首先,UNP的源码链接为 点击打开链接,下载完成后使用tar -zxvf命令进行解压。
$ tar -zxvf unpv13e.tar.gz解压完成后,进入该目录。
$ cd unpv13e对于初学者,一看到软件包里这么多的文件,肯定会一头雾水,这尼玛都是用来干啥的?不急,第一件事情就是去读一下README。
Execute the following from the src/ directory: ./configure # try to figure out all implementation differences cd lib # build the basic library that all programs need make # use "gmake" everywhere on BSD/OS systems cd ../libfree # continue building the basic library make cd ../libroute # only if your system supports 4.4BSD style routing sockets make # only if your system supports 4.4BSD style routing sockets cd ../libxti # only if your system supports XTI make # only if your system supports XTI cd ../intro # build and test a basic client program make daytimetcpcli ./daytimetcpcli If all that works, you're all set to start compiling individual programs. Notice that all the source code assumes tabs every 4 columns, not 8.
ranlib ../libunp.a
libunp.a?这是啥玩意,对,这个是静态链接文件。这时候有人肯定会疑问:静态链接是用来干啥的?这就复杂了,给大家个提示,百度”从代码到可执行文件的过程“,”动态链接与静态链接的区别“。接下来,进入advio文件夹,尝试着像readme所说的,make daytimetcpcli,我们会发现make的过程如下:
gcc -I../lib -g -O2 -D_REENTRANT -Wall -o daytimetcpcli daytimetcpcli.o ../libunp.a -lpthread
gcc -o daytimetcpcli(可执行文件) daytimetcpcli.c(C源文件) /usr/lib/libunp.a(我自己的libunp.a的存放位置),再依据config.h和unp.h的具体位置,去编辑unp.h的#include ”../config.h",至此我开心地敲开了Unix网络编程的大门。