php 封装mysql的类
interface等 需自己定义 单例模式不适用于工厂模式,若是需要 引入到工厂模式
<?php header('content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); require 'MysqlPdoDB.class.php'; require 'MysqliDB.class.php'; require './DB.config.php'; class DBFactory{ public function createPdo(){ return MysqlDB::getInstance(); } public function create2(){ #code } //..如此(单例模式) 不能传参数进行 分类的引用类 }
<?php header('content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); require './DB.config.php'; require './DB.interface.php'; class mysqlDB { private static $obj;//私有的静态变量 储存 实例化的类 public $table; public $dsn; public $pdo; private function __clone(){ trigger_error('Clone is not allow',E_USER_ERROR);//若是克隆 报错提醒 这是不被允许的 }//私有的克隆方法 private final function __construct()//私有的不可被继承的 构造方法 { $cfg=require './DB.config.php'; $dsn['dsn']=$cfg['dsn']; $dsn['username']=$cfg['username']; $dsn['password']=$cfg['password']; $dsn['charset']=$cfg['charset']; $this->dsn=$dsn; $pdo=new PDO($this->dsn['dsn'],$this->dsn['username'],$this->dsn['password']); $pdo->exec("set names ".$this->dsn['charset'].""); $this->pdo=$pdo; return $this; } public function getInstance() { if(!self::$obj instanceof self){//instanceof 用于确定一个 PHP 变量是否属于某一类 class 的实例: self::$obj=new self; } return self::$obj; } public function connect(){ } public function table($tableName){ $tableName=trim($tableName); $this->table=$tableName; return $this; } public function insert($data){//进行添加 返回 上一条的添加值 $keyStr=""; $valStr=""; foreach($data as $k=>$v){ $keyStr.=','.$k; $valStr.=','."'$v'"; } $keyStr=trim($keyStr,','); $valStr=trim($valStr,','); $sql="INSERT INTO ".$this->table." ($keyStr) VALUES($valStr)"; $res=$this->pdo->exec($sql); if($res){ return $this->pdo->lastInsertId(); }else{ return $this->pdo->errorInfo(); } } public function select($columns, $join = null, $where = null, $group = null, $having = null, $order = null, $limit = null){ $columns = implode(',', array_values($columns)); // 需要加条件判断是否为空,是否需要拼接 $sql = "select ".$columns." from `".$this->table."` "; if($join!=null){ $sql .= $join; } if($where!=null){ $sql .= " where ".$where; } if($group!=null){ $sql .= " group by ".$group; } if($having!=null){ $sql .= " having ".$having; } if($order!=null){ $sql .= " order by ".$order; } if($limit!=null){ $sql .= " limit ".$limit; } //echo $sql;exit; $res = $this->pdo->query($sql); return $res; } public function getRow($field='*',$where) {//获取 单行数据 参数为 字段名和where条件 (数据类型为数组) $whereStr=1; if(!empty($where)){ foreach ($where as $k => $val) { $whereStr.=" AND ".$k."="."'$val'"; } } $whereStr=substr($whereStr,5); //$fieldStr='*'; if(!empty($field)){ $field=trim($field,','); } $sql= "select $field from ".$this->table." where $whereStr"; $data=$this->pdo->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $data; } public function getOne($field="*",$where) {//获取 单个字段名的数据 参数为字段名(string) 和where条件(array) $whereStr=1; if(!empty($where)){ foreach ($where as $k => $val) { $whereStr.=" AND ".$k."="."'$val'"; } } $whereStr=substr($whereStr,5); if(!empty($field)){ $field=trim($field,','); } $sql= "select $field from ".$this->table." where $whereStr"; $data=$this->pdo->query($sql)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $data; } public function getAll()//所有数据 { $sql="select * from ".$this->table ; $res=$this->pdo->query($sql)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $res; } public function update($data,$where)//改 { $setStr=""; foreach($data as $k=>$v){ $setStr.=$k.'='."'$v'".','; } $whereStr=""; foreach ($where as $k => $val) { $whereStr.=" AND ".$k."="."'$val'"; } $whereStr=substr($whereStr,5); $setStr=trim($setStr,','); $sql="update ".$this->table." set $setStr where $whereStr"; $res=$this->pdo->exec($sql); return $res; } public function delete($where)//删除 { $str=""; foreach ($where as $k => $val) { $str.=" AND ".$k."="."'$val'"; } $str=substr($str,5); $sql="delete from $this->table where $str"; $res=$this->pdo->exec($sql); return $res; } } $mysql=mysqlDB::getInstance(); $data=array( 'title'=>'测试数据', 'contents'=>'测试数据内容' ); $res=$mysql->table('news')->insert($data); var_dump($res);给一个接口 具体方法 可以加入接口中 并使用
implements 引用
interface DB{ //增加 arr为传入的数组 public function insert($arr); //查询 public function select(); //修改 public function update($arr,$where); //删除 public function delete($where); //执行sql语句 public function query($sql); public function table($tableName); }