
时间:2022-12-08 19:57:40

I wish to loop throw jQuery collection without each and callback call.


I have following code


var found1 = false;
$('#Root div.ListItem').each(function( index, d1 ) { 
    if (group == d1.text()){ found1 = true; }
} );


Once found1 is set true Next time it is always true. I would like to know how to loop without each and callback like


for(var id in $('#Root div.ListItem')) { ... }



I am not wondering how to break loop. I do not wish to pass callback in each


If I pass jQuery object in loop then I get to many keys.




In that example there might be 1 key for one child element.


3 个解决方案



Your attempt to use a for-in statement in your fiddle is actually iterating over all of the properties in the jQuery array-like object:


for (var id in $('#Root div.ListItem')) {
    // id is the name of the property

You don't want this; you need to iterate over the elements in the array-like object:


for (var id in $('#root span').toArray()) { // convert to native array
    // id is now an element found by the selector
    $('<div />', {text: $(id).text()}).appendTo($('#out'));

You'll see in the above that the output is what you were expecting.


So, back to your original question. It sounds like you just need to break out of your loop once you've found a match. In case you're wondering how to break out of a jQuery each loop, simply return false; after you set found1 = true;. You shouldn't be afraid to pass in a callback; that callback is just executed for each element in your selector in a regular old for-loop "under-the-hood."

所以,回到你原来的问题。听起来你只需要在找到匹配后突破你的循环。如果你想知道如何在每个循环中打破jQuery,只需返回false;设置found1 = true后。你不应该害怕传递回调;该回调仅针对选择器中的每个元素在常规的旧for循环“引擎盖下”执行。

If you really want to write the for-each structure yourself, then something like this would be sufficient:


var found1 = false;
var items = $('#Root div.ListItem').toArray(); // an array of DOM elements
for (var i = 0, j = items.length; i < j; i++) {
    // You can access the DOM elements in the array by index, but you'll
    // have to rewrap them in a jQuery object to be able to call .text()
    if (group == $(items[i]).text()) {
        found1 = true; 
        break; // no need to keep iterating once a match is found

A shorter but slower way to do this might be to use $.grep and check if it found anything:

一个更短但更慢的方法可能是使用$ .grep并检查它是否找到了任何东西:

var found1 = $.grep($('#Root div.ListItem'), function() {
    return group == $(this).text();
}).length > 0;

I wouldn't recommend the latter unless the selector is only returning a handful of elements (e.g. < 50).




It sounds like you want to stop processing when you meet some condition. You can do that with each by returning false when the condition is met:


var found1 = false;
$('#Root div.ListItem').each(function(index, d1) { 
    if (group == d1.text()) { 
        found1 = true; 
        return false;

You can also iterate over the return value of $('#Root div.ListItem') like it's any other array (if you insist on not using each).

您还可以迭代$('#Ring div.ListItem')的返回值,就像它的任何其他数组一样(如果您坚持不使用每个数组)。



As I do not have the necessary reputation (50), I was not able to comment on the accepted answer. However, I do not believe that the following code will work as expected:


for (var id in $('#root span').toArray()) { // convert to native array
    // id is now an element found by the selector
    $('<div />', {text: $(id).text()}).appendTo($('#out'));

Unless I'm missing something, "id" would be an integer representing the iterated array index, not the actual array element. If so, $(id) would not point to a valid jquery object. Instead, wouldn't it need to be something like this?


for (var id in $('#root span').toArray()) { // convert to native array
    // id is now an element found by the selector
    $('<div />', {text: $($('#root span')[id]).text()}).appendTo($('#out'));



Your attempt to use a for-in statement in your fiddle is actually iterating over all of the properties in the jQuery array-like object:


for (var id in $('#Root div.ListItem')) {
    // id is the name of the property

You don't want this; you need to iterate over the elements in the array-like object:


for (var id in $('#root span').toArray()) { // convert to native array
    // id is now an element found by the selector
    $('<div />', {text: $(id).text()}).appendTo($('#out'));

You'll see in the above that the output is what you were expecting.


So, back to your original question. It sounds like you just need to break out of your loop once you've found a match. In case you're wondering how to break out of a jQuery each loop, simply return false; after you set found1 = true;. You shouldn't be afraid to pass in a callback; that callback is just executed for each element in your selector in a regular old for-loop "under-the-hood."

所以,回到你原来的问题。听起来你只需要在找到匹配后突破你的循环。如果你想知道如何在每个循环中打破jQuery,只需返回false;设置found1 = true后。你不应该害怕传递回调;该回调仅针对选择器中的每个元素在常规的旧for循环“引擎盖下”执行。

If you really want to write the for-each structure yourself, then something like this would be sufficient:


var found1 = false;
var items = $('#Root div.ListItem').toArray(); // an array of DOM elements
for (var i = 0, j = items.length; i < j; i++) {
    // You can access the DOM elements in the array by index, but you'll
    // have to rewrap them in a jQuery object to be able to call .text()
    if (group == $(items[i]).text()) {
        found1 = true; 
        break; // no need to keep iterating once a match is found

A shorter but slower way to do this might be to use $.grep and check if it found anything:

一个更短但更慢的方法可能是使用$ .grep并检查它是否找到了任何东西:

var found1 = $.grep($('#Root div.ListItem'), function() {
    return group == $(this).text();
}).length > 0;

I wouldn't recommend the latter unless the selector is only returning a handful of elements (e.g. < 50).




It sounds like you want to stop processing when you meet some condition. You can do that with each by returning false when the condition is met:


var found1 = false;
$('#Root div.ListItem').each(function(index, d1) { 
    if (group == d1.text()) { 
        found1 = true; 
        return false;

You can also iterate over the return value of $('#Root div.ListItem') like it's any other array (if you insist on not using each).

您还可以迭代$('#Ring div.ListItem')的返回值,就像它的任何其他数组一样(如果您坚持不使用每个数组)。



As I do not have the necessary reputation (50), I was not able to comment on the accepted answer. However, I do not believe that the following code will work as expected:


for (var id in $('#root span').toArray()) { // convert to native array
    // id is now an element found by the selector
    $('<div />', {text: $(id).text()}).appendTo($('#out'));

Unless I'm missing something, "id" would be an integer representing the iterated array index, not the actual array element. If so, $(id) would not point to a valid jquery object. Instead, wouldn't it need to be something like this?


for (var id in $('#root span').toArray()) { // convert to native array
    // id is now an element found by the selector
    $('<div />', {text: $($('#root span')[id]).text()}).appendTo($('#out'));