result+i)) - ( (*(index3+i)) * y_next ) ) / (*(index2+i)); heat_h[layer].u_h[i][row] = y_pre; y_next = y_pre; } y_pre = ( *(result+1) - (*(index3+1))*y_next) / (*(index2+1)); heat_h[layer].u_h[i][row] = y_pre; } void Crank_Nicolson::calculate_hf_onelayer(int layer) { //0~tnseg_-1 int row; for(row=1; row<ynseg_; row++) calculate_hf_onerow(layer, row); } void Crank_Nicolson::init_index(int layer, int col) { //从0 1 开始 col 到 xnseg_-1 结束 *(index2+1) = 1+rx_; *(index3+1) = -1*rx_*(1.0/2); *(result+1) = 1.0/2*rx_*heat_h[layer].u_h[col-1][1] + (1-rx_)*heat_h[layer].u_h[col][1] + 1.0/2*rx_*heat_h[layer].u_h[col+1][1] +(1.0/2)*rx_*heat[layer+1].u[col][0]; for(int i = 2; i < ynseg_-1; i++) { *(index1+i) = -1*rx_*(1.0/2); *(index2+i) = 1+rx_; *(index3+i) = -1*rx_*(1.0/2); *(result+i) = (1.0/2)*rx_*heat_h[layer].u_h[col-1][i] + (1-rx_)*heat_h[layer].u_h[col][i] + (1.0/2)*rx_*heat_h[layer].u_h[col+1][i]; } *(index1+i) = -1*rx_*(1.0/2); *(index2+i) = 1+rx_; *(result+i) = 1.0/2*rx_*heat_h[layer].u_h[col-1][i] + (1-rx_)*heat_h[layer].u_h[col][i] + 1.0/2*rx_*heat_h[layer].u_h[col+1][i] + 1.0/2*rx_*heat[layer+1].u[col][ynseg_]; } void Crank_Nicolson::guassi() { for (int i = 2; i < ynseg_-1; i++) { *(index2+i) = (*(index2+i)) * ( (-1)*(*(index2+i-1)) / (*(index1+i)) ) + (*(index3+i-1)); *(index3+i) = (*(index3+i)) * ( (-1)*(*(index2+i-1)) / (*(index1+i)) ); *(result+i) = (*(result+i)) * ( (-1)*(*(index2+i-1)) / (*(index1+i)) ) + (*(result+i-1)); *(index1+i) = 0; } *(index2+i) = (*(index2+i)) * ( (-1)*(*(index2+i-1)) / (*(index1+i)) ) + (*(index3+i-1)); *(result+i) = (*(result+i)) * ( (-1)*(*(index2+i-1)) / (*(index1+i)) ) + (*(result+i-1)); *(index1+i) = 0; } void Crank_Nicolson::calculate_onecol(int layer, int col) { //0,1 init_index(layer, col); guassi(); double y_pre; y_pre = ( (*(result+ynseg_-1)) ) / (*(index2+ynseg_-1)); double y_next = y_pre; heat[layer+1].u[col][ynseg_-1] = y_next; for (int i = ynseg_-2; i > 1; i--) { y_pre = ( (*(result+i)) - ( (*(index3+i)) * y_next ) ) / (*(index2+i)); heat[layer+1].u[col][i] = y_pre; y_next = y_pre; } y_pre = ( *(result+1) - (*(index3+1))*y_next) / (*(index2+1)); heat[layer+1].u[col][i] = y_pre; } void Crank_Nicolson::calculate_onelayer(int layer) { //0~tnseg_-1 int col; for(col=1; col<xnseg_; col++) calculate_onecol(layer, col); } ///new!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Crank_Nicolson::calculate() { int layer; for(layer=0; layer<tnseg_; layer++) { calculate_hf_onelayer(layer); calculate_onelayer(layer); } } void Crank_Nicolson::show_layer(int layer) { std::cout << '\n' << "layer= " << layer << '\n'; for (int i=0; i<=xnseg_; i=i+5) { std::cout<< '\n' << "x=" << *(x+i) << '\n'; for(int j=0; j<=ynseg_; j=j+10) { if(heat[layer].u[i][j]<0) heat[layer].u[i][j]=0; std::cout<< heat[layer].u[i][j] << " "; } } std::cout << '\n'; }
#include <GL/glut.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define PI 3.1415926 void init(void); void reshape(int w,int h); void display(void); void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y); int layer = 0; double maxt0 = 100.0; #include "file.h" #include <math.h> Crank_Nicolson rank_Nicolson; /////////////////////////////////////////// double funct0(double x, double y) { return 100-sqrt((x-50.0)*(x-50.0)+(y-50.0)*(y-50.0)); // return 100*sin(PI/10*x)+100*sin(PI/100*y); } double funcx0(double y, double t) { return 0.0; } double funcxn(double y, double t) { return 0.0; } double funcy0(double x, double t) { return 0.0; } double funcyn(double x, double t) { return 0.0; } ////////////////////////////////////// int main (int argc, char **argv) { rank_Nicolson.set_init_funct0(funct0); rank_Nicolson.set_init_funcx0(funcx0); rank_Nicolson.set_init_funcxn(funcxn); rank_Nicolson.set_init_funcy0(funcy0); rank_Nicolson.set_init_funcyn(funcyn); rank_Nicolson.setSegment(0.0, 100.0, 0.0, 100.0); //步长为1 rank_Nicolson.init_arrays(0.0, 1); rank_Nicolson.set_c(10); rank_Nicolson.get_rx(); rank_Nicolson.get_ry(); rank_Nicolson.calculate(); glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB); //用GLUT_DOUBLE模式可以消除动画程序的闪烁现象 glutInitWindowSize (500, 500); glutInitWindowPosition (100, 100); glutCreateWindow("myheat"); init(); glutDisplayFunc(display); glutReshapeFunc(reshape); glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard); glutMainLoop(); return 0; } void init (void) { glClearColor (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); } void reshape(int w, int h) { glViewport (0, 0, (GLsizei) w, (GLsizei) h); //定义适口大小,(x,y)为左下角坐标,(width,height)为高和宽 glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); //gluLookAt(50.0,30.0,50.0,0.0,0.0,-1.0,1.0,0.0,0.0); glOrtho(-200, 300, 200, -400, -500, 500); //(left,right,bottom,top,near,far) //创建正交平行视景体矩阵,并把它与当前矩阵相乘,(left,bottom,-near)和(right,top,-near)是近侧裁剪平面上的点,分别映射到适口窗口的左下角和右上角; //(left,bottom,-far)和(right,top,-far)是远侧裁剪平面上的点,分别映射到视口窗口的左下角和右上角. glRotatef(90,0,1,0); glRotatef(90,1,0,0); glTranslated(10.0,-30,0.0); glScalef(2.0,2.0,2.0); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); } void display() { glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); GLint i, j; GLdouble x_lf; for(i=0; i<xnseg_; i++) { for(j=0; j<ynseg_; j++) { glBegin(GL_POINTS); //glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_LINES); x_lf = heat[layer].u[i][j] / maxt0; if(x_lf>1) x_lf=1; glColor3f(0.0+x_lf,0.0,1.0-(0.0+x_lf)); glVertex3f(xx[i],yy[j],heat[layer].u[i][j]); glEnd(); } } glutSwapBuffers(); //与双缓冲模式相对应,若是单缓冲模式,则用glFlush() rank_Nicolson.show_layer(layer); } void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y) { if(key == 'g' || key == 'G') { layer++; display(); } }