Programming Question:
Convert an IPv4 address in the format of null-terminated C string into a 32-bit integer.For example, given an IP address “”, the output should be a 32-bit integer with “172” as the highest order 8 bit, 168 as the second highest order 8 bit, 5 as the second lowest order 8 bit, and 1 as the lowest order 8 bit. That is,"" => 2896692481
- You can only iterate the string once.
- You should handle spaces correctly: a string with spaces between a digit and a dot is a valid input; while a string with spaces between two digits is not.
- "172[Space].[Space]168.5.1" is a valid input. Should process the output normally.
- "1[Space]" is not a valid input. Should report an error.
- Please provide unit tests.
public class IPV4Demo { private static final String INVALID_FORMAT = "invalid format";
private static final long INVALID_CODE = -1; public long parseIP4Address(String input) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(input) || input.startsWith(" ") || input.startsWith(".") || input.endsWith(" ")
|| input.endsWith(".")) {
} long sum = 0;
int shift = 3;
String[] array = input.split("\\.");
if (array.length != 4) {
} boolean parseError = false;
for (int index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
try {
long segment = Long.parseLong(array[index].trim());
sum += segment << ((shift--) * 8);
} catch (Exception ex) {
parseError = true;
if (parseError) {
return sum;
Unit Test
public class IPV4DemoTest { private static IPV4Demo demo = new IPV4Demo();
public void testNull(){
Long value = demo.parseIP4Address(null);
Assert.assertTrue(Objects.equal(-1l, value));
public void testEmptyString(){
Long value = demo.parseIP4Address("");
Assert.assertTrue(Objects.equal(-1l, value));
} @Test
public void testEmptyString2(){
Long value = demo.parseIP4Address("");
Assert.assertTrue(Objects.equal(-1l, value));
} @Test
public void testEmptyString3(){
Long value = demo.parseIP4Address(" ");
Assert.assertTrue(Objects.equal(-1l, value));
} @Test
public void testRegular(){
Long value = demo.parseIP4Address("");
Assert.assertTrue(Objects.equal(2896692481l, value));
public void testWithSpace_01(){
Long value = demo.parseIP4Address("172 .168.5.1");
Assert.assertTrue(Objects.equal(2896692481l, value));
public void testWithSpace_02(){
Long value = demo.parseIP4Address("172. 168.5.1");
Assert.assertTrue(Objects.equal(2896692481l, value));
public void testWithSpace_03(){
Long value = demo.parseIP4Address("172 . 168.5.1");
Assert.assertTrue(Objects.equal(2896692481l, value));
public void testWithSpace_04(){
Long value = demo.parseIP4Address("1");
Assert.assertTrue(Objects.equal(-1l, value));
public void testWithDot_01(){
Long value = demo.parseIP4Address("");
Assert.assertTrue(Objects.equal(-1l, value));
public void testWithDot_02(){
Long value = demo.parseIP4Address("172.168.51.");
Assert.assertTrue(Objects.equal(-1l, value));
public void testWithDot_03(){
Long value = demo.parseIP4Address("172.168.51");
Assert.assertTrue(Objects.equal(-1l, value));
public void testWithDot_04(){
Long value = demo.parseIP4Address(".172.168.51");
Assert.assertTrue(Objects.equal(-1l, value));
public void testWithDot_05(){
Long value = demo.parseIP4Address("..168.51");
Assert.assertTrue(Objects.equal(-1l, value));